[28] The news was followed by an August Reuters story which reported there were "dozens" of Hezbollah "battle-hardened veterans" in Iraq, while the Christian Science Monitor reported the party had deployed a 250-man unit "responsible for advising, training, and coordinating the Iraqi Shiite militias. “What happened in Najaf reflects the growing condemnation among protesters and the wider population towards what they regard as Iranian intervention in the country’s internal affairs,” al-Shimmary said. I am pretty sure that the Iranian intervention is rolling as strong as ever. News reports have suggested Iran worked to prevent Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi from stepping down, despite protesters demands to unseat the government. Many discussions of Iran concentrate on reports of lethal aid, pronouncements of Iranian leaders, or Iranian nuclear ambitions. At least 330 people have been killed since the start of mass unrest in Baghdad and southern Iraq in early October. Iranian diplomats and staff narrowly escaped out of a back entrance. Chapter 2 assesses the trajectory of Iranian intervention in Iraq since 2003. There are at least 5 confirmed Iranians killed in Iraq: In late July 2014, it was reported Ibrahim al-Haj, a Hezbollah "technical specialist involved in training" was killed near Mosul.[49][50]. Iran’s growing influence and intervention in Iraq is causing growing unrest in Iraq. The campaign isn’t “against the Iranian people, we hate the Iranian government’s influence over our economy and want to put an end to that,” Dania told Al Jazeera. [15], There were unconfirmed reports of clashes between ISIL forces and Revolutionary Guard Corps units near Urmia on August 28. State television said that they had entered the gates of the refinery. [3], On June 13, Iraqi troops backed by Qods Force units operating out of Samarra claimed to have regained control of Dhuluiyah in Saladin Province,[22] Meanwhile, former Qods Force commander Qassem Suleimani arrived in Baghdad where he reportedly assumed the role of Iraq's "chief tactician" in dealing with ISIL. Executive Summary. (25:15), Analysis: Why did Iraqi protesters attack Iran’s embassy? According to Ihsan al-Shimmary, political science professor at the University of Baghdad, the events send a strong message to the government and reflect a change in Shia-Muslim sentiment towards Tehran. [42], In late June 2014, three Iranian border guards were killed along the border in western Kermanshah province by an alleged “terrorist group”, however it is unclear if the predators were members of PEJAK or ISIL.[43]. According to the reports, an Iranian signals intelligence unit had also been deployed at the airfield to intercept electronic communications between ISIL fighters and commanders. [40], On 27 December, IRGC Brigadier General Hamid Taqavi was killed in Samarra, Iraq, reportedly by an ISIL sniper. “So, protesters in the south view Iran as an impediment towards what they want to achieve – which is real reform.”. Chapter 1 describes Iran’s covert operations in Iraq before the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, including the formation of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. Iranian president Hassan Rouhani has dismissed U.S. involvement, noting that "Iran, from the very first moment, did not hesitate in fighting against terrorism. [5][31] (As of early 2014, reports characterized Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq as "controlled by Iran" and operating under the patronage of Qasem Soleimani. "[1][2], On August 21, Kurdish activists claimed to have spotted elements of Iran's 81st Armored Division entering southern Kurdistan near Jalawla. “Instead of going to classes, we’ve been busy organising campaigns to encourage people to boycott Iranian products and to buy local ones instead,” said Dania, a 20-year-old IT student at al-Nahrayn University in Baghdad. Some protesters say the incidents reflect anger towards what they perceive as Iranian intervention in Iraq. Tehran's strategic objectives in its intervention in Iraq include keeping Iraq's allied Shia-led government in power and stabilizing its own border. There are three reasons: First, the war in Syria has received a much higher attention than the Iranian intervention in Yemen, therefore examining [39] The US confirmed that American-made F-4 Phantom jets from the Iranian Air Force had been targeting ISIL positions in the eastern Iraqi province of Diyala but that it was up to Iraq to coordinate airspace use and the US was not coordinating with Iran. Soleimani, whose Quds force coordinates Tehran-backed militias in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, is a frequent visitor to Iraq. “We