(ed. The most important layers are from the Egyptian occupation in Canaan and belong archaeologically to the Bronze Age. So this means 15 cities jumbled on top of each other! November 1st 2013. and less of an archeology … The Penn. | In this tour I will take you to an incredible archaeological site off the beaten track, a day trip from Jerusalem. He further noted that Baysan was notable for its indigo, rice, dates and grape syrup known as dibs. Elaborate decorations were also found in the settlement's many luxurious villas, and in the 6th century especially, the city reached its maximum size of 40,000 and spread beyond its period city walls. Centuries later it became a centre for processing cane sugar. [35] However, some recently discovered counter-evidence may be offered to this picture of decline. The large mound is called Tel Beit She’an. [58] Geographically, it lies in the middle of the Beit She'an Valley Regional Council.[59]. 1–27. In 2011–2016 the valley railway was rebuilt and the new Beit She'an Railway Station, located at the same site as the historical station was opened. 56.2% of 12th grade students were entitled to a matriculation certificate in 2001. width: 33%; The mosaic in the central hall of the chapel depicts animals such as lions, camels, boars and ostriches around a zodiac illustrating the months of the year. In 63 BCE, Pompey made Judea a part of the Roman empire. 38–53. 344–45. Beit She’an offers the most extensive archaeological site in Israel, with some of the best-preserved ruins in the Middle East. [1] In 2005, the ethnic makeup of the city was 99.5% Jewish and other non-Arab (97.3% Jewish), with no significant Arab population. [2], On January 18, 749, Umayyad Baysan was completely devastated by a catastrophic earthquake. Located in Northern Israel where the Jordan River Valley and the Jezreel Valley meet, Beit She’an is one of Israel’s most ancient cities – no small feat in a nation known for its antiquities. your guide to visiting the holy places. A large Canaanite temple (39 meters in length) excavated by the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Penn Museum) may date from about the same period as Thutmose III's conquest, though the Hebrew University excavations suggest that it dates to a later period. His results suggest that settlement began in the Late Neolithic or Early Chalcolithic periods (sixth to fifth millennia BCE. A. Walmsley, "Economic Developments and the Nature of Settlement in the Towns and Countryside of Syria-Palestine, ca. Khamis, E., "Two wall mosaic inscriptions from the Umayyad market place in Bet Shean/Baysan", Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 64 (2001), pp. On nearby Mount Gilboa in 1004 BC, the army of King Saul, Israel’s first king, was defeated by the Philistines and Saul’s three sons were killed. The Egyptians did not attempt to rebuild their administrative center and finally lost control of the region. Beit Shean Valley The Beit She'an Valley is an area in the Jordan Valley of northern Israel. We spend a full day following the historical route to Dead Sea and then up the Jordan valley almost to the Sea of Galilee. [1993], "The Late Bronze Egyptian Garrison at Beth Shan: Glass and Faience Production and Importation in the Late New Kingdom", BASOR 290-91 (1993), pp. Finkelstein, Israel [1996], "The Stratigraphy and Chronology of Megiddo and Beth-Shan in the 12th–11th Centuries BCE", TA 23 (1996), pp. [45], During this period the inhabitants of Beit She'an were mainly Muslim. [7], Settlement seems to have resumed at the beginning of the Early Bronze Age I (3200–3000) and continues throughout this period, is then missing during Early Bronze Age II, and then resumes in the Early Bronze Age III. Based on a stele found in the temple, inscribed with Egyptian hieroglyphs, the temple was dedicated to the god Mekal. According to the Lignages d'Outremer, the first Crusader lord of Bessan once it became part of the Kingdom of Jerusalem was Adam, a younger son of Robert III de Béthune, peer of Flanders and head of the House of Bethune. [32] Beit She'an was primarily Christian, as attested to by the large number of churches, but evidence of Jewish habitation and a Samaritan synagogue indicate established communities of these minorities. [64] The seventh century Mosaic of Rehob was discovered by farmers of Kibbutz Ein HaNetziv. Mullins, Robert A. James, Frances W. & McGovern, Patrick E. [1993], The Late Bronze Egyptian Garrison at Beth Shan: a Study of Levels VII and VIII, 2 volumes, [University Museum Monograph 85], Philadelphia: University Museum, University of Pennsylvania & University of Mississippi, 1993. 66–83 (יברית). [22] During the 20th Dynasty, invasions of the "Sea Peoples" upset Egypt's control over the Eastern Mediterranean. Last entry to site one hour before closing time. The Roman Jewish historian Josephus Flavius, in his Vita, referred to the city in Greek as Besara, the administrative center of the estates of Queen Berenice in the Jezreel Valley.. Roman and Byzantine periods. After Israel's Declaration of Independence in May 1948, during intense shelling by Syrian border units, followed by the recapture of the valley by the Haganah, the Arab inhabitants fled across the Jordan River. [13] The Hebrew University excavations determined that this temple was built on the site of an earlier one. Share. This is the place to post pictures of the various sites built and used by humans through the ages. [1931], Beth-shan Excavations 1921–23: the Arab and Byzantine Levels, Beth-shan III, University Museum: Philadelphia, 1931. and Small, D. (eds), The Archaeology of Israel – Constructing the Past, Interpreting the Present, [JSOT Supplement Series 237], Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997, pp. The modern town of Beit She’an has encroached on some of the ancient ruins. Beit Sh'ean is one of Israel's largest archaeological sites. margin-left: 0; •  An amphitheatre holding 6000, where gladiatorial contests entertained soldiers of the Sixth Legion which was based here. Period: Late Roman and/or Byzantine. Oren, Eliezer D. [1973], The Northern Cemetery of Beth-Shean, [Museum Monograph of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania], E.J. No archeological evidence was found of Philistines occupation, but it is possible the force only passed there.[15]. Horowitz, Wayne [1994], "Trouble in Canaan: A Letter of the el-Amarna Period on a Clay Cylinder from Beth Shean", Qadmoniot 27 (1994), pp. margin: auto; University Museum excavation of the northern cemetery, however, did uncover significant finds. In Roman times, Beit Shean , once rich and glorious city, known also as Scythopolis prospered and became the leading city of the Decapolis, the only one west of the Jordan River. FitzGerald, G.M. Copy link Image by irisphoto1 / Shutterstock. A few residential neighborhoods grew up on the ruins, probably established by the survivors, but the city never recovered its magnificence. Coordinates:… Beit Shean Ruins. In the Biblical account of the battle of the Israelites against the Philistines on Mount Gilboa,[3] the bodies of King Saul and three of his sons were hung on the walls of Beit She'an (1 Samuel 31:10-12). Ruins of Beit She’an from the tell, with modern town in background (Steve Peterson). (ed. They put Saul’s armour in their temple. A sarcophagus with an inscription identifying its occupant in Greek as "Antiochus, the son of Phallion", may have held the cousin of Herod the Great. Mazar, Amihai. City map. 606–619. [39] The town formed one of the districts (kurah) of Jund al-Urdunn during this period. On the elevated mound are remains of the Canaanite and Egyptian cities and at the foot of the mound are the extensive remains of the Roman city. 323–339. A rotunda church was constructed on top of the Tell and the entire city was enclosed in a wall.
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