As mentioned above, let's see a John Woo box set with HD transfers! Freakin Perfect! Buy Night Moves from Amazon's Movies Store. This collection brings together the five films that define the Lee legend: furiously exciting fist-fliers propelled by his innovative choreography, unique martial-arts philosophy, and whirlwind fighting style. Blast and damn! 1974, 1080p HD 2.35:1, Mono / English, subtitles English, Region B, 105 mins. The Dove 5 April 2021 Network. As embarrassing as it is for me to say, but I’ve never actually fully seen all of Bruce Lee’s films. And considering all the extra features in there like the two versions of ENTER and GAME OF DEATH 2 and BL The Man The Legend and in In His Own Words, this thing is stacked. Movies like The Kid, The Orphan, The Thunderstorm and In the Face of Demolition. Finally..!!! Bruce Lee’s return to the Hong Kong film industry after a decade in America proved to be his big breakthrough, launching him to superstardom and setting a new standard for kung-fu heroics. Discuss Blu-ray movies, announcements, release dates, features, etc for United Kingdom and Ireland. Recent contents View information Top users. "Wahhh, genre films can't be art, wahhhh". Quite amazing quality from start to finish and the best excuse ( if one was needed) to buy a region free bluray player. RevengeOfToonces Apr 15, 2020 Been waiting for War Of The Worlds forever. Bruce Lee box after Gozilla? Nice! Blu-ray & 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Release Guide - Week of April 27, 2021 It all builds to an exhilarating climax that is pure Lee: a tour de force of martial-arts mastery in which the legend himself, clad in an iconic yellow jumpsuit, fights his way up a multilevel pagoda, with the towering Kareem Abdul-Jabbar among his formidable opponents. Buy Now. I'm not even sure if I've even seen a Bruce Lee film non dubbed... What a treat!!! I know it's asking for too much, but Five Deadly Venoms is a good idea of what martial arts films can be on BD when done with more than the basic. Bruce Lee: His Greatest Hits (Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray] Qty: Blu-ray List Price: $124.95. It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. 4.9 out of 5 stars 1,114. Wells both of which also appeared in the 2005 release. Expected being lynched here in this forum, but every opinion should be respected. Everyone has their tastes. There is a kind of legend around the Big Boss where people think a version exists somewhere that features this famous "saw" moment. Set in 1910s Shanghai, Fist of Fury casts Lee as a martial-arts student who, after his revered master is murdered by a rival dojo of Japanese imperialists, sets out to defend the honor of both his school and the Chinese people, with his fatal fists as his weapon of choice. I also want it all remastered in Dolby Vision for 4K, at least with Enter the Dragon. @anonymous_024 I've only ever seen Enter the Dragon, and unfortunately I saw after having seen Kentucky Fried Movie many many times. Welcome to SCREAM FACTORY™, a Blu-ray, DVD & Digital sub-brand of SHOUT FACTORY created to focus on your favorite cult classic horror & sci-fi films from the past as well as introducing new thrills and chills too. in the laserdisc and dvd era. So many early/pre 2000's Chinese films from John Woo, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, and more generally Shaw Brothers and Golden Harvest, and many, many others have never had proper releases; let alone a properly mastered bluray. Wow! Enter a legend. Shout Select. Wut. I own these films in just about every format and via all different kind of releases...BUT, I am buying this. A espada era a lei foi o 18° animação dos estúdios Disney e estreou nos cinemas em dezembro de 1963. Enter the Dragon had a terrible transfer? This is a cool set. The 40th Anniversary edition had a fantastic transfer (this site gave it a 4.5/5). 4.3 out of 5 stars ... and based on a review from The CBS/FOX special Widescreen Edition Appears at the beginning of the Movie. I've only just bought the Criterion boxset, I knew this would happen On the plus side there's no English subs so I wouldn't buy anyway (I know I could rip/insert the subs myself), I'll keep an eye out for some UK/US releases in future. Fist of Fury is actually a great martial arts film that needs some love. Why? $83.89. Bruce Lee: His Greatest Hits (the Big Boss / Fist of Fury / the Way of the Dragon / Enter the Dragon / Game of Death) (the Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray] Bruce Lee. Shining a light on films that deserve a spot on your shelf, Shout Select … Criterion put together a nice collection of extras. This may pave the way for Criterion to release a box-set of Bruce Lee's younger year roles in dramas and even a couple of comedies. First day purchase! He used the opportunity to add a touch of goofily entertaining comedy to the typically action-driven proceedings in The Way of the Dragon, which finds him playing a rigorously trained martial artist who travels from Hong Kong to Rome to help his cousin, whose restaurant is being threatened by a gang of thugs. I have been meaning to upgrade the DVDs for some time and this is the perfect opportunity. Pre-ordering this one (in a rare move of excitement). As a martial arts fan, this is exciting! Their choice of movies are definitely deteriorating. Hey danobre, nice video. If the transfers/restorations are improvements over what's available this will be stellar. . Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story Blu-ray Release Date February 3, 2015. Product Notes. Criterion sure knows how to empty my wallet. Count me in too. A nice surprise! The Criterion Collection. is an international online community where people from all over the world (185 countries) meet, chat, flirt and interact every day.There are loads of things to do and it's FREE to join! Criterion gives the world Bruce Lee: The Hits, a new seven-disc Blu-ray set that features six Bruce Lee films, including, The Big Boss, Fists of Fury, The Way of the Dragon, Enter the Dragon, Game of Death, Game of Death II, and a seventh film that is the special edition of Enter the Dragon. Released just days after Lee’s tragic death, Enter the Dragon went on to become his greatest international success and one of the most influential action movies ever made, with its famed hall-of-mirrors finale bringing together the physical and intellectual dimensions of his artistry in one dazzling set piece. Cheap Blu-ray movies and deals. Released five years after Bruce Lee’s death, this eccentrically entertaining kung-fu curio combines footage from an unfinished project directed by and starring Lee with original material shot by Enter the Dragon director Robert Clouse to create an entirely new work that testifies to the actor’s enduring place in the pop-culture imagination. Thank You. Account. Thanks Criterion! Criterion Bruce Lee’s filmography is as storied as any screen legend’s, but far shorter than it ought to have been. Omfg! iPhone. My first Bruce Lee dvd boxset from 20 years ago defo needs upgrading and I have been waiting for a release like this. One might argue War of the Worlds or Crusoe on Mars or Equinox etc., are all just genre films too, but they all have places historically. Amongst fans worldwide, HKL quickly cut a reputation as the ‘must-have’ edition of any title it turned its hand to. Glad I didn't buy the shout factory releases. Home. Bimal Roy’s Vision of a New India. Hopefully this will be part of the half off sales. I just bought the Shout Factory releases! Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Seems like quite the surprise. The Audio on the older Bruce Lee: The Master Collection Set is way way better because the Audio Elements Golden Harvest used were Different from the ones used by Fox for there Bruce Lee Laserdisc/VHS/DVD Set (The Master Collection is The Identical Masters used for the Widescreen VHS & Widescreen Laserdisc. And it's being released smack dab in the middle of the B&N 50% off sale...nice. Get info about new releases, essays and interviews on the Current, Top 10 lists, and sales. So sadly it was much more unintentionally funny that it should have been. And yes, there was an early hint to this back in January. @henry001: I don't see anything wrong with Bruce Lee being in the Collection. My prayers for an HD restoration of the theatrical cut of Enter the Dragon has finally been answered!!! @dunnbluray: "Seems like quite the surprise. 4K digital restorations of The Big Boss, Fist of Fury, Game of Death, and The Way of the Dragon, with uncompressed original monaural soundtracks, New 2K digital restoration of the rarely-seen 99-minute 1973 theatrical version of Enter the Dragon, with uncompressed original monaural soundtrack, 2K digital restoration of the 102-minute "special-edition" version of Enter the Dragon, Alternate audio soundtracks for the films, including original English-dubbed tracks and a 5.1 surround soundtrack for the special-edition version of Enter the Dragon, Six audio commentaries: on The Big Boss by Bruce Lee expert Brandon Bentley; on The Big Boss, Fist of Fury, Game of Death, and The Way of the Dragon by Hong Kong-film expert Mike Leeder; and on the special-edition version of Enter the Dragon by producer Paul Heller, High-definition presentation of Game of Death II, the 1981 sequel to Game of Death, Game of Death Redux, a new presentation of Lee's original Game of Death footage, produced by Alan Canvan, New interviews on all five films with Lee biographer Matthew Polly, New interview with producer Andre Morgan about Golden Harvest, the company behind Hong Kong's top martial-arts stars, including Lee, New program about English-language dubbing with voice performers Michael Kaye (the English-speaking voice of Lee's Chen Zhen in Fist of Fury) and Vaughan Savidge, New interview with author Grady Hendrix about the "Bruceploitation" subgenre that followed Lee's death, and a selection of Bruceploitation trailers, Blood and Steel, a 2004 documentary about the making of Enter the Dragon, Multiple programs and documentaries about Lee's life and philosophies, including Bruce Lee: The Man and the Legend (1973) and Bruce Lee: In His Own Words (1998), Interviews with Linda Lee Cadwell, Lee's widow, and many of Lee's collaborators and admirers, including actors Jon T. Benn, Riki Hashimoto, Nora Miao, Robert Wall, Yuen Wah, and Simon Yam and directors Clarence Fok, Sammo Hung, and Wong Jing, New English