L'univers Officiel reprend lui, les histoires des films et des autres supports parus depuis 2014[a 2],[Note 2]. He sacrifices himself to destroy a remote listening post on the Rishi moon under attack by the Separatists and alert the Republic of their presence on the moon. They are the most numerous and dominant species, with apparently millions of major and minor colonies galaxywide. Sur les personnages non encore présentés dans des encyclopédies consacrées à l'ensemble de la saga : Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. Pour ramener la paix dans la galaxie, une République galactique a été fondée avec pour capitale la planète Coruscant. A journalist and broadcaster on HoloNet News. When Count Dooku learns of this, he arrives on Oba Diah and kills Lom. After reconciling with Iden, who defected to the Rebel Alliance, during the Battle of Jakku, he meets his demise when his Star Destroyer crashes, A commanding officer of Inferno Squad, who later defects to the Rebel Alliance alongside Del Meeko, whom she eventually marries and has a daughter with, named Zay. ", "J.J. Abrams' good luck charm Greg Grunberg reveals his, "Wullf Yularen Character History (Canon) – Star Wars Explained", From Star Wars to Jedi: The Making of a Saga, Empire of Dreams: The Story of the Star Wars Trilogy, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Star_Wars_characters&oldid=985918179#Aayla_Secura, Articles with dead external links from December 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. A docking bay attendat and ship mechanic working at the Mos Eisley Spaceport on Tatooine. Deformer clone trooper and member of Clone Force 99 (dubbed the "Bad Batch"). Some have made a name for themselves, such as Cad Bane, a notorious Duros bounty hunter. Temiri and his friends, Oniho Zaya and Arashell Sar, work for, Nu-Cosian storyteller seen carrying his menagerie of caged animals on, Son of Mina Bonteri and freedom fighter in the Clone Wars; love interest of, Goddaughter of Lux Bonteri introduced in the novel. Le premier évènement est la création d'une Nouvelle République[a 9]. BY, Dark Vador contre-attaque en détruisant la base principale des rebelles sur la planète Hoth (L'Empire contre-attaque). Former Jedi Master, leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS), and, Dark Lord of Sith and sculptor, who appears in the novel series, Former Jedi Temple Guard and leader of the Inquisitorious. First appearing in the, Human female Resistance commander and advisor to, Leader of the Bith band Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes, playing in the Mos Eisley cantina in, Tarsunt from the planet Suntilla who serves as a logistics controller for the Resistance during the attack on Starkiller Base in. Duros (or "Durosians") are humanoids from planet Duro, with large, ovular heads, red eyes and blue skin. He is the main antagonist of the first season of, Inquisitor: Second Sister (Trilla Suduri), Female Inquisitor and former Jedi Padawan and apprentice of Jedi Knight Cere Junda, who was captured and tortured by the Empire after Cere betrayed her location under intense interrogation. "Happy" Dapp is a man that an unnamed smuggler and his sister Riley worked for during the Galactic Empire's Iron Blockade.

Taustaa. He is killed by Ahsoka Tano during a mission to break out Jedi Master Even Piell. Their first appearance is in Star Wars (1977) when Luke and C-3PO search for R2-D2 on Tatooine. BY, l'Alliance remporte une grande victoire en détruisant une seconde station spatiale et en éliminant l'empereur Palpatine et Vador lors de la bataille d'Endor (Le Retour du Jedi)[1]. Dark Vador est ainsi l'incarnation du mal. Mandalorian politician who serves as Prime Minister of, Unnamed female Mandalorian armorer and an ally of, Mysterious Mandalorian bounty hunter operating in the Outer Rim territories in the years following the fall of the Empire, and the protagonist of the self-titled. Le recensement qui suit présente les personnages dont la description s'étale sur une page ou plus d'une encyclopédie consacrée à l'ensemble de la saga cinématographique et entièrement ou en grande partie centrées sur la présentation des personnages. He rediscovers the Blue Shadow Virus and attempts to weaponize it for Separatist use. They were a race known for having a fierce sense of self-determination and an equally dominant need for independence. Tarsunt politician that serves as Chancellor of the New Republic, and perishes on Hosnian Prime when it is destroyed by the First Order's Starkiller Base. Le Comte Dooku reprend le rôle du traître comme jadis Judas Iscariote ou Brutus. [9] Tales of the Bounty Hunters reveals that he was badly injured in a race by Han Solo on Corellia and rebuilt by the Empire as a cybernetically enhanced assassin, serving the Empire until he refuses to kill children on the planet Asrat. Shark-like Separatist leader, known for his ferocity and brilliant mind. In, Director of Advanced Weapons Research for the Imperial military in, Human male graduate from the Royal Imperial Academy on Coruscant, who later joins the Rebel Alliance in the novel, Ancient female space pirate introduced in, Imperial navy captain who serves in Darth Vader's Death Squadron as captain of the Star Destroyer. He is taken back to custody after his plot is thwarted. [89][92] Later in his retirement in the same continuity, Bossk is imprisoned on a space station orbiting Ord Mantell, which is destroyed during the Yuuzhan Vong War, and possibly meets his demise.