[11], In a reply to the resolution, Israel denied these measures constituted annexation, and contended that it merely wanted to deliver services to its inhabitants and protect the Holy Places. Israel captured east Jerusalem in the 1967 war, along with the West Bank and Gaza, and annexed it in a move not recognized internationally. Eventually Salman summoned Khatib and 4 other members to the Gloria Hotel restaurant, and read out a short statement in Hebrew. [65][o] During 8 days and nights of joint creation in an East Jerusalem studio a hopeful message of equality and unity arises. ", "Both states treated the respective sectors of Jerusalem under their effective control as forming an integral part of their state territory between 1948 and 1967, and each recognized the other's, "Since 2001, Israel has shut down more than 22 Palestinian non-governmental organizations (NGOs), including charities and service centers in Jerusalem, causing increased suffering for the people of this city already struggling under Israeli occupation. 2,000 Palestinian children, and 250 teachers in the sector must pass Israeli checkpoints to get to school each day. According to its former deputy mayor Meron Benvenisti, the plan was designed in such a way as to incorporate a maximum of land with a minimum of Arabs. Jordan asked Israel on Sunday to stop what it called 'barbaric' attacks on worshippers in Jerusalem's al-Aqsa. [87][r] This interpretation is a minority position, and international law considers all the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) to be occupied territory[89] and call for Palestinians in the occupied territories (including East Jerusalem) to be given self-determination[90]. Historical Maps Jerusalem Sites in the First Temple Period. [143][144] The Palestinians' governor of Jerusalem said "some relaxation of the political situation" was required for the economy to improve. With local construction blocked, the Palestinian neighbourhoods have become slums, where even the Israeli police will not venture except for security reasons, so that criminal businesses have thrived. It was constructed without a permit, and the Israeli authorities say the difference is due to the difficulty of finding vacant lots suitable to playgrounds in the Arab sectors. Likewise, Palestinians[g] living in such western Jerusalem neighbourhoods as Qatamon, Talbiya, Baq'a, 'Ayn Karim, Lifta[33] and Malha either fled or were forced out,[h] many of them seeking refuge in the Old City[30], East Jerusalem absorbed thousands of Palestinian refugees, a substantial number of whom were middle-class people[35] from West Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods when they came under Israeli rule, and many were settled in the previous Jewish areas of the eastern sector,[36] whose inhabitants, likewise refugees, were relocated in the formerly majority-Arab suburbs of West Jerusalem, such as Overall, as a result of the conflict, the Jewish population of Jerusalem fell by 30-40% while Eyal Benvenisti states half of its Palestinian population of 60,000 left. [127], According to Peace Now, approvals for building in Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem has expanded by 60% since Trump became US president in 2017. Use the HTML below. With the stated purpose of preventing infiltration during the Second Intifada, Israel decided to surround Jerusalem's eastern perimeter with a security barrier. [37], Jerusalem was to be an international city under the 1947 UN Partition Plan. [m][61], Services like electricity supply were transferred from Palestinian to Israeli companies, and a ministerial decision established a policy that the ratio of Jews to Palestinians, as a matter of policy, would be 76 to 24,[62] though the 2000 Masterplan adjusted this to a 70-30 ratio, which in turn had to be subject to a 60-40% proportion given Palestinian demographic growth, which now constitutes 37% of the city's population. It later annexed east Jerusalem and considers the entire city its capital. '", "The IDF did not show any consideration for the fact that al-Khatib had done much to enable an. [96], The Beilin–Abu Mazen agreement of 1995, suggested while Israel would not accept challenges to its political sovereignty over all of Jerusalem it might, with the idea of a holy basin, theoretically allow Palestinian extraterritorial sovereignty over a part of the East Jerusalem area, with Palestinians directly controlling the Noble Sanctuary, while Jews would obtain religious rights over the Temple Mount. [38] Jordan followed suit on 24 April and, on the basis of a referendum conducted also among Palestinian West Bankers, the Hashemite Kingdom incorporated the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. The 1997 Beilin–Eitan Agreement between some members of the Likud block and Yossi Beilin, representing Labor, which envisioned for final negotiations a limited autonomy to a demilitarized "Palestinian entity" surrounded on all sides by Israel, stated that all of Jerusalem would remain unified under Israeli sovereignty. 