Seven days after Ahmad’s funeral, a republican movement led by the alumni of Yemen’s Famous Forty succeeded in overthrowing the last Imam, Muhammad al-Badr. L'imam Ahmad reçoit des hadîth écrits de Mouhammad Al-Shaybânî. 1948 wurde Imam Yahya bei einem Putsch ermordet und Ahmad ibn Yahya (1948–1962) trat seine Nachfolge an. Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal naquit à Bagdad, dans l’une des maisons nobles des Banû Shaybân, au cours du mois de Rabî` Al-Awwal de l’an 164 A.H. En novembre 780 E.C. Ahmad ibn Yahya (Alohnom, 18 giugno 1891 – Ta'izz, 19 settembre 1962) fu imam e re dello Yemen dal 1948 al 1962.. Regnante spietato, arbitrario e incoerente fu oggetto di un tentativo di colpo di Stato e diversi tentativi di assassinio che portarono alla caduta del regno poco dopo la sua morte. Orphelin de père, dès avant sa naissance, il fut élevé par sa mère qui veilla à lui donner la meilleure éducation et à lui enseigner les savoirs primordiaux en ces temps. The assassination of Yahya in 1948 and a failed attempt to install a replacement imam was followed by multiple attempts on the life of Imam Ahmad until his death in September 1962. The Imam died of natural causes hastened by old wounds and chronic ailments. Ahmed Alhasan, full name Ahmed bin Ismail bin Saleh bin Hussain bin Salman (Arabic: احمد بن اسماعيل بن صالح بن الحسين بن سلمان ) (born 1968) is the leader of the Shia Iraqi movement Ansar of Imam al-Mahdi who claims to be the savior of mankind. Imam Yahya had secured his power by keeping Yemen in a state of extreme isolation and backwardness; Imam Ahmad used forigne aid to start some development programmes and also established Yemen's first diplomatic relations with countries such as Britain, the USA, and Egypt in 1951 and the Soviet Union in 1956. Ancak bir hafta sonra San’a’da askeri birlikler tarafından kuşatılınca 26 Eylül 1962’de görevi bırakıp Yemen’in kuzeyine kaçmak zorunda kaldı. Dessen Herrschaft war von Wirtschaftswachstum, der Öffnung des Landes, aber auch erneuten Konflikten mit den Briten im Südjemen geprägt, die er für die Gründung eines Großjemen bekämpfte. Imam Ahmad died in September 1962 and was succeeded by his son, the Crown Prince Muhammad al-Badr, whose reign was brief. İmam Ahmed’in 1962’de ölmesinden sonra yerine oğlu Muhammed Bedr imam seçildi. Ahmed est le nom du Premier Mahdi, alors que Mohammed est le nom de l’Imam Al Mahdi (psl) comme ce fût indiqué dans le Testament du Prophète (psl), et d’après l’Imam Al Baqir (psl) : “Dieu a un trésor à Taliqane qui n’est ni d’or ni d’argent. Par la suite, il entreprend des voyages en Syrie et au Yémen [1]. Imam Ahmad bin Yahya (1891 – 18 September 1962) Ahmad bin Yahya, son of Yahya Muhammad, was the penultimate king of the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen from 1948 to 1962. Imam Ahmad’s son Badr assumed power after Ahmad’s death but was deposed one week later by army officers, led by Colonel Abdallah al Sallal, who took control of Sanaa and created the YAR. ADEN, Sept. 19--The ruler of Yemen, Imam Ahmad, a bearded feudal monarch, was reported dead today at the age of 71. From 1958 to 1961, North Yemen was federated with Egypt and Syria in the United Arab States. Progressivement, la méthodologie de l'imam Ahmad mène à la création d'une école de pensée rigoureuse lui paraissant la plus conforme au Coran et à la Sunna. He was considered to be a despot, and his main focus was on modernising the military.
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