SCORPIO, using her alias the Lady of Sorrows, having lured her out with a false promise of explosives.
Companions, Main Characters, “Some are driven to follow in their parents’ footsteps, while others loathe the very idea. Angesichts der Ausmaße des Blutbads – und der Wahrscheinlichkeit von Vergeltungsmaßnahmen – verließ Leyta ihre Heimatwelt Corellia und wählte die Wüsten von Tatooine als neues Zuhause – dort konnte sie potenzielle Angreifer zumindest schon aus der Entfernung sehen. [41], Theron later journeyed to the Mestani sector, from where he participated in a holo-conference with Odessen in which SCORPIO revealed that the GEMINI droids were produced from a template called GEMINI Prime in a weapons factory on Darvannis. Bei Theron Shan erübrigt sich diese Frage. Eventually, the trio discovered that the Revanites allied themselves with the Nova Blades pirate gang, based out on Rishi, the latter being assigned to target Imperial and Republic patrol routes, effectively rewriting hyperlanes. In keeping with Jedi strictures against attachment, Theron’s mother, Grand Master Satele Shan, sent her infant son to be raised by the Jedi who trained her, Master Ngani Zho. In order to bring their ally to Rishi without letting the Revanites know they're onto them, Theron remotely sliced their navicomputers so that Rishi would be their only destination, while Lana made contact with Corellian Run Scoundrels leaders, Kai Zykken, and used a mind trick on him to spread rumours that their ally was part of an upstart pirate gang. The Empire retaliated with an Assault on Tython, and suspecting that the attacks were related, Theron spied on Darok and found him to be in league with the Sith Lord Darth Arkous. Selbst die Verbrechersyndikate des Huttenkartells wollten seine Dienste – denn egal, wie die Chancen standen, er brachte seine Waren stets zum Ziel. Sie tauchte auf dem Planeten Copero während ‚Verrat unter den Chiss‘ auf. Nun ist ihm die Allianz als potenzieller neuer Kunde ins Auge gefallen und Paxton ist entschlossen, seinen Ruhm und Reichtum noch zu steigern, indem er an der Seite des Kommandanten kämpft. However the Sith Emperor nevertheless returned to life, feeding off the lives taken by Coalition forces during the fighting on Yavin 4. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Jedi Order (Briefly)[3]Galactic Republic[2]Republic Strategic Information Service[2]Task Force Nova[4]Yavin Coalition[5]Eternal Alliance[6]Eternal Alliance Recon Unit[7]Alliance Intelligence[7]Order of Zildrog (double agent)[8] Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. As Surro was reeling from the atrocities Vitiate forced her body to commit, Theron expressed remorse for failing the Sixth Line and attempted to calm her, promising to take the Jedi back to Tython to heal.
Gault kehrte gemeinsam mit Vette (Sith-Kriegers Begleiter) während Kapitel 13 in „Knights of the Fallen Empire‘ zurück und wurde im Laufe der Story für die Allianz rekrutiert. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
[49], Theron landed the shuttle on the Tributary roof and picked everybody up, taking off. Sie hatten den Auftrag den Dieb und Schmuggler Nico Okarr auf dem Planeten zu untersuchen, da sein Schiff nicht in der Datenbank auftauchte. [53] Theron identified several potential threats, assembling teams to neutralize White Maw forge-master Droub on Hoth,[54] rogue Coruscant Security Force Commander Kallin on Coruscant[55] and Doctor Alirra Semhess's research into RAK-5 serum on the X7-Cratus space station. Inside, they held their position against Vaylin's Horizon Guard, after which they received an unexpected holocall. After killing the Rancor named Junior, the Commander ordered Indo to retreat with the rebels, after which they and Theron went after Vaylin, who was fighting her brother on the balcony. Spielinhalte und -Materialien sind durch den Lizenzgeber urheberrechtlich geschützt. Als der Jedi-Orden den Astromech-Droiden T7-O1 bei einer verdeckten Operation als Nicos Co-Pilot auf der Redshifter einsetzte, führten die Ereignisse dazu, dass er genau zum Zeitpunkt des vernichtenden Angriffs des Sith-Imperiums auf Korriban war. After the operation's success, he was reinstated in the SIS. Over time, as it became evident that Theron was not Force sensitive like his mother, he abandoned any notion of becoming a Jedi. Revan's Harrower-class dreadnought dropped out of hyperspace and bombarded the Temple of the Ancients, though Theron's allies made it out alive in Arkous' shuttle. Seine Protestrufe zogen aber die Aufmerksamkeit von Theron Shan auf sich, der umgehend versuchte, ihn als Militärspezialist für die Allianz anzuwerben. In den frühen Tagen des Krieges eroberte er für das expandierende Imperium eine Welt nach der anderen und war bald berüchtigt dafür, Ausfälle gegen republikanische Verteidiger persönlich anzuführen.