'The battle for Jerusalem has begun,' he declared in mid-March as Israeli bulldozers went into action to clear the site for a Jewish neighbourhood near the Arab village of, sfn error: no target: CITEREFB'tselem2019 (, Israeli–Palestinian economic peace efforts, United Nations Security Council Resolution 242, United Nations Security Council Resolution 478, United Nations General Assembly resolution 67/19, Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles, separate the bride (the Palestinians) from the dowry (the occupied territories), "New data shows Israeli settlement surge in east Jerusalem", 'Israel destroyed record number of Palestinian homes in Jerusalem in 2019,', 'Demolition of houses and Non-residential structures in East Jerusalem, 2004-2019,', Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies 2010, "Jerusalem Arabs prefer Israel; US poll: 39% of east Jerusalem Arabs prefer to live under Israeli sovereignty; 30% didn't answer", The American Journal of International Law, "Israeli occupation sapping East Jerusalem economy – U.N. report", "B'Tselem – Revocation of Residency in East Jerusalem", "A capital question: More Palestinians are losing their right to live in Jerusalem than ever before", "East Jerusalem and the Politics of Occupation", "East Jerusalem community inaugurates first ever playground", "Exclusionary surveillance and spatial uncertainty in the occupied Palestinian territories", "Israel blocks East Jerusalem children's festival, citing link to Palestinian Authority", "EU diplomats warn of regional conflagration over Temple Mount", "A surprising process of 'Israelization' is taking place among Palestinians in East Jerusalem", "More East Jerusalem Palestinians seeking Israeli citizenship, report shows", "Israeli Panel Approves 640 New Settler Homes in East Jerusalem", "All the Ways East Jerusalem Palestinians Get Rejected in Bid to Become Israelis", "A Master Plan for Jerusalem: Stage One – the Survey", "Israel Gives Go-ahead to 100s of New Jewish Housing Units in East Jerusalem", "Israel: Jerusalem Palestinians Stripped of Status", "Israel's Olmert says seeks to expand Jerusalem", "Jerusalem: Capital of Arab Culture events jeopardized by occupation", "East Jerusalem, the Capital of Dropouts", "Israel annexing East Jerusalem, says EU", "The Moratinos' "Non-Paper" on Taba negotiations", "OIC declares East Jerusalem as Palestinian capital", "On international day of solidarity with Palestinians, Secretary-General heralds Annapolis as new beginning in efforts to achieve two-state solution", "The Palestinian Economy in East Jerusalem: Enduring Annexation, Isolation and Disintegration", United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, "Palestinians grow by a million in decade", "Population of Jerusalem and Israel's Major Cities, 2016", "The Realization of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Written statement submitted by Habitat International Coalition, a non-governmental organization on the Roster", "Selected Statistics on Jerusalem Day 2007", "Settlements and the Palestinian Right to Self-Determination", "Interior Min. Obviously a road was needed, worthy of the triumphant showpiece. The death of 26 civilians marked the beginning of evacuation of the area, which increased after the nearby Deir Yassin massacre in early April, followed by a 3-day assault and looting from 30 April onwards. [d] In a unanimous General Assembly resolution, the UN declared the measures changing the status of the city to be invalid. Asher Maoz aptly summarized this policy as follows: 'while the leaders of the state were making it clear both within and without the Knesset that East Jerusalem had been annexed to Israel, the representatives of the state in international forums fervently denied that this was the result. Israel captured east Jerusalem, along with the West Bank and Gaza — territories the Palestinians want for their future state — in the 1967 Mideast war. [28] The Jordanian army is said to have blown up, three days after conquering the area, what remained of the Hurva Synagogue, which had served both as a civilian refuge and Israeli military post. Plans to construct 25,000 Jewish homes in East Jerusalem are in the development stages. [31] The only eastern area of the city that remained in Israeli hands throughout the 19 years of Jordanian rule was Mount Scopus, where the Hebrew University is located, which formed an enclave during that