The resolution recommended the creation of independent Arab and Jewish States and a Special International Regime for the city of … See official Records of the General Assembly, Second Session Supplement No 11, Volume I-IV. From the south-east corner of Ibdis village it runs to a point south-west of the built-up area of Beit 'Affa, crossing the Hebron-El Majdal road just to the west of the built-up area of Iraq Suweidan. Dissertation de 6 pages - Droit international "La France face au terrorisme a toujours pris ses responsabilités et c'est depuis la Syrie, nous en avons la preuve, que sont organisées des attaques contre plusieurs pays, et notamment le nôtre." Both Zionist and Arab delegations were now in a race against time. Résolution 181 : l'ONU pouvait-elle priver les Palestiniens de leur terre ? For the Resolution (33) - Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Haiti, Iceland, Liberia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru Philippines, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine, South Africa, Uruguay, the Soviet Union, the United States, Venezuela, White Russia. It then turns south-eastwards to Kh. 31 Août 2006; Monique Chemillier-Gendreau; Extrait de l’ouvrage « Droit pour tous ou loi du plus fort. They dusted off the map they showed to UNSCOP in May 1947 and decided it was time to act. There is an end-user problem. The question of Karton quarter will be decided by the Boundary Commission, bearing in mind among other considerations the desirability of including the smallest possible number of its Arab inhabitants and the largest possible number of its Jewish inhabitants in the Jewish State. Thence it turns north to follow the southern side of the Jaffa-Jerusalem road until El Qubab, whence it follows the road to the boundary of Abu Shusha. Section 8.2 Cadre de Travail pour la consolidation de la paix de l’ONU 181 Section 8.3 Maintien de Consolidation de la Paix au Sierra Leone: de la MINUSIL au BINUSIL/UNIPSIL, de 1999 à 2014 185 Elle contient le préambule suivi des 111 articles de la Charte. President Truman, in his memoirs, stated the following: "The facts were that not only were there pressure movements around the United Nations unlike anything that had been seen there before, but that the White House, too, was subjected to a constant barrage. Kuseifa to join the Beersheba-Hebron-sub-district boundary. -- Considérant la résolution 181 du 29 novembre 1947 par laquelle l’Assemblée générale des Nations-Unies reconnaît le partage de la Palestine en deux Etats et le statut spécial de la ville de Jérusalem ; – Considérant la résolution 242 du 22 novembre 1967 du Conseil de sécurité des About five kilometres north-east of Ras ez Zuweira it turns north, excluding from the Arab State a strip along the coast of the Dead Sea not more than seven kilometres in depth, as far as Ein Geddi, whence it turns due east to join the Transjordan frontier in the Dead Sea. 3 See A/ES-10/273 and Corr.1. 181 due to the deteriorating security situation and was abolished on 14 May 1948: This decision was influenced by world events at that time. Deterioramento delle relazioni tra la Gran Bretagna e la Palestina Regards militants sur les Nations Unies » Ed. Thence it proceeds first north-westwards to a point due north of the built-up area of Zir'in and then westwards to the Afula-Jenin railway, thence north-westwards along the district boundary line to the point of intersection on the Hejaz railway. La résolution 181. "De-Facto" mean a state of affairs that is true in fact but that is not officially sanctioned. Le conflit israélo-palestinien, né de la création de l’État d’Israël en 1948 et des différentes guerres israélo-arabes, a été l’occasion de nombreuses sessions de l’ONU, de nombreuses résolutions, sans qu’il y ait de solutions sur le terrain. 11,Volumes l-lV. Documents are arranged according to official UN symbols. 2 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. العربية; 中文; English; Français; Русский; Español; Download the Word Document From the south-east corner of Beit Hanun the line runs south-west to a point south of the parallel grid line 100, then turns north-west for two kilometres, turning again in a south-westerly direction and continuing in an almost straight line to the north-west corner of the village lands of Kirbet Ikhza'a. From the south-east corner of Ibdis village it runs to a point south-west of the built-up area of Beit 'Affa, crossing the Hebron-El Majdal road just to the west of the built-up area of Iraq Suweidan. From here it runs due west, parallel to the horizontal grid line 230, to the north-east corner of the village lands of Tel Adashim. Risoluzione Assemblea Generale ONU 181 Piano di Ripartizione per crearae uno Stato Arabo ed Ebraico a unione Economica e con un regime Speciale per Gerusalemme (29 Novembre 1947) Official Records of the General Assembly, Second Session Supplement No. The Trusteeship Council shall be designated to discharge the responsibilities of the Administering Authority on behalf of the United Nations. But Zionist pressure proved too much to resist (see Truman's quote above). General Assembly resolution 1803 (XVII) of 14 December 1962, "Permanent sovereignty over natural resources" The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 523 (VI) of 12 January 1952 and 626 (VII) of 21 December 1952, Bearing in mind its resolution 1314 (XIII) … conseil. The boundary of the hill country of Samaria and Judea starts on the Jordan River at the Wadi Malih south-east of Beisan and runs due west to meet the Beisan-Jericho road and then follow's the western side of that road in a north-westerly direction to the junction of the boundaries of the sub-districts of Beisan, Nablus, and Jenin. On Saturday morning, 29 November 1947, against the will of the Palestinian people, the General Assembly in New York voted for the partition of Palestine and accepted Resolution 181. 