condemn Iran’s increasing intervention in Iraq’s internal affairs since 2003,” he explained, adding “until this moment, Iran is getting in how we form a government”. Attacks on consulates in Iraqi cities reflect growing anger towards ‘Iranian intervention’, protesters and analysts say. [8], Also in June, Hezbollah reportedly set-up a dedicated command center in Lebanon to monitor developments in Iraq. [8] (During the 1991 Gulf War, seven Su-25s had been flown by the Iraqi air force to Iran as a temporary safe haven; Iran later kept the aircraft. Iran's Secret Influence On Iraq : Fresh Air 'Intercept' Senior National Security Correspondent James Risen says new documents show how Iran … Neither nation is known to have cooperated with the other in combating ISIL. Gordon, Michael R.; Schmitt, Eric (25 June 2014). Renad Mansour, director of Iraq Initiative at Chatham House, said the attack in Najaf had been building since the Iranian consulate was attacked in Basra in 2018. Eyal Zisser of Tel Aviv University has explained that “the West is helpless and does not know what to do against the Islamic State" and that it will ultimately conclude it has no choice but to ally with Iran.[70]. [20] In follow-up remarks, the Iranian-affiliated Kataib Hezbollah declared it would "not fight alongside the American troops under any kind of conditions whatsoever," adding that its only contact with the United States military would be “if we fight each other.”[55], At least one Hezbollah official has indicated the party will continue to operate independently, or in concert with Iraqi and Iranian forces, against ISIL and will not cooperate with the U.S.-led coalition concurrently operating against ISIL. Iran is now in the uncomfortable position of planning to stage a military intervention in Iraq, one that is likely to follow a pattern that has emerged since 1979. [9] Qods Force personnel were deployed to Samarra, Baghdad, Karbala, and the former U.S. military post known as Camp Speicher. The Islamic Republic has used these advantages to permeate Iraq’s political, security, economic, and religious spheres. [32]), In late September, Iranian general Ahmad Reza Pourdastan threatened to "attack deep into Iraqi territory" should ISIL forces approach the Iranian border. "[26], Between June 30 and July 1, seven Su-25 aircraft were sent by Iran to al-Rashid and, later, to al-Muthanna air base. Iraqi political analyst Hamza Mustafa agreed the attacks reflect anger at Iran, but said the violence also represents displeasure at Iraq’s political elite and foreign intervention more generally, “whether that’s Iranian or American”. [4], On June 19, ISIL troops attacked Iranian border guards near Iran’s border city of Qasre Shirin. In particular, the United States has been an ongoing threat to Iran by virtue of their intervention in the Israel-Iran conflict, military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan, and policy for harsher economic sanctions. Iran Hezbollah[1][2] In the strongest expression of anti-Iranian sentiment since demonstrations began in early October, protesters stormed the Iranian consulate in the Shia holy city of Najaf on Wednesday night, bringing down the Iranian flag and replacing it with Iraq’s. ", http://www.rferl.org/content/iran-iraq-irgc-death-isil-moshajari/25424430.html, "INSIGHT-Iran's elite Guards fighting in Iraq to push back Islamic State", "Iranian general killed by sniper bullet in embattled Iraqi city", http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/28/us-mideast-crisis-iran-idUSKBN0K60F020141228, http://en.trend.az/iran/politics/2352019.html, "Hezbollah commander killed in Iraq: sources", http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/07/30/us-lebanon-iraq-hezbollah-idUSKBN0FZ2BI20140730, http://english.alarabiya.net/en/perspective/features/2015/01/06/-Iran-saved-Baghdad-from-falling-to-ISIS-says-Iraqi-MP.html, http://m.ibtimes.com/isis-update-iran-iraq-agree-military-pact-combat-islamic-state-militants-1770732, "John Baird says world must support fight against 'toxic' ISIS", http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/john-baird-says-world-must-support-fight-against-toxic-isis-1.2771883, "The Gulf’s fight against ISIS and its confrontations with Iran", http://english.alarabiya.net/en/views/news/middle-east/2014/09/21/The-Gulf-s-fight-against-ISIS-and-its-confrontations-with-Iran.html, "Kerry Says U.S. Is Open to Talking to Iran, Even as Ayatollah Is Dismissive", http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/16/world/middleeast/iraqi-leader-asks-world-powers-to-pursue-isis-in-syria.html, "Modi calls for global convention on terror", http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/modi-calls-for-global-convention-on-terror/article6453259.ece, "Renzi