period. ", "Netanyahu fired the opening shot in the battle for Jerusalem on 19 February 1997 with a plan for the construction of 6,500 housing units for 30,000 Israelis at Har Homa, in annexed East Jerusalem. Raiding parties cut telephone and electric wires. Israel has never formally annexed Jerusalem, nor claimed sovereignty there but its extension of Israeli law and administration there in 1967, and the Jerusalem Basic Law of 1980 are often taken as coinstituting an effective form of annexation[10] The Israeli Supreme Court recognized that East Jerusalem had become an integral part of the State of Israel,[10] ruling that even if Knesset laws contravene international law, the court is bound by domestic law and therefore considers the area annexed. [82] According to B'tselem, the Israeli authorities have destroyed 949 Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem since 2004, resulting in the displacement of over 3,000 Palestinians. [11], In the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)'s Palestinian Declaration of Independence of 1988, Jerusalem is stated to be the capital of the State of Palestine. [8] Repairs were delayed a decade until a consensus was achieved between the Greek, Latin-rite and Armenian clerics (excluding the Copts), with Jordan playing a pivotal role as mediator. The West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is seen as occupied territory under international law, thus making all Jewish settlements there illegal. East Jerusalem/West Jerusalem The law applied to both West and East Jerusalem within, among others, the expanded boundaries as defined in June 1967. [132], In 2018, President Donald Trump's administration cut $25 million from hospitals in East Jerusalem that specialized in cancer care for Palestinians. The United States, while approving the unification, withheld making any public statement and likewise affirmed that since the issue of Jerusalem was sub judice, it did not recognize either the Israeli annexation of West Jerusalem, nor the Jordanian annexation of the eastern area of the city. Salman was at a loss as to how this measure could be executed, but Narkiss insisted he find some grounds for doing so. Even if Jordan held the West Bank on only a de facto basis, Israel could not, even acting in self-defense, acquire title. [126], In 2016, the population of East Jerusalem was 542,400, comprising 61% of Jerusalem's residents. [24], Of the 30 holy places in Jerusalem, only 3 were located in Western Jerusalem, with the overwhelming bulk lying within the eastern sector. [13], In the 25 January 2006 Palestinian Legislative Elections, 6,300 East Jerusalem Arabs were registered and permitted to vote locally. Their loudspeaker-equipped vans drove through the streets, blaring such messages as "Unless you leave your houses, the fate of Deir Yassin will be your fate! The shortfall was thought to put at serious risk the viability of both Augusta Victoria Hospital and Saint John Eye Hospital. The Holy Basin, including the Old City, would be under joint trusteeship overseen by Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, the United States and the state of Palestine. [43] Three roads, one an access route built through the Jewish Har HaZeitim Cemetery damaged many gravestones, though opinjions differ as to the scale of the damage. [143][144] Major problems were said to be restrictions on movement of goods and people, which Israel says are imposed for security reasons, and Israeli neglect of "dire socio-economic conditions". According to Michael Fischbach, 40,000 of the 50,000 tombstones suffered some form of desecration. Jerusalem Palestinians are permitted to apply for Israeli citizenship, provided they meet the requirements for naturalization—such as swearing allegiance to Israel and renouncing all other citizenships—which most of them refuse to do. [47] Eastern Jerusalem suffered an outflow of population, partially accounted for by merchants and administrators moving to Amman. In Palestinian East Jerusalem, Singer-Songwriter David Broza records a new album with American, Palestinian and Israeli musicians in defiance of the Middle East's dark realities. [19], The area of East Jerusalem has been inhabited since 5,000 BCE, with settlement beginning in the Chalcolithic period. During the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, the western part of Jerusalem was captured by Israel, while East Jerusalem (including the Old City) was captured by Jordan. Tombs are attested by the Early Bronze Age, around 3,200 BCE. East Jerusalem's main Jewish neighborhoods include Ramot (42,200), Pisgat Ze'ev (42,100), Gilo (26,900), Neve Yaakov (20,400), Ramat Shlomo (15,100) and East Talpiot (12,200). Uzi Narkiss realized the Arab