11,Volumes l-lV. From there it turns to the northeast and then to the south-east following this wadi and passes to the east of 'Abda to join Wadi Nafkh. The rest is history: the British mandate ended the next day on 15th May 1948 at noon. Most of Palestine’s indigenous population were expelled and, together with their descendents, became numbers in an UNRWA refugee register. Le 22 mai 1961, après que de légères modifications eurent été apportées à son libellé, ce projet de résolution révisé a été adopté par la Commission, laquelle a ensuite fait sienne la résolution I (E/3511, annexe), par laquelle elle priait le … 2 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. UN Special Committee on Palestine "majority proposal" (partition) formed the basis of res. Les résolutions des Nations Unies sont l’expression formelle de l’opinion ou de la volonté des organes qui les adoptent. The two reports were submitted and after prolonged discussions, there was great pressure from the United States and Soviet Delegations to adopt the Resolution to Partition Palestine. It then runs to the north-west corner of these lands, when it turns south and west so as to include in the Arab State the sources of the Nazareth water supply in Yafa village. Résolution 71/25 - Statut de la Ville sainte de Jérusalem, en particulier la « Loi fondamentale » sur Jérusalem et la proclamation de Jérusalem capitale d’Israël. Deutscher Übersetzungsdienst, Vereinte Nationen, New York Februar 1993 RESOLUTION DER GENERALVERSAMMLUNG verabschiedet am 29. The boundary rejoins the Tiberias sub-district boundary at a point on the Nazareth-Tiberias road south-east of the built-up area of Tur'an; thence it runs southwards, at first following the sub-district boundary and then passing between the Kadoorie Agricultural School and Mount Tabor, to a point due south at the base of Mount Tabor. As the Jewish Agency was about to declare the birth of Israel, Truman was ready to reward it with a political recognition against all advice from his State Department officials. under a special international regime and shall be administered by the United Nations. ], Question de Palestine/Futur gouvernement/Plan de partage - Résolution de l'AG. Thence it turns north to follow the southern side of the Jaffa-Jerusalem road until El Qubab, whence it follows the road to the boundary of Abu Shusha. From here it runs due north-north-east to a point on the Shafa 'Amr-Haifa road, west of its junction with the road to I'Billin. The reason why the General Assembly Resolution 181 never went to the Security Council for consideration was because it implied that if it were to be approved by the Security Council, then it would require military force to implement it, considering the Zionist position at that time. Copyright of this website: © 1948: LEST WE FORGET. Résolution 2249 de l'ONU : quelles solutions le Conseil de sécurité entend ici proposer pour lutter contre le terrorisme international ? Regards militants sur les Nations Unies » Ed. The strength of the Jewish/Zionist lobby in Washington should not have come as a surprise to the world community. La résolution 1612 a identifié six violations graves, qui doivent faire l¶objet de surveillance. From there it proceeds north-east to a point on the southern boundary of I'Billin situated to the west of the I'Billin-Birwa road. Loy Anderson was keen for Israel to 'define' its borders. Details of such reservations by these high ranking advisors to Truman can be found in "A Calculated Risk" by Evan W Wilson. Thence it runs east of El Jiya across the village lands of El Barbara along the eastern boundaries of the villages of Beit Jirja, Deir Suneid and Dimra. From there it follows the boundary line of this village to its southernmost point. From the southeast corner of Dimra the boundary passes across the lands of Beit Hanun, leaving the Jewish lands of Nir-Am to the eastwards. By April 1948, they had achieved a military superiority and set in motion all political machinery to declare their Jewish State. From here it runs along the railway line some distance to the east of it to a point just east of the Tulkarm railway station. The UN itself recognized that Resolution 181 had not been accepted by the Arab side, rendering it a dead issue: On January 29, 1948, the First Monthly Progress Report of the UN-appointed Palestine charged with helping put Commission Resolution 181 into effect was … Palestine was thus divided into 3 parts: a Jewish part, an Arab part and an internationally administered zone to include the city of Jerusalem as a Corpus Separatum to be under the responsibility of the United Nations. From here it turns south-westwards, running across the lands of Batani Sharqi, along the eastern boundary of the lands of Beit Daras and across the lands of Julis, leaving the built-up areas of Batani Sharqi and Julis to the westwards, as far as the north-west corner of the lands of Beit Tima. Thence it follows the western boundary line of the villages of 'Alma, Rihaniya and Teitaba, thence following the northern boundary line of Meirun village to join the Acre-Safad sub-district boundary line. From there the Jewish State extends north-west, following the boundary described in respect of the Arab State.The Jewish section of the coastal plain extends from a point between Minat et Qila and Nabi Yunis in the Gaza sub-district and includes the towns of Haifa and Tel-Aviv, leaving Jaffa as an enclave of the Arab State. The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal by the United Nations, which recommended a partition of Mandatory Palestine at the end of the British