govt talks to Iran as anti-ISIS campaign rolls on", http://www.ansa.it/english/news/2014/09/26/renzi-govt-talks-to-iran-as-anti-isis-campaign-rolls-on_42ac7271-f165-4f3d-9eb6-5efdb5c4a9cf.html, "Israel's Netanyahu Advises Obama On Iraq:'When Your Enemies Are Fighting Each Other, Weaken Both'", http://dailycaller.com/2014/06/22/israels-netanyahu-advises-obama-on-iraq-when-your-enemies-are-fighting-each-other-weaken-both/, "Israel’s Netanyahu warns Obama on working with Iran in Iraq", http://rt.com/news/167772-netanyahu-obama-iran-iraq/, "Al Nusrah Front propaganda focuses on Iranian influence in Lebanon, Syria", http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2014/10/al_nusrah_front_prop.php#ixzz3F39Yv7nY, "Putin offers ‘complete support’ to Iraq, Iran says Obama lacks will to combat terrorism", http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/middle-east/Putin-offers-complete-support-to-Iraq-Iran-says-Obama-lacks-will-to-combat-terrorism/articleshow/36904573.cms, "Hagel: US knows Iran, Russia aiding Iraq in fight against ISIS", http://thehill.com/policy/defense/212024-hagel-us-knows-iran-russia-aiding-iraq-in-fight-against-isis, "Middle East Updates / Paris wants Iran to help crush ISIL", http://www.haaretz.com/news/middle-east/middle-east-updates/1.615474, "Kerry raises ISIS threat with Iranian counterpart", http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/09/22/Kerry-raises-ISIS-threat-with-Iranian-counterpart.html, http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/dec/05/iran-conducts-air-strikes-against-isis-exremists-iraq, http://cnnpressroom.blogs.cnn.com/2014/09/28/rouhani-iran-is-against-terrorism/, "Iran President Gives Qualified Endorsement to Coalition Strikes Against ISIL", http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/foreign-policy/item/19211-iran-president-gives-qualified-endorsement-to-coalition-strikes-against-islamic-state, http://www.economist.com/news/middle-east-and-africa/21640382-iran-doing-better-its-rivals-expanding-its-influence-unstable, "Hezbollah MP belittles counterterrorism coalition", http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Lebanon-News/2014/Sep-21/271391-hezbollah-mp-belittles-counterterrorism-coalition.ashx#axzz3EXP6ddhO, "Powerless to stop ISIL, West may have to join forces with Iran, Hezbollah", http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Powerless-to-stop-ISIS-West-may-have-no-choice-but-to-join-forces-with-Iran-Hezbollah-371935, Jordanian intervention in the Syrian Civil War, Al-Hasakah offensive (February–March 2015), Second Battle of Tikrit (March–April 2015), Al-Hasakah city offensive (May–June 2015), Timeline of the American-led intervention in Syria, https://military.wikia.org/wiki/Iranian_intervention_in_Iraq_(2014–present)?oldid=5304225, Iranian airstrikes on ISIL positions in Iraq, Ground contact between Iranian-affiliated Iraqi militias and ISIL troops. They say they wish to see fewer Iranian goods on their market shelves. All Topics Topic Society & Culture Politics » Iranian intervention in Iraq tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 342. [23], By the end of the month, Iran had established a special control center at Al-Rasheed Air Base in Baghdad and was flying a "small fleet" of Ababil drones over Iraq. [27]) Later that month, Hezbollah sent an undisclosed number of technical advisers and intelligence analysts to Baghdad in support of the Iranian deployment in Iraq. Iranian president Hassan Rouhani has dismissed U.S. involvement, noting that "Iran, from the very first moment, did not hesitate in fighting against terrorism. Iranian Brigadier-General Massoud Jazayeri stated that Iran could best help Iraq by providing it direction on its "successful experiments in popular all-around defense" that included "mobilizing masses of all ethnic groups. “Protesters’ targeting the Iranian consulates in Najaf and Karbala, and protesters trying to reach the Iranian embassy in Baghdad didn’t come out of thin air,” Saif Ali, a 29-year-old protester in Baghdad, told Al Jazeera. “With the incidents taking place in two Shia holy cities, they reflect a change among Iraq’s Shia populations towards Iran and its plummeting popularity as protesters try to distance themselves from Tehran.”. 