council had not been dismissed. (2014). [124] In 2008, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics reported the number of Palestinians living in East Jerusalem was 208,000 according to a recently completed census. Jordan's King Abdullah gave his assent, on one condition he knew would be impossible to fulfill and therefore would abort the project. [3][c], David Ben-Gurion presented his party's assertion that "Jewish Jerusalem is an organic, inseparable part of the State of Israel" in December 1949,[5] and, the following year, Jordan annexed East Jerusalem. [125], At the end of 2008, East Jerusalem's main Arab neighborhoods included Shuafat (38,800), Beit Hanina (27,900), the Muslim Quarter of the Old City (26,300), At-Tur including As-Sawana (24,400). [146], "Arab Jerusalem" redirects here. Every day 140,000 Palestinnians have to negotiate checkpoints to work, get a medical check-up or visit friends. [122], By June 1993, a Jewish majority was established in East Jerusalem: 155,000 Jews were officially registered residents, as compared to 150,000 Palestinians. The letter delivered to the U.N. Secretary General on July 10 reads: "The term 'annexation' used by supporters of the General Assembly's resolution of 4 July was out of place since [...] the measures adopted related to the integration of Jerusalem in the administrative and municipal spheres and furnished a legal basis for the protection of the Holy Places". With Fadi Awad, Mira Awad, David Broza, Steve Earle. [111], The term East Jerusalem sometimes refers to the area which was incorporated into the municipality of Jerusalem after 1967, covering some 70 km2 (27 sq mi), while sometimes it refers to the smaller area of the pre-1967 Jordanian-controlled part of the Jerusalem municipality, covering 6.4 km2 (2.5 sq mi). [29] In the first six months of the 1948 war 6,000 Jews also abandoned the city, and when war broke out, thousands fled the northern areas subject to Jordanian shelling. This was carried out under various pretexts, most notably the claim that the agreements with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), especially the Oslo Accords, prohibit the establishment of any activity of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in Jerusalem.". [104] On 1 March 1990, President George H. W. Bush stated publicly, the first time for an American president, an objection to Israeli building in East Jerusalem. [130], East Jerusalem has a shortage of schools for Palestinian children. [109], Between 2008 and 2010, approximately 4,500 Palestinians resident in East Jerusalem applied for Israeli citizenship, of which one third were accepted, one third rejected, and one third had the decision postponed. It said it would step up international pressure on Israel. David Broza, the Israeli singer-songwriter, sets out to realize his dream of cooperation and dialog between Israelis and Palestinians through music. Those not present lost the right to reside in Jerusalem. All other residents had to travel to West Bank polling stations. [104], In 2016, U.S. presidential election candidate Donald Trump vowed to recognize all of Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel if he wins the election. Fresh clashes between Israel Police, Palestinians in East Jerusalem, West Bank Violent confrontations near Old City, Rachel’s Tomb, Qalandiya checkpoint, a day … [133] The cut in funds covers 40% of the running costs for 6 hospitals providing treatment for patients from both the Gaza Strip and the broader West Bank where treatment is unavailable. Residents pay taxes, and following a 1988 Israeli Supreme Court ruling, East Jerusalem residents are guaranteed the right to social security benefits and state health care. West Jerusalem or Western Jerusalem refers to the section of Jerusalem that remained under Israeli control after the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, whose ceasefire lines delimited the boundary with the rest of the city, which was then under Jordanian control. "Why this disregard for the level of public services in east Jerusalem? The answer is a poorly kept secret: Arab east Jerusalem is simply at the bottom of the list of priorities of the Israeli authorities when it comes to funding public works...Whatever the label, it does not change the picture of Arab East Jerusalem as largely undeveloped and unserviced for over three decades of Israeli rule". increasingly revoking E. J'lem Arabs' residency permits", "Palestinians: US cuts to Arab hospitals will have dire effect on healthcare", "Israel bans Palestinian cultural events", "Surge in East Jerusalem Palestinians losing residency", "Table III/14 – Population of Jerusalem, by Age, Quarter, Sub-Quarter and Statistical Area, 2008", "The