Gallia was also cousin to Stass Allie. Later, Jedi Master Plo Koon with 104th Battalion "wolfpack" reinforcements soon arrived to rescue Gallia and having regained her weapon and forced Grievous to flee his own ship, she met with Plo Koon to finish off the remaining battle droids. She started evacuation procedures and when Grievous boarded, she faced him in the narrow, confined hallway, in their second Lightsaber duel during the war, while her 91st Reconnaissance Corps fired at the droid boarding party around them both.

In either canon, Vos’ brushes with the Dark Side as a double agent for the Republic lead to him developing romantic attachments. Nice, playful look on her face. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So, here’s the fun thing: in the old Expanded Universe, there was literally an entire novel dedicated to basically going “Hey, you know those Jedi you like in the prequels? At some point during the war, General Grievous captured Master Eeth Koth aboard his star destroyer. But even then, they married in a time when the Jedi specifically forbade it. Why is it not already on the PTS 3 months is a short window to fix major bugs look at the companion bug it's been months on end with it and just now you have a patch that could be a month or more away.
Which one of these crusty old robe-wearing grognards is on the committee that decides that limitation, anyway? Full Name Species: Expert PilotExpert lightsaber duelistNegotiation skills Politicians: Biographic Information You can search for James is a News Editor at io9. When they landed, a battle was already in progress and before they could do anything, the two Sith appeared. Serving the Old Republic After many distinguishing years as a Knight and then an accomplished Master, she became a member on the Jedi High Council in 45 BBY and went on to serve as a leading member on that body, surviving the Mandalorian War, Stark Hyperspace War and Yiinchorri Uprising, continuing to effectively serve as a crucial player until When Eeth Koth was captured by General Grievous and his fleet, the Jedi Order sent Jedi Masters Adi Gallia, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi KnightAnakin Skywalker on the rescue mission. While walking through visions, he encountered Gallia along with many Jedi with their lightsabers ready to battle him.
Adi Gallia was a Tholothian Correlian Jedi Master on the Jedi High Council. I mean, you knew this was coming, right? During their rescue they found C-3PO and R2-D2 on Grievous's destroyer and took them back to Coruscant, while C-3PO, sarcastically encouraged by Plo Koon, talked with Commander Wolffe about their adventures, much to the latter's frustration. Goals