She is twice divorced and angrily defends women's right to abortion, although she regards it as a sad necessity. Les descendants avaient souvent gagné les côtes, pour prendre la mer sur des bateaux de pêche. Bombs explode. It goes to show that the people may not be as stupid as you think.”. 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Le Pen tells a story to show that he has no bigotry - how he insisted on proper burial rites for dead Egyptian soldiers during the Suez campaign in 1956. Marine Le Pen was ranked among the most influential people in 2011 and 2015 by the TIME 100. The explosion ripped open the entire front of the building. This is her sixth year as leader of a party traditionally seen as far-right. Pierrette and Jean-Marie Le Pen shortly before their split in 1984(Getty Images), In her autobiography A contre flots (Against the Waves) Marine states: “For a month and a half I vomited every day. They believe in ideas. Marine Le Pen is the daughter of National Front founder Jean-Marie Le Pen. He repeated le détail. When Marine Le Pen champions the exclusion of religion from the public sphere it is “a smokescreen for anti-immigration” he says. Vrais chiffres du chômage en mars : -8300 ou -0,2% non pas -1,7% ou -60000 ! Marine Le Pen sexy : 590 He's willing to talk at length about his daughter Marine. Without that toughness, she could not have pushed the FN to its current unprecedented heights. Only once - between 1986 and 1988 when there was a brief period of proportional representation - have they had more than one or two deputies in the National Assembly. Instead of sympathy, there was hostility. by And what are his/her social media accounts? Or as he might have put it: “Events, mon cher ami, events.”, The women pressured to give up their children. La réserve parlementaire, mais aussi sénatoriale et ministérielle ! The final break came in April 2015, when in an interview on French radio Jean-Marie Le Pen did what Marine had long feared he would do. Pour Marine Le Pen, ce sont "130 milliards que l'État vole aux retraités". Au final, elle a été jugée coupable de manœuvre électorale frauduleuse et d’atteinte à la personnalité par le tribunal correctionnel de Béthune, et condamnée à 10 000 euros d’amende. Cette inscription sera valable sur le site And they are far from being natural FN voters. Le gouffre de la CNAV qui doit financer les retraités d’EDF-GDF ou la gigantesque escroquerie d’EDF aux dépens du privé. Marine Le Pen was born on the 5th of August, 1968. “Young people on the right,” he says, “are so much more radical than their parents.”. Un sénateur battu par sa femme de ménage aux élections ! Aloof, on a hill, with this magnificent view over the capital - it is just like Jean-Marie himself, who was always looking on the system from outside,” says Olivier Beaumont, whose book on the Le Pens is called In the Hell of Montretout. Divorcée en 1999, elle s’est remariée avec Éric Lorio avant de divorcer à nouveau. Out here in the sticks, people adore the fact that she is so hated by the establishment in Paris. “Back then La Deveze meant social progress. But for the FN's enemies, the nation-first answer is wrong, dangerous and a betrayal of France's mission to the world. Rappelons que la plus jeune députée de l’histoire de la République française est Marion Maréchal-Le Pen , à 22 ans. Philippot, her close adviser, has his own YouTube channel where he appears in an office kitchen dubbed the Marine cafe, railing against the latest factory closure or European free-trade deal. The electoral system has always been an obstacle for the FN. La responsabilité des politiques face aux terrorisme et l’autre amalgame dont personne ne parle, Renseignez votre droit individuel à la formation sur votre compte personnel de formation, Les vœux de Hollande qui incrimine les français responsables d’un pays en décomposition, Rory Curtis sort du coma et parle français, un don inexpliqué à ce jour, Les menaces contre la religion chrétienne arrivent en France, Comptes budget et fiscalité de votre commune de 2000 à 2013, Les dividendes soumis au RSI ou l’impôt de trop qui achève les SARL et les petites entreprises, Une autre réalité chiffrée des djihadistes français et son financement, Les chiffres du chômage sous François Hollande mis