23x15px Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq[4]23x15px Badr Organization[4], Following the advance of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) into northern Iraq in the summer of 2014, Iran began to provide military aid to counter the militant advance. forms of the Iranian interventions in Iraq and Yemen and how they are motivated.14 The reader might ask why the Iranian intervention in Syria is not being considered by this research paper. Baghdad, Iraq – As anti-government protests demanding a complete overhaul of the political system continue from the capital to the mainly Shia south, some protesters have focused their anger on official Iranian facilities. Local Shia militias: The United States spent more than $1 trillion and lost about 4,500 troops in the effort to make Iraq the cornerstone of a Western-facing Middle East. Iraqi leader Hadi al-Amiri said that "If it were not for the cooperation of the Islamic republic of Iran and General Suleimani, we would not today have a government headed by Haider al-Abadi in Baghdad". ‘Bloodbath’: Dozens of protesters killed as army deploys south, Iraq condemns attack on Iranian consulate in Najaf, Iraq blasts: Six killed in three separate Baghdad explosions, INSIDE STORY: How much influence does Iran wield in Iraq? [17][18], Iran has attempted to limit its overt military involvement in Iraq as a strategy geared toward avoiding the polarization of Iraq's Sunni minority, creating popular backlash against Iran among Iraqis, or deepening sectarian tensions. Since the dynamics of Iranian-Saudi relations have been highly influenced by the intervention of third parties, mostly the US, it is possible that the … More than 360 people have been killed and thousands wounded since the start of the unrest. Using the Iran-Iraq conflict as a model, the Comment then examines the roles and likely effectiveness of the Security Council and Secretary-Gen-eral in causing United Nations members to peacefully resolve armed conflicts and comply with the Charter of the United Nations (Charter). Still, everyone knows real change only comes to those who wait Iranian intervention in Iraq (2014–present) Part of the Military intervention against ISIL Present territorial control of Iraq, ISIS (gray), Iraqi Government (red), Kurdish forces (yellow), as of 000000002016-05-01-0000 May 1, 2016 Foreign Affairs Minister of Iran Javad Zarif has described ISIL as an "ideological sibling" to Al-Qaeda, adding "the so-called Islamic State, is neither Islamic nor a state". Ultra Member : Sep 13, 2007, 05:43 AM Iranian intervention in Iraq. [51], On December 31, 2014, Defence Ministers of Iran and Iraq signed a military pact to combat ISIS. Since the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, Iran’s Qods Force and Lebanon’s Hezbollah have worked to support Shi'a insurgents in Iraq, modeling secret cell development and organization on the Hezbollah approach. What is still worse for Iran is the US’ direct military intervention on the side of Iraq against Iran. Iraqi state television said Baiji's recapture was a "Graveyard for ISIS". Iraqi security forces have shot dead at least 44 people in the country’s south in one of the bloodiest day of violence. Iranian diplomatic staff unharmed as anti-government demonstrators storm and set fire to consulate in the southern city. Neither nation is known to have cooperated with the other in combating ISIL. [8] In early summer, Iran also began shipping small arms and ammunition to the Kurdish Peshmerga at the request of the Kurdistan government. I could go either way on "Iranian-led intervention in Iraq" or "Iranian-led intervention in Iraq (2014-present)". Iran has emerged as the most influential foreign player in Iraq since U.S.-led forces toppled Saddam Hussein’s regime in 2003. The reports have not been confirmed. Refworld contains a vast collection of reports relating to situations in countries of origin, policy documents and positions, and documents relating to international and national legal frameworks. Local forces: [17] Ali Khamenei, in remarks delivered on September 15, 2014, credited "the people of Iraq, the Iraqi Armed Forces and the popular forces" for halting the ISIL advance of the previous summer. Iranian general Qasem Soleimani was reportedly "present on the battlefield" during Operation Ashura. [37] Later, the US Department of State congratulated the Iraqi forces for retaking the country's largest oil refinery, confirming the Iraqi victory. At the same time as the Iranian intervention into Iraq, a parallel American-led intervention was occurring. ‘Increasing intervention’ The incident came less than a month after protesters in Karbala scaled the concrete barriers of the Iranian consulate in Iraq’s Shia holy city of Karbala on November 4. The Times said the leaked reports showed Iran had worked to infiltrate Iraq’s economic, political and religious life. Since the protests began in the capital Baghdad in October, protesters have clashed with security forces as they tried to advance on main bridges connecting central Baghdad to the Green Zone, where government buildings and foreign