Mandate.On 29 November 1947, the UN General Assembly adopted the Plan as Resolution 181 (II).. It then runs westwards along the southern side of the Safad-Acre road to the Galilee-Haifa District boundary, from which point it follows that boundary to the sea.The boundary of the hill country of Samaria and Judea starts on the Jordan River at the Wadi Malih south-east of Beisan and runs due west to meet the Beisan-Jericho road and then follow's the western side of that road in a north-westerly direction to the junction of the boundaries of the sub-districts of Beisan, Nablus, and Jenin. As noted above, the United States admitted around March 1948 that the partitioning of Palestine could not be carried out in a peaceful manner and proposed that Palestine be placed under a temporary UN Trusteeship. Notes 1 Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. Thence the boundary follows a line half-way between the railway and the Tulkarm-Qalqiliya-Jaljuliya and Ras el Ein road to a point just east of Ras el Ein station, whence it proceeds along the railway some distance to the east of it to the point on the railway line south of the junction of the Haifa-Lydda and Beit Nabala lines, whence it proceeds along the southern border of Lydda airport to its southwest corner, thence in a south-westerly direction to a point just west of the built-up area of Sarafand el 'Amar, whence it turns south, passing just to the west of the built-up area of Abu el Fadil to the north-east corner of the lands of Beer Ya'Aqov. From there it joins Wadi El Zaiyatin just to the west of El Subeita. From there it joins Wadi El Zaiyatin just to the west of El Subeita. After 10 years, a referendum would be held to seek the views of the city’s residents. GA Res181 never went to the Security Council for approval, therefore it remained as a 'recommendation'. ||Arabic||Chinese||Français||Русский||Español||, See also: voting records (via UNBISNET) La Résolution 181 fut adoptée par l’Assemblée Générale de l’ONU le 29 novembre 1947, avec 33 pays votant en faveur, 13 pays votant contre et 10 pays s’abstenant. It then runs across the tribal lands of 'Arab el Jubarat to a point on the boundary between the sub-districts of Beersheba and Hebron north of Kh. Notes 1 Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. November 1947 973. The northern boundary of the Arab section of the coastal plain runs from a point between Minat el Qila and Nabi Yunis, passing between the built-up areas of Gan Yavne and Barqa to the point of intersection. On the day after Truman's recognition of Israel, Epstein wrote to Moshe Shertok, Israel's then Foreign Minister saying that "...THE UNITED STATES RECOGNIZES THE PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT AS THE DE-FACTO AUTHORITY OF THE NEW STATE OF ISRAEL" [our emphasis]. Résolution 181 : l'ONU pouvait-elle priver les Palestiniens de leur terre ? Thence it follows the sub-district boundary line to the Acre-Safad main road. The United Nations had no business offering the nation of one people to the people of many nations. 973. General Assembly documents, for example, are assigned the unique symbol ‘A’, and are further identified by session and document number. Dans la résolution, le délégué a su exprimer la pensée non du pays que le délégué représente mais de la majorité des États membres des Nations Unies. Résolutions 178 à 185. From here it runs due north-north-east to a point on the Shafa 'Amr-Haifa road, west of its junction with the road to I'Billin. Alors que la Résolution 181 de l'Assemblée générale des Nations-Unies exprimait la volonté de la communauté internationale d'établir un État juif, Israël devait encore satisfaire à toutes les exigences des membres de l'ONU pour être accepté dans l'organisation. 3 See A/ES-10/273 and Corr.1. From here it turns northeastwards and proceeds along Wadi Sab' and along the Beersheba-Hebron road for a distance of one kilometre, whence it turns eastwards and runs in a straight line to Kh. Not to be forgotten, the President of the General Assembly for that session was Oswaldo Aranha who is known to have lobbied as fiercely as the Zionists to sway the vote for acceptance. 4 See A/43/928, annex. Thence along that boundary to its westernmost point, whence it turns to the north, follows across the village land of Tamra to the north-westernmost corner and along the western boundary of Julis until it reaches the Acre-Safad road. 181. It then bulges to the south-west along Wadi Nafkh, Wadi Ajrim and Wadi Lassan to the point where Wadi Lassan crosses the Egyptian frontier.The area of the Arab enclave of Jaffa consists of that part of the town-planning area of Jaffa which lies to the west of the Jewish quarters lying south of Tel-Aviv, to the west of the continuation of Herzl street up to its junction with the Jaffa-Jerusalem road, to the south-west of the section of the Jaffa-Jerusalem road lying south-east of that junction, to the west of Miqve Yisrael lands, to the north-west of Holon local council area, to the north of the line linking up the north-west corner of Holon with the north-east corner of Bat Yam local council area and to the north of Bat Yam local council area. Thence it runs east of El Jiya across the village lands of El Barbara along the eastern boundaries of the villages of Beit Jirja, Deir Suneid and Dimra. From the southeast corner of Dimra the boundary passes across the lands of Beit Hanun, leaving the Jewish lands of Nir-Am to the eastwards. From here the boundary runs southwestwards, including the built-up area and some of the land of the village of Kh.Lid in the Arab State to cross the Haifa-Jenin road at a point on the district boundary between Haifa and Samaria west of El Mansi.
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