[93]. C'est l'archétype du mal avec une arrogance raffinée. Star Wars Wiki est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Cinéma. The warring race name their new planet "Mandalore", after their leader, Mandalore the First. La Force[3]Sabre laser[3] Separatist Phindian criminal who comes up with a plan to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine. Female Aqualish in the service of the Empire, who was the headmaster of the Future Imperial Leaders Military Preparatory School on the planet, Member of the Imperial Ruling Council and one of Emperor Palpatine's advisors, he is with the Emperor on the second Death Star when it is destroyed over the forest moon of Endor in, Bardottan podracer whose large racer is sabotaged and destroyed by Sebulba in the Boonta Eve Classic podrace in, Neimoidian second-in-command to Nute Gunray and Settlement Officer of the Trade Federation. Falsely joining the Rebellion on Hoth in a ruse to capture Han Solo, Dengar is reprieved of this death warrant by Darth Vader and reunites with his future wife Manaroo on Cloud City. Short humanoid with protruding jaws and short fangs, based on a. Phidian CIS commander who serves as the warden of the prison known as "The Citadel" on the planet Lola Sayu. Looking to free his associate, A Yarkora seen in the background at Jabba's the Hutt's palace in the film, Gran podracer at the Boonta Eve Classic in, Former Imperial sharpshooter and a member of, A young survivor of the Nighsisters clan on Dathomir, following their massacre at the hands of General Grievous and the Separatists army during the Clone Wars. [144], In the Legends continuity, Dodonna became an Imperial officer with the rise of the Galactic Empire.[153]. Eventually, Sabine destroys the weapon with the Darksaber, causing an explosion that kills Tiber. Rebel Alliance General that greets Leia Organa as she returns to the Rebel base on Yavin 4 in, Imperial officer on the first Death Star in, Kyuzo constable of Niima Outpost on Jakku. She replaces Jar Jar Binks as Senator of the Chommell Sector. Overweight Twi'lek who represents Ryloth in the Galactic Senate during the prequel trilogy. After being rescued from an accident by Cal, who has to use the Force to catch him, the Empire arrives on the planet in search for the young Jedi and Prauf sacrifices himself to allow Cal and his other friends to escape. De même, comme Siegfried, il se bat contre des monstres fabuleux et comme Œdipe, il combat violemment son père. Les personnages non présentés dans ces encyclopédies, même s'ils sont considérés par certains comme importants, sont exclus du recensement[Note 1]. BY les Sith lancent la première guerre galactique qui se termine par leur défaite[a 4]. She opposes Vizsla's alliance with Darth Maul and Savage Opress, and later leads members of the Death Watch loyal to her against those who remain loyal to Maul and his criminal allies. ARC Trooper and member of Domino Squad and the 501st Legion, who is seemingly killed in the Battle of Lola Sayu. Les autres personnages importants, sont Padmé Amidala, le grand amour d'Anakin, Chewbacca, le fidèle compagnon de Han, les méchants Dark Maul, Dooku, Boba Fett, Jabba le Hutt et les éléments comiques comme Jar Jar Binks ou le duo R2-D2 et C-3PO. Peu après l'Ordre 66, Stygeon Prime[2] The Mandalorian culture was carried on by humans from Mandalore around the galaxy. Les Jedi maîtrisent le Côté lumineux de la Force, pouvoir bénéfique et défensif, pour maintenir la paix dans la galaxie.

Threnalli is also among the survivors escaping on the, Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council in the prequel trilogy and, Negotiator for the Guavian Death Gang, who confront Han Solo for swindling them aboard his freighter the. Crime lord and rival to Jabba the Hutt, recognized as the "fastest blaster on Tatooine". [citation needed]. Elite, red-helmeted and red-cloaked stormtroopers who serve as Emperor Palpatine's personal bodyguards. Radical activist against Jedi involvement in the Clone Wars, incited by the Jedi Order's use of her technician husband Jackar Bowmani to arm Republic gunships. During the war, a gained a large scar on his right eye. He is killed while fighting. Bounty hunter, chosen by Count Dooku to serve as the template for all the clones who made up the Republic's army. Moisture farmer who purchases, then frees and marries, Shmi Skywalker, becoming the stepfather of Anakin Skywalker, whom he meets only briefly in, Leia Organa's adoptive father, the Senator of Alderaan and one of the Rebel Alliance's founding members. Mandalorian warrior who served under Darth Maul, aiding his escape from Darth Sidious, and commanding his forces during the Siege of Mandalore alongside Rook Kast, until Maul betrayed them and allowed them to be captured alongside the rest of their men.