D4 musste über die Jahre hinweg einige seiner Körperteile einbüßen, wann immer er Jakarro auf die Nerven gegangen war; der Kopf des Droiden und einige andere entscheidende Elemente sind die einzigen Teile, die jetzt noch übrig sind. In keeping with Jedi strictures against attachment, Theron’s mother, Grand Master Satele Shan, sent her infant son to be raised by the Jedi who trained her, Master Ngani Zho. Mit der Ankunft einer Sternenfestung der Ewigen Flotte bekam Leyta ihr bisher größtes Ziel, und sie ergriff sofort die Chance, der Allianz zu helfen, die Station aus dem Orbit zu schießen. Immediately upon arrival Lana began feeling the effects of the Force void, which Theron admitted to feeling as well despite his lack of Force-sensitivity. Theron joined the Commander in defense of their position and later ventured into a nearby weapons cache to retrieve Iokath weapons and knowledge on how to use them. [51], Returning to Odessen, they found the battle already raging on multiple fronts. Returning to Coruscant, Theron was escorted to SIS headquarters and chewed out by Trant for disobeying orders and causing the mission to fail. Theron lamented the inability to take them alive for questioning, but then the true leader of the conspiracy was revealed to be none other than Revan himself, Theron's distant ancestor. Dieser Guide wird dir helfen, welche Klassengefährten und ein paar andere Gefährten seit den Ereignissen in ‚Knights of the Fallen Empire‘ und ‚Knights of the Ethernal Throne‘ zu dir zurückkehren werden. Chronological and political information While Zho and Teff'ith provided a distraction, Theron confronted Mekhis but was subdued by her Sith Knights. [21] Theron got busy decoding the files, while Lana sent their ally to meet with a Mandalorian nicknamed Torch, whose clan was formerly allied with the Blades and Revanites, to acquire more information. [14] Theron played a significant role in the Shadow of Revan, Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne expansions, being one of the most prominent NPC in the game alongside Lana Beniko. Through luck, Theron managed to get his cybernetic implant working, contacting the Alliance members one by one and directing them to a structure called the Tributary that he felt was safe, while noting that Vaylin and every Zakuulan and the GEMINI droid from the Eternal Fleet were in a similar situation. There, Theron realized that even though he was unable to locate the Gravestone, he could still use his implant to remotely pilot his shuttle that was left in its hangar. Theron found Ngani Zho on Taris, where the old Master told the young spy of his lonely fight with the Dark Councilor and the head of the Sith Sphere of Technology Darth Mekhis. swtor-crackhead .
Both Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic were preparing for war, and multiple uprisings against the Alliance have sprung throughout the galaxy. After Saresh signed off, he and Lana decided to forgo the risk of traversing the storm and go search for the Commander themselves. Diese Liste dient primär nur der Vollständigkeit halber.
Kaliyo kehrte als ‚Brandfackel‘ in Kapitel 10 in „Knights of the Fallen Empire‘ zurück. To tackle the largest issues and find potential recruits, Theron assembled a team of specialists which included former Republic Admiral Bey'wan Aygo, famous smuggler captain Hylo Visz, Hutt scientist Juvard Illip Oggurobb and a Sana-Rae of the Voss Mystics. Sie sind kein großer Teil der Ursprungsgeschichte deines Charakters. Together they prevailed, but at a heavy cost of losing both Eternal Fleet and the Gravestone in process. SCORPIO: rekrutiert, KOTFE | verstorben/zerstört, KOTET. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Nur wie und wann, das erfahren wir beizeiten. Theron accompanied the Outlander to meet Firebrand on Zakuul. Für Treek wäre es die größte Schmach, einfach vergessen zu werden. Theron revealed that Revan had fled to Yavin 4 to resurrect the Emperor believing he could destroy him, and after the fleet commanders had left the room, confronted Lana about her betrayal, figuring that she was the one responsible for his capture by the Revanites Though they both agreed to put aside their differences to focus on the problem at hand, Theron no longer put his trust in Lana. Als wahre Streiterin der hellen Seite führte sie ihre Reise in die abgelegensten Winkel der Galaxis, wo sie ihre überragenden Fähigkeiten einsetze, um all jenen zu helfen, die an den gefährlichen Randgebieten der galaktischen Zivilisation leben. Sie tragen nicht sonderlich groß zu den Abenteuern bei. At that moment, the infiltration team went dark, forcing the diversion team to go in and take over their objective. The Commander rushed towards the superweapon complex while Theron stayed behind to delay its full activation. Afterwards, the Chancellor and Satele put Theron on administrative leave for his unilateral actions. star wars swtor old republic theron shan fucking hell i love him so much stupid spy boy ahhh. SCORPIO herself arrived to help the Commander defeat ARIES, who repaid her by letting her consciousness merge with Iokath.
Als sie die Gelegenheit erkannte, sich auf Arcanns Seite zu stellen, um das Überleben ihrer Untertanen zu sichern, zögerte sie nicht lange. Karrid's three apprentices attacked Gnost-Dural, as Theron sliced in to convince the ship that it was damaged, causing Karrid to leave her command pod. Theron becomes available as a companion after the completion of Fallen Empire Chapter IX: The Alliance. The mission ended with the death of both Zho and Mekhis, but her plans to construct more super weapons to use against the Republic were foiled. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Theron and Master Gnost-Dural left for Ziost, where they were able to secure a black cipher from Minister Davidge's office. Upon arriving in the system Shan discovered that the new technology, dubbed the Sun Razer was capable of producing an unlimited supply of super weapons, Shan and his companions then resolved to destroy the Sun Razer. Theron Shan and Ngani Zho fleeing Darth Mekhis' Sith Knights. Während Voss-Mystiker sich für gewöhnlich nicht für die Philosophien der Sith und Jedi interessieren, hat sich Sana-Rae der Allianz mit einem offenen Geist angeschlossen. At that point, the Commander returned from Odessen wilderness, explaining that they met with Theron's mother Satele Shan, who had been in exile on Odessen ever since the Republic surrendered to Eternal Empire, but now had left the planet to go elsewhere. Wir weisen daraufhin, dass sämtliche Informationen aus offiziellen Quellen stammen, es gibt keine Vermutungen oder irgendwelche Annahmen und es wurde auch kein Datamining betrieben.