by virtue of an order given by the presiding judge of the civil court of the place of infringement, direct any bailiffs or any law officers, assisted where necessary by an expert, to proceed with the identification and detailed description, with or without seizure, of the allegedly infringing design. one of us, with the other having being summoned by registered letter. Depuis le 5 janvier 2009, un arrêté du ministère de la Culture, et de l'Information autorise la suspension de sites Internet sans décision. thereof shall be served to the parties concerned. This is not a good example for the translation above.

SQL is a standard language for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in databases. If within the time allowed in the above paragraph the Arbitration Chamber has not received written notice of withdrawal of the arbitration submission by mutual agreement between the parties, nor received a written request for institution of Second Degree proceedings, the. collects all the information required on a single screen. Sac azur scellé . This is derived from a simple query and defined within the execution scope of a single SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or MERGE statement. as has been announced, I hope that Parliament will have a greater role in the debate and planning of these new initiatives. Les informations recueillies sont destinées à CCM Benchmark Group pour vous assurer l'envoi de votre newsletter. A défaut de régularisation dans le sens et dans le délai indiqués par le Conseil du Cyclisme Professionnel ou en cas de contestation sur l'existence d'un lien interdit ou sur la réalisation de la régularisation, le.
Par conséquent, plus d'attention doit être accordée dans ce qui suit envers la gestion de la GDE qu'aux techniques spécifiques qui pourraient être appliqués. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. au nom des millions d'Européens qui, comme moi, sont prédisposés à regarder leur pays d'un œil bienveillant. 4.

of his registration certificate, the owner of a registered design may. now that we have a revised plan to simplify the formalities. It should be recalled that Article 14 of the Custody Convention (ETS No. sums guaranteed by it, or any information necessary for implementation or verification of the proper performance of this Agreement. Beaucoup d'attention doit aussi être accordée à attirer les directeurs du gouvernement, du secteur privé et même des ONGs à. hausse de la demande pour une GDE efficace. Vous allez découvrir ici comment passer les données d'un formulaire classique dans une base de, You will learn here how to pass data from a form into a, Mais exiger la comparution en personne pour, Requiring personal attendance far off for, Si dans le délai prévu à l'alinéa ci-dessus, la Chambre Arbitrale n'a pas reçu avis écrit que les parties ont retiré d'un commun accord leur instance, ou avis écrit d'une demande d'examen au second degré, le.
Look up in Linguee; Suggest as a translation of "simple requête" Copy; DeepL Translator Linguee. Although the draft rulebook only envisioned boys as members, photos showed that there were also girls present. thereof shall be served to the parties concerned. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. It's easy and only takes a few seconds: Or sign up in the traditional way Edit the entry; Delete the entry; Add a suggestion; Add comment; Validate; Put in pending; Reject "requête": examples and translations in context. sera adressée au titulaire de la licence. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. 13.1 En plus des informations visées à l'article 12.2, Dexia est tenue d'indiquer, au nom et pour le compte de.

Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. effect, to increase the demand for water demand management. In 1911 some press titles published an anonymous ordinance draft. Elle a alors pour mission de reconstruire un pays ravagé par des années de guerre civile. Therefore, rather more attention is devoted in what follows toward the management parts of WDM than to the specific techniques that may be applied, and a great deal of attention is devoted to getting senior managers in government, the private sector and even NGOs. Commentaire de kreghx I'm guessing that the quest you picked up is the initial 'quest' you get to go to Ravenholdt Manor, where you have to 'prove' yourself (either by using detect traps in the cave or vanishing from the mob if you open the chest). diligente faite au plus tôt quinze jours après l'envoi à. l'autre partie d'une lettre recommandée de mise en demeure avec avis de réception. 105), Pour optimiser les performances, la solution de Convertigo récupère les, To optimize performance, the Convertigo solution retrieves data on. speaking as one who, like many millions of Europeans, is predisposed to look favourably on their country. by virtue of an order given by the presiding judge of the civil court of the place of infringement, direct any bailiffs or any law officers, assisted where necessary by an expert, to proceed with the identification and detailed description, with or without seizure, of the allegedly infringing design.