Harth reluctantly accepted, realizing that she would kill him if he refused.

Rain, who had been riding the Bouncer, was abruptly thrown off her back. Zannah has a double lightsaber here, like in the book (and like Dark Maul), but how she is placed, it is not visible. Blonde[3] Et bien dans ce cas, voici un ouvrage qui pourrait... Jedi : Fallen Order - Dark Temple est une mini-série parue chez Panini Comics le 10 juin 2020.

Rain's use of the Force in an act of vengeance, as well as the fearlessness she displayed in his presence, impressed him. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Masters Po zničení Sithů, jimi samými, Bane přetvořil řád tak, že existují jen dva Sithové, mistr a učedník. Zannah mu řekla, že má informace, které potřebuje k tvorbě holokronu a podala mu data kartu, překvapená, že nebyla během souboje zničena. [3], The Loranda touched down just outside of Caleb's shack, and leaving Darth Bane's unconscious body strapped to a hovergurney, Zannah and Darovit exited the ship. During the latter years of her time as Bane's apprentice, Zannah noticed Bane's withering body—despite his attempts to hide it from her—but she suspected that it was a test of her patience, nothing more than a ploy to get her to attack him prematurely. Later, after he fled from the Sith at the Stone Prison, Zannah realized that choosing Harth had been a mistake. Skin color She then returned to Doan, where she infiltrated the place of Bane's imprisonment.

Not long afterward, the young girl watched as Laa was haplessly killed by Jedi scouts. Také byla velmi talentovaná v učení Temné strany síly, dokázala se ukrýt do falešné aury světlé strany nebo se v Síle maskovat úplně. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Nebyla pro Banea žádný protivník a ten ji brzo zatlačil do kouta a ta v poslední chvíli vykřikla, že zná tajemství tvorby holokronu. [1], Rain's raw display of anger attracted the attention of Darth Bane, a Dark Lord who had recently abandoned the Brotherhood of Darkness and had been wandering Ruusan's wilderness since.

      - Demander l'autorisation préalable à Exar Kun, webmaster du site, Copyright SW:H v8-2020.

Sont également concernés les personnages de la Résistance Poe Dameron et son ami Finn. Ten se rozhodl, že z ní vychová svého učedníka. Both Zannah and her Master felt the light-side orientation of its passengers and realized that the Jedi had followed them to Tython. He also revealed that, according to legend, Andeddu had created his own holocron, in which it was rumored he had documented the secret of eternal life. [3], Zannah displayed a hunger for knowledge and readily accepted Bane's offer to train her,[1] passing several tests as a child to convince him of her dedication. [3], As surprised to see him as he was to see her, Zannah's shock quickly gave way to anger when Darovit told her that he had alerted the Jedi to the continued existence of the Sith. Zannah initially suggested relocating Bane to the Loranda's medical bay, but the healer refused, believing that Ambria's powerful undercurrent of Force energy lent strength to his medicaments. [3], Zannah constructed her personal double-bladed lightsaber not long afterward. [3], While living on Ciutric IV, Zannah was often friendly to the beings with whom she dealt. Společně se vydali zpět na Ambriu za léčitelem Celebem. Stricken with anger and grief, she unwittingly gave in to the dark side and murdered the Jedi. Rain a Laa byly zasaženy touto vlnou ale Rainino nevědomé používání Síly, zachránilo ji, Laa i místo, na kterém odpočívali Rain si uvědomila, že je silná v Síle a doufala, že se stane velkým Jediem, ale Laa ji předpověděla, že se nestane Jediem ale velkým a mocným Temným Jediem. Caleb's daughter was now an adult, however, and Zannah took notice of the satisfaction with which he spoke as he told her that his daughter was gone, and the Sith therefore held no more power over him.

She located Bane and fought him, but their duel ended in a draw when both were forced to flee the prison. She expected Bane to demand an explanation of her actions, but he instead attacked her under the belief that she had betrayed him. Harth had come across the name Andeddu multiple times and had thus heard that the Sith Lord had ruled over the planet Prakith as a god. After ordering the woman to set the autopilot on a course for Onderon, which Irtanna refused to do, Zannah killed the soldier and professed her Sith allegiance before doing the same to Wend, despite him begging for his life. Zannah však nebyla schopna Celeba přesvědčit, aby jejího mistra vyléčil zato se to podařilo Darovitovi, který s Celebem uzavřel dohodu.

Rather than be usurped, she faked her death and put herself in suspended animation. She did experience love of the romantic sort, however, from the Twi'lek Kelad'en, though she only feigned the same desire for him in return.

Po dosažení Atmosféry Ruusanu byla jejich loď napadnutá Buzzardy u Bratrstva Temnoty. The respondent Jedi assumed that he was the Sith Lord they sought and killed him, effectively convincing the Jedi of the Sith's final eradication. Naštěstí pro Banea a Zannah, jediové ignorovali Lorandu a tak s ní mohli zatím ještě ukrytí Sithové později odletět kamkoliv. Zannah's cousin Darovit appeared suddenly from another of the caves, and mistakenly believed that she was Bane's captive when he saw them together.