embassies, including the Iranian embassy, are based. (6:00), Israeli air strike destroys Gaza tower block, Biden announces new incentives to boost vaccination rates, Arab League condemns Israeli air strikes on Gaza, Petrol shortages sweep US as Colonial Pipeline remains down, Gaza tower block collapses after Israeli strike, Palestinians say 21 killed as Israeli air raids on Gaza continue, Melinda Gates met divorce lawyers when Epstein ties revealed: WSJ, Break the fear barrier and speak up for Palestine, Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights. Of all the issues in the May 2018 election, “ Keeping Iraq’s national identity and geographic integrity as an Arab State ” was a slogan used by almost all the candidates in their campaigns. Script error: No such module "Iraq_Syria_map_date". They then set it ablaze. [36] Meanwhile, it was confirmed that Iraqi forces were in full control of Baiji.  Iraq “We refuse foreign intervention, whether it’s from Iran, the US, or even Turkey,” Jaafar Hussein, a 50-year-old protester in Najaf, told Al Jazeera. Articles lacking reliable references from October 2014, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Battles involving the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, 2014 military intervention against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Military intervention against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, American-led intervention in Iraq (2014–present), "Iran's elite Guards fighting in Iraq to push back Islamic State", http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/08/03/iraq-security-iran-idUSL6N0Q73ZU20140803, "Why Hezbollah is playing a smaller role in this Iraqi conflict", http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2014/0716/Why-Hezbollah-is-playing-a-smaller-role-in-this-Iraqi-conflict, "Barzani: Iran supplied weapons to peshmerga forces", http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2014/Aug-26/268532-iran-supplied-weapons-to-iraqi-kurdish-forces-barzani.ashx#axzz3EnzCuTfp, "Qassim Suleimani: commander of Quds force, puppeteer of the Middle East", http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jun/16/qassim-suleimani-iraq-iran-syria, "US aided Hezbollah Brigades in breaking ISIL siege of Iraqi town", http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2014/09/us_supported_hezboll.php, http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/22/syria-iraq-incubators-isis-jihad, Iran Bombing Islamic State In Iraq, U.S. Official Confirms, "Iran Is Expanding Its Military Role In Iraq In A Bunch Of Ways", http://www.businessinsider.com/what-we-know-about-irans-expanding-military-role-in-iraq-2014-9, "Iran is fighting on the Iraqi government’s side", http://www.vox.com/cards/things-about-isis-you-need-to-know/iran-intervenes-iraq, "Iran sends troops into Iraq to aid fight against Isis militants", http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jun/14/iran-iraq-isis-fight-militants-nouri-maliki?CMP=fb_gu, http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/isis-terror/iran-appears-be-launching-airstrikes-against-isis-iraq-pentagon-n260426, "Iran Is Expanding Its Military Role in Iraq in a Bunch of Ways", "Lebanon's pain grows by the hour as death toll hits 1,300", http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/commentators/fisk/robert-fisk-lebanons-pain-grows-by-the-hour-as-death-toll-hits-1300-412170.html, "Insight - Iran's elite Guards fighting in Iraq to push back Islamic State", http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/08/03/uk-iraq-security-iran-insight-idUKKBN0G30GG20140803, http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2014/08/iran-soldiers-iraq-islamic-state-2014823161322258630.html, "Iran's mysterious elite general in rare Iraq picture", http://news.yahoo.com/irans-mysterious-elite-general-rare-iraq-picture-145321742.html, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/141586/mohsen-milani/tehran-doubles-down, ""Iranians are Terrified": Iran's ISIS Nightmare", http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/iranians-are-terrified-irans-isis-nightmare-10856, "Iraq crisis: Iran pledges military help against ISIL as battle for Tikrit escalates", http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iraq/10933934/Iraq-crisis-Iran-pledges-military-help-against-Isis-as-battle-for-Tikrit-escalates.html, "Supreme Leader Interview Before Being Discharged from Hospital", http://english.khamenei.ir//index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1963, Iran has sent over 1,000 military advisors to fight ISIS in Iraq, "Iraq's military claims victories; U.S. sends aircraft carrier to Gulf", http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/14/world/meast/iraq-violence/, https://medium.com/war-is-boring/isis-just-attacked-iran-8b57b8233af0, "Iran Secretly Sending Drones and Supplies into Iraq, U.S. Officials Say", http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/26/world/middleeast/iran-iraq.html?