Esposito has also appeared in numerous films, including Malcolm X, The Usual Suspects, Last Holiday, Okja and The Maze Runner film series, among others. Moff Gideon is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise who first appeared in the Disney+ television series The Mandalorian. How Gideon fits into that goes back to the fact that he spends Season 1 of The Mandalorian attempting to recapture The Child, a powerful Force user who could bring the Jedi out of hiding. Star Wars fans still have no idea who Moff Gideon really is, or why he wants the Child so badly. Perhaps Baby Yoda’s power can help him do that? It’s also interesting that he characterizes himself as a “warden of the galaxy.” The Empire is toppled during this time period, but clearly Gideon wishes it wasn’t so and may be trying to restore it. Moff Gideon (Giancarlo Esposito) with stormtroopers and death troopers in “The Mandalorian.” DTCI Media We learned a little more about the villainous Moff Gideon from “Star Wars: The Mandalorian” this week, as actor Giancarlo Esposito spilled the details on what makes his character tick. VIDEO: Superman vs. Homelander - Who Would Win?

With Moff Gideon’s return on the horizon, Giancarlo Esposito took some time to talk about his character’s purpose. And believe me, I'm good at getting close." Thankfully, season 2 will give Star Wars fans some more of the character, along with some fights with Mando, according to Esposito. The MCU's Damage Control Deserved a Show - So What Happened to It? The group spends most of the series hunting down the like of Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger, only disappearing once the Empire believes the Jedi threat to be neutralized around the start of the Galactic Civil War. The Mandalorian fan theory could shed some light as to why Moff Gideon wants the Child, aka Baby Yoda, so bad. Introduced in Star Wars Rebels, the Imperial Inquisitors are Dark Side users trained by Darth Vader to hunt and kill Jedi. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. One such character could be Moff Gideon (Giancarlo Esposito), who, in the Season 1 finale, was defeated at the hands of Din Djarin. The Mandalorian Season 1 Recap Video Arrives as Pedro Pascal Hypes Season 2 Premiere, The Mandalorian Season 2 Premiere Runtime Leak Promises a Longer Episode Than Expected, The Batman Star Zoe Kravitz Gets Catwoman Advice from Anne Hathaway, The Undertaker Shows Up on Jimmy Fallon for a Special WWE Halloween Treat. I really hope that Esposito continues this trend of sci-fi villainy, because it really suits him! A one-stop shop for all things video games. Giancarlo Esposito's villainous Moff Gideon character is … No, Rahul Kohli isn't playing Ezra Bridger in The he says. Gideon war ein Mensch und während des Galaktischen Bürgerkriegs ein Moff des Galaktischen Imperiums.Nach der Galaktischen Übereinkunft zwischen dem Imperium und der gerade gegründeten Neuen Republik war er ein Marschall und kontrollierte ein eigenes Territorium. Season 2 could further expand on Moff Gideon's motivations in recapturing The Child and provide key details into his past. ‘The Mandalorian’ Theory May Reveal Why Moff Gideon Wants the Child. RELATED: The Mandalorian: This Baby Yoda Theory Is So Outlandish That We Hope It's True. I first became a fan of his thanks to his complex portrayal of Sidney Glass / Magic Mirror on the fantasy drama Once Upon a Time, but most people probably recognize him as Gus Fring from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. Additionally, he was also Force sensitive.

In the first season, Dr. Pershing states that they are extracting "The necessary material" from the Child and insists that he remain alive. Are the two related? The theory suggests that both Gideon and his biblical namesake are not only skilled warriors, but also act as judges -- similar to an inquisitor. Gideon was sophisticated, knowledgeable, and sought to bring order. Giancarlo Esposito's villainous Moff Gideon character is one of the big mysteries surrounding the hit Disney+ series.

In a recent interview, Giancarlo Esposito talked about the world's love of Baby Yoda. Luckily, we don't have to wait too much longer to see what Moff Gideon is really up to. With Moff Gideon’s return on the horizon, Giancarlo Esposito took some time to talk about his character’s purpose. Build your custom WiC Daily email newsletter with news and analysis on Game of Thrones and all your favorite sports teams, TV shows, and more. “My character Moff Gideon is a warden of the galaxy,” he said on Good Morning America, “he is a remnant of the Imperial empire. Very few details of Gideon's past, besides his role in the Great Purge of Mandalore, have been revealed, but given his determination to recapture The Child and his possession of the Darksaber, the warlord could very well be a former Inquisitor, and his name holds the key to this revelation. In The Mandalorian season 1, Moff Gideon is seen with the Darksaber, which is a "unique black-bladed lightsaber which would become the symbol of leadership within House Vizsla." Who exactly Gideon is and what his plans are for The Child are still a mystery, but a Reddit user found a surprising connection between the Imp and the Hebrew Bible that may reveal him as a former member of the Empire's Inquisitorius. Topics: The Mandalorian, Baby Yoda, Star Wars, Disney Plus, Streaming, © Watchr Media • All rights reserved, The Mandalorian Season 2 Premiere Finally Clears Up A New Hope Plot Point, The Mandalorian Season 2 Premiere Delivers a Major Blast from the Past for Star Wars Fans. The Mandalorian Season 2 is right around the corner, and as excitement builds for the return of everyone's favorite bounty hunter and his young charge, theories circulate around which characters will take center stage. The post goes on to point out that many ideas in Star Wars were inspired by the Bible, and that The Mandalorian showrunner Jon Favreau, who grew up with a Jewish mother and Catholic father, could be following suit with his antagonist. When the interviewer jokingly warned him not to harm Baby Yoda, Esposito said, "I just want to spend all my time with him, so as close as I can get, I will get. From there, the fan theory goes on to state that they were going to clone the Child and start harvesting midi-chlorians. Lors de la Grande Purge de Mandalore, il était officier au sein du Bureau de Sécurité Impériale. It's at this point that the theory ventures into Rebels territory. Your favorite teams, topics, and players all on your favorite mobile devices. Joe Dempsie was “a bit uncomfortable” with Gendry-Arya romance, Kate Winslet dramatically unfolds her underwater wings in Avatar 2, 4 things The Mandalorian must get right to avoid a sophomore slump, Five things we want to see in The Mandalorian season 2. According to The Mandalorian season 2 fan theory, Moff Gideon intends to get his hands on the Child so he can "inject" himself with midi-chlorians, which would then give him Force powers. As for the Darksaber, that is a whole other mystery that fans have been trying to solve since season 1 came to a close. Giancarlo Esposito's Moff Gideon character is one of the big mysteries surrounding The Mandalorian. Criminel de guerre, il fut condamné à mort pour tous se… He was imposing and ruthless, willing to kill fellow Imperials to achieve his goals, as shown by his non-hesitation in killing over a dozen stormtroopers when he first arrived on Nevarro and even killing an officer only for interrupting him.