"[7] Wright is more circumspect, saying: "Islamic Jihad was clearly pro-Iranian in ideology, but some doubts existed among both Muslim moderates and Western diplomats about whether it was actually directed by Iran rather than home-grown."[4]. The 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran influenced the group’s founder, Shaqaqi, who believed the liberation of Palestine would unite the Arab and Muslim world into a single great Islamic state. Most of the crash victims are US Airborne troops returning from multinational peacekeeping duties in Egypt, but more than 20 Special Forces personnel were also on board. 48], Entity Tags: Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad Organization, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden, Lt. Col. William Buckley. He will conclude that the available evidence does not support ice on the wings as being a cause, let alone a probable cause, of the crash. The Islamic Jihad Organization – IJO was a fundamentalist Shia group known for its activities in the 1980s during the Lebanese Civil War. Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) is a radical Islamic extremist organization inspired by the Iranian revolution of 1979. [PBS, 2000; Arlington Cemetery (.net), 4/23/2006] (Note: Some sources cite the date of his capture as March 16, not March 3.) whose name was `used by those involved to disguise their true identity.`[15][16][17][18][19], Former CIA operative and author Robert Baer describes it as the cover name used by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (Pasdaran). After 36 hours, the team accepts a declaration that terrorism was not involved and returns home. The Islamic Jihad Organization (“IJO”), which is also known as the External Security Organization and “910,” is a component of Hizballah responsible for the planning and coordination of intelligence, counterintelligence, and terrorist activities on behalf of Hizballah outside of Lebanon. The Reagan administration will, in coming months, provide Iraq with a remarkable amount of military and economic aid, including technology to develop long-range ballistic missiles, chemical weapons, and even nuclear weapons. Some reports indicate that they merged with Hezbollah afterwards, with their leader Imad Mughniyah appointed as head of that party's overseas security apparatus. June 6, 2015 The information contained in this monograph may be distributed for personal Najmiddin Jalolov founded the organization as the Islamic Jihad Group in March 2002, but the group was renamed Islamic Jihad Union in … The Islamic Jihad Union was founded by breakaway fighters from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan in March 2002 in Pakistan’s Tribal Areas. [New York Times, 11/19/1987] It remains unclear exactly who Buckley’s captors are. However, information will later come out suggesting it was not an accident: Members of Islamic Jihad, a branch of the Hezbollah militant group (not to be confused with the Islamic Jihad group headed by Ayman al-Zawahiri), immediately take credit for the crash. One of the bank men—perhaps I should call him an associate of the bank men—was a little angry about this money. FTO designations play a critical role in our fight against terrorism and are an effective means of curtailing support for terrorist activities and pressuring groups to […] But he will also rule against a new investigation, saying it would cause more pain to the victims’ families. The plane was coming from Egypt and refueling in Newfoundland before continuing on to the US. It was established by Palestinian students in Egypt who were admirers of the Iranian Revolution and the Muslim Brotherhood. Type of Organization: Non-state actor, terrorist, violent Ideologies and Affiliations: Iranian-sponsored, Islamist, jihadist, Palestinian, Salafist, Sunni, takfiri Place of Origin: Egypt Year of Origin: 1979 Founder(s): Fathi Shaqaqi and Abd al-Aziz Awda Places of Operation: Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, Lebanon, Syria But the perceived success of these attacks in getting the US to leave Lebanon will usher in a new era of suicide attacks around the world. “To stop now in midstream would ignite Iranian fire,” he wrote, adding, “Hostages would be our minimum losses.” One theory will be that Iran used militant surrogates connected to Hezbollah to punish North for sending the wrong missiles. If you find it useful, please give us a hand and donate what you can.Donate Now, If you would like to help us with this effort, please contact us. Within hours of the crash, Major General John Crosby arrives at the crash site and reportedly tells maintenance workers he wants to “bulldoze over the crash site immediately.” The White House also quickly publicly claims there is “no evidence of sabotage or an explosion in flight,” despite the fact that Hezbollah has just taken credit for the crash and the investigation is just beginning. Whether the Islamic Jihad Organization (IJO) was a nom de guerre used by Hezbollah or a separate organization, is disputed. Six heavy crates were loaded into the plane’s cargo bay in Egypt without military customs clearance. Prior to this year, attacks of this type were rare. The October 1983 bombing of US Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon. [9/11 Commission, 7/24/2004, pp. Altogether, these attacks killed 659 people ...[22]. So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that there are so many jihad-linked charities. [Time, 4/27/1992] Gene Wheaton, a private investigator hired by victims’ relatives unsatisfied with the official explanation, will claim that a duffel bag stuffed with US currency was found in the wreckage. Heinrich will tell them that a large amount of cash was on the Gander flight and he will tell them this before any accounts of cash being on the plane are reported in the media. Hezbollah - Wikipedia On 15 September 1985, following the second delivery, Reverend Benjamin Weir was released by his captors, the Islamic Jihad Organization . The Islamic Jihad Organization (IJO), also known as Islamic Jihad, was a fundamentalist Shia Muslim terrorist group that targeted Americans and foreigners in Lebanon; it was the name given to Hezbollah's operations in Lebanon and the Middle East.Headquartered in Beirut and Baalbek, the IJO was led by Imad Mughniyah, also the leader of Hezbollah.It was active until 1992. "[21], Hala Jaber calls it a name "deliberately contrived by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and their recruits to cast confusion. The closing months of the Reagan administration will feature a marked tilt towards Iraq in the war between Iraq and Iran. Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (Arabic: حركة الجهاد الإسلامي ‎, Ḥarkat al-Jihād al-Islāmiyah, meaning "Islamic Jihad Movement", HuJI) is an Islamic fundamentalist organisation most active in South Asian countries of Pakistan, Bangladesh and India since the early 1990s. The CIA will not acknowledge his death until 1987. Instead, both the US and Iran have used Waite’s efforts as cover for their secret negotiations. [Time, 4/27/1992] In 1988, the nine-member Canadian Aviation Safety Board will issue a split verdict. Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Islamic Jihad terrorists Emad Nassar/Flash 90 The leader of the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization threatened Israel on Friday, following the clashes in Jerusalem. Just days before the crash, Iranian officials threatened to retaliate after North sent them a shipment of the wrong missiles. Islam Jihad is one of several groups taking responsibility. The crash will initially be widely reported to have been an accident, caused by icing on the airplane wings. The organization became closely involved with al-Qa’ida. This fiasco, coupled by the pressure resulting from tighter security measures and joint anti-militia sweeps implemented by the Syrian Army, the Lebanese Internal Security Forces (ISF) and the Amal Movement at the Shia quarters of West Beirut in 1987–88, brought a steady decline in the organization's activities in Lebanon for the rest of the civil war. They demanded the departure of all Americans from Lebanon and took responsibility for a number of kidnappings, assassinations, and bombings of embassies and peacekeeping troops which killed several hundred people. Bates, John D. (Presiding) (September 2003). At the time, the US was secretly selling these types of missiles to Iran as part of an arms-for-hostages deal. Daniel Levin Iran supports groups such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) for both geostrategic and ideological reasons. 10 February 1986. This “Islamic Jihad” organization is not the same group as is later led by Sunni militant Ayman al-Zawahiri, nor is it the Palestinian organization of the same name. Islamic Jihad, a group linked to the Iranian-backed Shīʿite Muslim militia group Hezbollah, claimed responsibility for the attack. [20] According to Baer it is "a very distinct organization, which was separate from Hezbollah because you had the [Hezbollah] consultative council which only had a vague idea of what the hostage-takers were doing. Possibly formed in early 1983 and reportedly led by Imad Mughniyah, a former Lebanese Shiite member of Palestinian Fatah’s Force 17, the IJO was not a militia but rather a typical underground urban guerrilla organization. The Islamic State (IS) – also known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) – is a Salafi-Jihadist militant organization that operates primarily in Syria and Iraq. [Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 12/12/2005] Five witnesses in the remote location where the plane crashes will sign sworn statements that they saw the plane burning before it fell. If you want to contribute information to this site, click the register link at the top of the page, and start contributing.Contact Us, Except where otherwise noted, 73, 85] New Yorker reporter Jeffrey Goldberg later writes that he believes the organization is either a precursor to the Lebanese militant organization Hezbollah or a more violent adjunct to that organization. Following the bombing, two callers claimed responsibility in the name of Hezbollah’s Islamic Jihad Organization (IJO). That is why there will be no more hostage releases until he returns to the region.” (Waite has temporarily suspended his attempts to free the hostages, complaining about being used as a pawn in international power games.) Heinrich, who takes part in numerous arms deals with high-level BCCI officials, will tell the reporters: “This money on the plane was money that [BCCI founder Agha Hasan] Abedi, money that the bank had provided US intelligence for covert operations. However, senior Iranian officials denied the alleged connections. Hizballah’s Islamic Jihad Organization first gained infamy in the 1980s, when it orchestrated various attacks on Americans and Europeans in Lebanon and elsewhere. Someone else thought perhaps it was being diverted to another operation. Neither the money nor the heavy crates will be mentioned by the official investigation. [Source: US Marine Corps. On October 23, 1983, a Marine barracks in Beirut is bombed by another suicide truck attack, killing 241 Marines. [US Congress, 7/24/2003; US Congress, 7/24/2003 ] The Beirut bombings will also inspire Osama bin Laden to believe that the US can be defeated by suicide attacks. In Islam, zakat — the alms required of every Muslim — can and should be given to further the jihad. The IJO suffered a setback in 1986 when a temporary abduction of four Soviet diplomats ended up in the assassination of one hostage, an affair promptly regulated by the KGB using methods of intimidation. American forces had initially entered war-torn Lebanon in August 1982 as part of a multinational peacekeeping force that included French, Italian, and British personnel. 24 May 1982. It said the militant was the head of the Islamic Jihad’s rocket unit and identified him as Samih al-Mamluk. [Source: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation]Shortly after takeoff from Gander, Newfoundland, Arrow Air Flight 1285 stalls and crashes about half a mile from the runway. But the Iranians’ return to the bargaining table is complicated by the October 5 shooting down of a CIA transport plane in Nicaragua, and the capture by the Sandinistas of the lone survivor, a cargo hauler named Eugene Hasenfus, who tells his captors of the US involvement with the Nicaraguan Contras (see October 5, 1986). Their jihad, they claim, is to fight to make God’s Law supreme on earth. They will develop a reliable source, a private arms dealer using the alias Heinrich. [Time, 11/17/1986], Entity Tags: Terry Waite, William Casey, Reagan administration, George Shultz, Islamic Jihad Organization, David Jacobson, Caspar Weinberger, Al Shiraa, Nizaar Hamdoon, Eugene Hasenfus, Hezbollah, Timeline Tags: US-Iraq 1980s, Iran-Contra Affair, Receive weekly email updates summarizing what contributors have added to the History Commons database, Developing and maintaining this site is very labor intensive.
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