subtitle translations and subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing. I guess the US acquisition of several Golden Harvest titles by Warner didn't hurt. Was Criterion predicted to release this?". Absolutely amazing news. Great choice by Criterion! Other than the odd Criterion or Tai Seng release back in the Laserdisc days, few companies had done anything other than ropey old video transfers, and here all of a sudden we could finally enjoy these films in ways we hadn’t imagined. A few scenes were shot and not used actually, including where Lee before he fights the Big Boss goes back to the brothel and gets it on with the prostitute (clips of that ended up in an early trailer). Good extras though. I trust Criterion to do amazing transfer that Bruce Lee fans deserves. Am I missing something? But that price though....I mean, woof....that price. The Criterion version includes a radio program from 1940 that features a discussion between Orson Welles and H.G. His greatest hit was when Cliff Booth kicked his ass to the ground. I know there are other more "respected" films that need release but I love it when they step outside the box and give us something kick-a$$! Klute (1971) [The Criterion Collection] [Blu-ray] [2019] Jane Fonda. And that only gets 2K restoration? Next after this we need an OFFICIAL release of "The Green Hornet" The Complete T.V.Series loaded with bonus extra content features too! Редагувати. Son of a...! Criterion should be applauded from on high, wonderful stuff. Thanks Criterion. Since there is a martial arts genre and Bruce Lee literally reshaped it in his brief career, putting these in the Criterion line up (along with Godzilla for the monster genre) is as appropriate as including Bresson, yadda yadda.... Judging by the reactions here, obviously this one is going to do well and is clearly in demand. Thanks for posting it. Feel. Yessss. So... it has a 4K restoration of everything EXCEPT Enter The Dragon? Since the English was not the original voices, it does not matter if thy make it totally new. better get with the program on this STAT! Memories of Murder (Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray] Song Kang-ho, Song Jae-Ho, Byun Hee-bong, Kim Rwe-ha, Kim Sang-kyung, Park Hae-il, Park Noh-shik, Ryu Tae-ho, Joon-ho Bong, Bong Joon-ho, Cha Seung-chae, Chris Roland, Izidore Codron, Romeo Noh, David Pupkewitz, Karen Lam I don’t need to think about this one. Every time you hear that stock sound effect of somebody falling down you have to take a shot. The seven-disc box set will be available for purchase on July 14. Bruce Lee: the legend, the myth, and the man. Presenting Shout Select, a Blu-ray, DVD & Digital imprint of SHOUT! Plus, Lee … :) I already have all of these films either on DVD or on Blu-ray, but this is a double dip I have no qualms in making. Count me in on this. Preordered like water! While this may help sales, the information spoils the end of the movie! Seemed like a movie that was saved during the edit. I still desire the original mono soundtracks as well as an all-new Atmos mix with totally new sound effects and voices! But, no complaints. So odd in the review on Fist of Fury it is said: "Fist of Fury was the second and last collaboration between director Lo Wei and Lee. Jackie Chan's First Strike (BD) [Blu-ray] Leonard Ho. And Bruce Lee made an undeniably HUGE evolution within the action genre, even one of the only humans to ever have a sub-genre based on his success. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.". Would love to see criterion use their magic on some Shaw Brothers titles (ie. Cheap Blu-ray movies and deals. And I know they are touring a 4K scan of the film somewhere. Dashboard; Orders; Wish List; My Collection; Log In; Menu Close Menu. Now, what will this have that the shout Factory prints don't have? In The Big Boss, he commands the screen with his gravitas and explosive physicality in the role of a Chinese immigrant working at a Thai ice factory and sworn to an oath of nonviolence. Still a great movie though, will consider during a UV sale here in Canada. I'm glad I held off on that previous set. Masked Avengers, 10 tigers from kwangtung, 5 deadly venoms etc). Bruce Lee: His Greatest Hits. His electrifying fighting style and the deeply personal philosophy that guided it received their fullest expression yet in this thrilling tale of a Shaolin fighter who goes undercover to infiltrate an island presided over by a renegade monk turned diabolical criminal mastermind. After the back-to-back triumphs of The Big Boss and Fist of Fury, Bruce Lee was given the chance to write, produce, and direct his third outing as a martial-arts superstar. Though he completed only a handful of films while at the peak of his stardom before his untimely death at age thirty-two, Lee left behind a monumental legacy as both a consummate entertainer and a supremely disciplined artist who made Hong Kong action cinema a sensation the world over. I never expected it would also have Enter the Dragon. Together Forever for the first and likely last time. Too bad they haven't been able to secure all the GAME footage or the ENTER outtakes that is rolling around out there.
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