Jedi Petja se svým společníkem, se rozhodli, že raději Bouncery zabijí, než by riskovali paniku ve svém mužstvu, ale když tuto činnost prováděli, zastřelili i Laa Tito dva Jediové viděli Rain jak spadla z mrtvého těla Bouncera a ihned se k ní rozběhli. Hetton (very briefly)[3]Set Harth (briefly)[5]Darth Cognus[5] Zannah had contacted the librarian beforehand to advise of her upcoming visit, and was given a datacard that contained several reference materials to aid in her search. Po bitvě, společně s Baneem navštívili jeskyně, kde Kaan vypustil Myšlenkovou Bombu, a tam se střetla se svým bratrancem Darovitem, jenž se snažil Banea zastavit.

She would later ascend from this rank and take the name Darth Zannah. Také dokázala do lidí promítat jejich největší strach což způsobilo, že se dotyční zbláznili. Born [Source]. Even against opponents of far greater size, such as Jedi Knight Sarro Xaj, Zannah was able to erect and maintain an effective wall of defense. [3], Darth Zannah was first mentioned, albeit indirectly, in the episode "Sacrifice" of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Jako malá dívka byla rekrutována do boje po boku Lorda Hotha v Armádě Světla během bojů o Ruusan. As Zannah began to mentally focus for the battle, she hid the datacard with the information from the Temple Archives in a nearby closet. Ti uvěřili, že on je Sithský Pán a zabili ho. Biographical information [5], Darth Zannah was eventually succeeded by Darth Cognus and her three-eyed mutant apprentice, Darth Millennial. When she failed to confront him for the position of Dark Lord, Bane believed she lacked initiative. From this, she was able to extract only one name from Tenn—Darth Andeddu—before she had to kill him, lest he betray the secret of the Sith Order's survival. Zannah agreed, though not in earnest; she planned to simply use Hetton and eventually take from him information that would lead her Master to Belia Darzu's fortress on the planet Tython, where she hoped he would discover the secret of holocron creation.

When the parasites that comprised Bane's body armor began to cause him concern, Zannah was tasked with infiltrating the Jedi Temple archives on Coruscant to obtain information about the creatures. Dark Zannah finit par défier son maître, et après avoir vaincu son maître en duel, elle devient Dame Noire des Sith et prend Dark Cognus comme apprentie. Darth Zannah, also known as Rain during her childhood, is the villianous deuteragonist ofthenovelsDarth Bane: Rule of Two, andDarth Bane: Dynasty of Evil. [4] She expressed compassion for the Bouncer Laa, as well as deep sorrow for Laa when she was killed. Star Wars est une marque déposée par la société LucasFilm.

She used her basically untrained power to shield herself from the combined power of a Sith-created Force storm, snap the necks of two Jedi warriors, and even to survive the thought bomb when nearly every other present Force sensitive individual was annihilated by it. Believing that the Sith had been eradicated once and for all, the Jedi collected the lightsabers of Tython's fallen, as well as the remains of Caleb—who had been hacked to pieces by Zannah—and departed from Ambria. Bonne lecture ^^. The adult female named Irtanna, whom Zannah believed to be a soldier of some sort, consulted a Human male called Bordon. Zannah returned with him to Ciutric IV to confront her own Master, only to find …

Nonetheless, Zannah was regarded by her Master as no more than an heir to his Sith legacy.

[2], The final battle on Ruusan saw the decimation of both Jedi and Sith armies with the unleashing of Lord Skere Kaan's life-consuming thought bomb, and Zannah and her new Master were among the few survivors. Although Laa had not succumbed to the same madness as her kin, Petja and his fellow Jedi killed her anyway. She rebuffed Darovit's subsequent attempts to placate her but became partially interested when he said that even though Caleb had refused to assist her, Bane could still be saved.

After she insisted on her destination, Zannah's hosts decided to take her back to the Republic fleet, where the young girl's destiny would be decided for her. Set Harth, Dark Jedi and Sith apprentice. When the Brotherhood of Darkness later unleashed a planet-wide Force storm, Rain survived by instinctively enveloping herself and Laa with a bubble of Force energy. Od této chvíle přestala používat svou přezdívku, a začala pouívat své pravé jméno Zannah. Darth Zannah was Darth Bane's apprentice in Star Wars Legends. Zabila Celeba a rozsekala ho na mnoho kousků, sebe a Banea ukryla pod Celebovou chatrčí a díky svým Sithským kouzlům, způsobila, že Darovit zešílel. Stricken with anger and grief, she unwittingly gave in to the dark side and murdered the Jedi. However, Zannah had already begun to contemplate his demise. Round 1: Vader 10/10. Jakmile loď zasáhli, udělali do ní velkou díru a Rain z lodi vypadla do lesa, který se nacházel pod lodí. Untitled Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, The Sith | Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures Fun Facts, Endnotes for the New Essential Chronology, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Zannah?oldid=9491563. Finally, she was able to coax the reptile into following her.

While dueling Harth in his mansion, Zannah capitalized on his mistakes, which ultimately resulted from Harth's own arrogance and impatience; this allowed her to attack him with a spell of insanity, against which he had no defense and through which he was defeated. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll Bane v domnění, že ho Zannah zradila, na ní zaútočil.