Most Important Detail in Kushner's Plan for the Palestinian Economy", "Over the Wall, to play Beethoven in Jerusalem", "Over the Wall to play Beethoven in Jerusalem", "Between the Green Line and the Blue Line", "United Nations News Centre – UN deplores Israeli approval of more settlements in West Bank", "Solomon's Jerusalem: The Text and the Facts on the Ground", "Human rights violations as an obstacle to economic development: restrictions on movement in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip", Legal status of East Jerusalem and its residents, One Jerusalem – supportive of Israel's unification of the city, East Jerusalem and the Politics of Occupation, Legal Status of the Population of East Jerusalem since 1967 and the Implications of Israeli Annexation on their Civil and Social Rights, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=East_Jerusalem&oldid=1017002974, Israeli–Palestinian conflict in Jerusalem, Important Bird Areas of the Palestinian territories, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia extended-confirmed-protected pages, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2019, Articles with dead external links from December 2019, Articles with permanently dead external links, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 10 April 2021, at 07:18. The Old City (including the already mentioned Muslim Quarter) has an Arab population of 36,681 and a Jewish population of 3,847. The United Nations General Assembly resolution 67/19 of 2012 affirmed that East Jerusalem forms part of the West Bank and is occupied. Israel disputes this interpretation. (6) IMDb 6.8 1h 23min 2016 7+. [145], East Jerusalem residents are increasingly becoming integrated into Israeli society. Search for "East Jerusalem/West Jerusalem" on Amazon.com, Title: [citation needed] On the other hand, it maintained its religious importance, as well as its role as a regional center. Israel refrained however from endowing citizenship – a mark of annexation- on the Palestinians incorporated within the new municipal borders. Documentaries on Race, Ethnicity and Migration. [97] At the 2000 Camp David Summit, it was agreed there could be no return to the pre-1967 Jerusalem lines of demarcation; that Israel's unilaterally imposed municipal boundaries were not fixed; that just as Israel's expansion there would be larger than mapped just after 1967, so too the Palestinian expansion would stretch out to take in villages not connected to the city earlier; that Jerusalem would remain a single unified metropolitan unit not divided by an international border, and under the governance of two distinct municipal authorities, with one under full Palestinian sovereignty and serving as the capital of the State of Palestine, exercising full powers in most parts of East Jerusalem. A problem arose when it was noted that East Jerusalem also had a mayor, Ruhi al-Khatib, and an elected 11 other members on the Jordanian city council. [20][21], In 1934, the British Mandatory authorities divided Jerusalem into 12 wards for electoral purposes. Of these, 195,500 (43%) were Jews, (comprising 40% of the Jewish population of Jerusalem as a whole), and 260,800 (57%) were Arabs. The area within the city walls is discussed in the Old City article, while the ancient part of the city which is just outside the city walls is discussed in this article. Trends among East Jerusalem residents have shown: increasing numbers of applications for an Israeli ID card; more high school students taking the Israeli matriculation exams; greater numbers enrolling in Israeli academic institutions; a decline in the birthrate; more requests for building permits; a rising number of East Jerusalem youth volunteering for national service; a higher level of satisfaction according to polls of residents; increased Israeli health services; and a survey showing that in a final agreement more East Jerusalem Palestinians would prefer to remain under Israeli rule. oPt. [59], al-Khatib demanded the order in writing, and an Arabic translation was written out on a napkin. According to Uzi Benzamin, the Israeli journalist who wrote up the encounter, "the whole episode lacked any shred of legality". [28], For Palestinians, expulsions from the Jerusalem area date back to January 1948, when the Haganah bombed the Semiramis Hotel in Qatamon. While many parts of West Jerusalem resemble any European city, East Jerusalem looks like a large, underdeveloped refugee camp. They sold it … [23] The Jewish presence in eastern Jerusalem was concentrated to the Old Quarter, with a scattering also present in Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah. Palestinian Authority Jerusalem District.
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