Anor later accompanied I'pan on a mission to the upper levels so that the former Executor could learn other versions of the Rapuung story, as I'pan's tale was one of many variants. However, before they could do so, another hundred warriors entered on the heels of the heretics and placed themselves between the two groups.

Anor fled to the underworld of the Alliance capital Coruscant, now occupied by the Yuuzhan Vong and renamed Yuuzhan'tar, throwing his lot in with the Shamed Ones who believed in the Jeedai heresy to escape retribution for his failure.
[13] Anor also destabilized the Imperial Moffs, to make the invasion easier. Very early on in the initial stages of the project, the Executor predicted that the Jedi would turn to the True Way of the Yuuzhan Vong, and he was proven right after Jacen was in the Embrace of Pain for a significant amount of time. [28] At the end, Anor saw no way for the heretics to win, even though Zonama Sekot had come to their world. [1], As Anor led the search for the twins, the top part of the Citadel launched into orbit, taking with it Anor and everyone else at the summit of the Citadel. During the showdown in the Citadel, Anor was shocked that Onimi had not chosen to die with his master.
Skell knew that Anor had felt the power of Jamaane when he had interrogated him about the incident at the Well of the World Brain, and informed a shocked Anor that it was actually the Supreme Overlord himself who had incited his advisers to be furious at Hool at the end of the meeting. [1] Despite Anor's propensity to harm others to achieve his ambitions, the agent believed that ruthless acts sometimes came back to haunt their owners. [4], With the Supreme Overlord's entire focus upon him, Anor managed to relay the information that, of the two, Omas was more inclined towards the Jedi without stammering in front of Jamaane. [24] Later on, Anor was furious when I'pan thought that he was Shamed following the disaster in the Treskov system, and he temporarily lost control, beating I'pan.

Realizing that the Galactic Alliance's starfighters were not responsible, the Prefect was horrified to see Yuuzhan Vong Fire Breather creatures as the cause of the conflagrations. google_ad_client = "pub-6764640998631984"; The Supreme Commander explained that living vessels similar to coral skippers had risen from Zonama Sekot to engage the Yuuzhan Vong fighters that were guarding the ship infected with Alpha Red. There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. [28], Anor disliked how speaking through a gnullith-villip hybrid lessened the commanding tones of his voice,[22] and while at the Battle of Bilbringi, Anor refused to allow Carr to take command of the Yuuzhan Vong forces away from him. Bringing Sal-Solo and his pair of bodyguards before Jamaane, Anor knocked the Corellian flat on his face for failing to show proper respect to the leader of the Yuuzhan Vong.