à jour novembre 2014, Photos politiques et de Hollande : de l’humour, du ridicule, du réalisme, Une France bien gérée permettrait la suppression des impôts et la distribution d’une prime de 1000€ à chaque français. She was that party’s candidate in the 2017 French presidential election. There were drug-dealers and drunks. Immigration clandestine mode d’emploi et le financement des passeurs, Prélèvement à la source de l’IR et année blanche 2017 : explications et vérité, Les 1851 primes des fonctionnaires et tout ce que nous cache l’administration. Le FN est un parti « jeune » d’autant qu’il n’a obtenu que 21% des suffrages chez les plus de 60 ans. People decked out with diplomas and all sorts of expertise. Brexit and Donald Trump's victory are two pieces of news that FN strategists could have dreamed of only in their wildest imaginings. The franc returns, and France comes first. And if she is religious in a loose kind of way, she is scathing in her book about literalist interpreters of Catholicism. Mary Anne Rappelons que la plus jeune députée de l’histoire de la République française est Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, à 22 ans. She has been described as more democratic and republican than her nationalist father; she has led a movement of “de-demonization of the Front National” to detoxify it and soften its image, based on renovated positions and renewed teams, also expelling controversial members accused of racism, antisemitism or pétainism. “We are making big gains in the civil service,” continues Lacapelle - Marine Le Pen's close friend. In a previous life she was a lawyer who defended in the Paris courts the sort of immigrants she now wants expelled. In other words he went to the ENA, the administration school that churns out members of the French establishment and, most importantly, he is a man of the nationalist left. That's not exactly every day! Her father told her to “keep things in perspective. Les descendants avaient souvent gagné les côtes, pour prendre la mer sur des bateaux de pêche. “We treat the FN like we would any other politicians,” says Beatrice Houchard who covers the party for L'Opinion newspaper. But time and again Jean-Marie grabbed the headlines with incendiary statements. There is the same plain-speaking humour - the French call it la gouaille. The other ex-pied noir in the south, right-wing and more focused on national identity. The only eateries are Middle Eastern grills. After a brutal civil war in Algeria, De Gaulle was instrumental in accepting that France would have to give up its colony. • In 1986, at the age of 18, Marine Le Pen joined the FN (National Front). Chez les 18-24 ans, avec 21 %, elle est par exemple nettement devancée par Mélenchon (30 %) mais domine Macron (18 %). A Marine Le Pen presidency could well spark violence on a scale far greater than the protests she currently attracts. “Nationalists are always like that - whatever is for the nation is right,” he says. But wasn't he hinting that the gas chambers were insignificant? Marine Le Pen veut « réveiller » les Français… et le RN, «Les réactions du monde musulman ont été dues à beaucoup de mensonges», regrette Macron, Reconfinement : déplacements, écoles, télétravail… Ce qu’il faut retenir de l’allocution de Macron, Boycott, caricatures… le message de Macron au monde musulman, Attentats en France : «Les islamistes sont dans une dynamique de conquête», Emmanuel Macron reconfine la France : «Restez chez vous, respectez les règles», Jean-Michel Blanquer : «Nous n’accepterons pas que la minute de silence ne soit pas respectée», Au Palais-Royal, les trésors cachés du Conseil constitutionnel, Nantes - PSG : profitez du bon plan CANAL+ pour regarder le match, Sephora : comme un parfum de Black Friday 2020, Bon plan Samsung : -20% sur les écouteurs à réduction bruit Galaxy Buds Live. The influence of her generation is key. Rivals crash out. And left-wing people are the opposite. She lost school-friends, whose parents were too scared now to let them near her “dangerous” father. Elle juge que c'est "une technique de négociation" du gouvernement, qui s'appelle d'ailleurs le "faux pivot". Pourrait-elle donc renoncer à sa promesse de revenir à la retraite à 60 ans avec 40 annuités de cotisations, l'interroge une journaliste.