_r=0, "Hezbollah sets up operations room to cope with Iraq fallout", http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Lebanon-News/2014/Jun-16/260268-hezbollah-sets-up-operations-room-to-cope-with-iraq-fallout.ashx#axzz3Fx5fD17m, "Iran Has A Secret Weapon To Fight Sunnis In Iraq", http://www.businessinsider.com/iran-will-use-hezbollah-to-fight-iraqi-sunnis-2014-6, "'Iranian attack jets deployed' to help Iraq fight Isis", http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-28125687, "Hezbollah man dies on 'jihad duty' in Iraq", http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2014/07/hezbollah-man-dies-jihad-duty-iraq-20147302029917675.html, http://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2014/08/25/iran_sends_tanks_to_iraq_to_fight_isis_107389.html, http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/10/09/iran-says-it-s-under-attack-by-isis.html, "US airstrikes in Amerli supported deadly Shia terror group", http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2014/09/us_airstrikes_in_ame.php, "Controlled by Iran, the deadly militia recruiting Iraq's men to die in Syria", http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/12/iraq-battle-dead-valley-peace-syria, "Iran threatens to attack ISIS ‘deep’ inside Iraq", http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/09/27/Iran-threatens-to-attack-ISIS-deep-inside-Iraq-.html, "Iran arrests 'Afghans and Pakistanis joining ISIL'", http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-29116764, "Witness: IS Has Supporters in Iranian Kurdistan", http://rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iran/04092014, "Kurds in Kobani seize Islamic State arms cache; Iraq touts progress in Baiji battle", http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/kurds-in-kobani-seize-islamic-state-arms-cache-iraq-touts-progress-in-baiji-battle/article21635253/, "Iraq troops reach Baiji oil refinery besieged by IS", http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-30103392, "US hails Iraqi forces on recapture of Baiji refinery", http://www.kuna.net.kw/ArticleDetails.aspx?id=2409812&language=en, "First footage surfaces: Iranian jet seen attacking ISIS targets in Iraq", http://www.haaretz.com/news/middle-east/1.629473, "BBC News - Iran jets bomb Islamic State targets in Iraq - Pentagon", http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-30304723, "Suleimani's Man in Iraq Killed by Islamic State", "General’s death highlights Iran’s role in Iraq", http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/716bd91a-8f4b-11e4-b080-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3OTZjhPeA, "3 Iranian troops killed in attack near Iraq border", http://www.navytimes.com/article/20140625/NEWS08/306250077/3-Iranian-troops-killed-attack-near-Iraq-border, "A member of IRGC Quds Force killed in Iraq", http://www.gpfore.com/index.php/iran-daily-news/112-a-member-of-irgc-quds-force-killed-in-iraq, "Iran IRGC's First 'Martyr' Versus ISIL? But today, Iran’s influence is paramount. At the same time as the Iranian-led intervention into Iraq, a parallel American-led intervention was occurring. 4. After verifying 700 pages of reports by Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security between 2014 and 2015, The New York Times and the Intercept offered on November 18 a “detailed portrait of just how aggressively Tehran has worked to embed itself in Iraqi affairs”. Iran and Iraq are Shiite-majority countries that share centuries-deep cultural and religious ties — and a 900-mile border. [68], On September 29, in response to a statement by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry that the United States wanted "to find out if they [Iran] will come on board" the American-led intervention, Ali Khamenei declared the U.S. position on ISIL as "absurd, hollow and biased.” Nonetheless, Khamenei also noted that some Iranian government officials were "not against" cooperation with the United States, explaining that he had personally quashed the suggestion of joint action against ISIL. Shortly thereafter, Hezbollah commander Ibrahim al-Hajj was reported killed in action near Mosul. Iranian president Hassan Rouhani has dismissed U.S. involvement, noting that "Iran, from the very first moment, did not hesitate in fighting against terrorism. Iran felt that US presence and interference in the Gulf compromised Iranian interests severely.
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