Using the Big Five Traits and Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), however I’m also including other psychological theories and motivations. As a young boy Anakin had a passion for fixing and building things. It was Anakin who built C-3PO, and his speeder in The Phantom Menace. He has the temperament of an engineer with a strong interest in things, he is also likely to be introverted, you have to enjoy spending time by yourself to build the things he did. ", The diagnosis came to Bui, a Star Wars fan, as he watched the series. the force as limiting. Facebook his ambition to become the most powerful Jedi. Study co-author Bui said psychotherapy -- "long term," he added with a laugh -- would be the best treatment for Skywalker, although he might prescribe a drug to help him sleep. I once had a client in a manic phase try to strangle a friend for teasing him. Using the Big Five Traits and Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), however He could be described has Indeed, Skywalker had a deep-seated fear of loss, especially in regards to his mother, which Master Yoda sensed when he was being tested by the Jedi Council. The latter condition causes intense mood swings, and "Anakin could be said to display symptoms of both depression and mania, especially since mania is often irritability instead of the stereotypical happiness," Kaufman said. the emotional pain, or general negative emotions. A recent study found that Anakin Skywalker’s turn to the dark side was the result of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). in orderliness, which is connected to perfectionism, which manifests itself in "Some get so irritable they start fights, for example. But would Skywalker even go into therapy? The truth is, it’s unconscious negative emotions that leads down a dark path. He's borderline.". leads me to think he’s more of a perceiver on the MBTI. Jung’s idea of the shadow and your dark side was not suppression, but integration of your dark side, because that’s how it can be more controlled. The Myers Biggs Type I’m going for is (ISTP) Sensing over intuition. Yoda said that fear leads to the dark side or a dark path, “Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to the dark side”. I also believe he would be high in conscientiousness, he The news comes not … – Star Wars Personality QUIZ. All rights reserved. It was between an INTP and ISTP, however INTP’s are just too detached from the now and reality to make a good Jedi. Are you the young, happy-go-lucky Podracing Anakin of Tatooine? Neuroticism is about emotional stability and general negative emotions. turned to the dark side, out of his fear of losing Padme, he couldn’t handle Your email address will not be published. Anakin is high in the trait of openness, you see this in his type? What is Anakin Skywalker’s aka Darth Vader’s personality He has a curiosity in exploring the dark side, this The philosophy of the Jedi is that of suppression of their dark side, and when the dark side is suppressed it’s more difficult to control, it makes those dark feeling unstable. Another association to the And he's suffering from a disorder," said Dr. Eric Bui, a psychiatrist in Toulouse, France, who co-wrote a study that diagnosed one of the most villainous and heroic characters in the Star Wars canon as having borderline personality disorder.

Anakin Skywalker: Borderline Personality, Bipolar or Narcissist? As a child, Anakin Skywalker showed kindness and generosity, as exemplified by his willingness to risk his life in a podrace to help Qui-Gon Jinn and Padmé Amidala depart Tatooine at a time of need. You also see it in his Please support this website by adding us to your whitelist in your ad blocker. Psychologists try to diagnose the demons that drive Darth Vader, the ultimate villain of the universe. He even creates his own protocol droid, C-3PO. With thinking being a dominate He was not shy to express how he felt and showed a reluctance to leave those he loved behind. As wise as master Yoda was, he was not as wise as Carl Jung. How to Overcome Infatuation – Stop Obsessing Over Someone. Anakin is high in the trait of neuroticism. "He's suffering. His struggle with emotions can also be explained with the big five traits, neuroticism. Hey guys! I’m also including other psychological theories and motivations. Because the diagnosis helps explain why teenagers -- no strangers to borderline personalities -- find Skywalker so appealing, said study co-author Rachel Rodgers, a psychologist in Toulouse. This is the conflict that Luke can sense in

Anakin was never able to fully control his emotions, despite his training in the Jedi arts. What is Anakin Skywalker’s aka Darth Vader’s personality type? "Because of his narcissistic tendencies he would perceive himself as 'above' that," said Sultanoff, who thinks Skywalker also suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, at least in Star Wars Episode II. Ads are what helps us bring you premium content! being obsessive in his desire for power and perfection. Carolyn Kaufman, a clinical psychologist in Columbus, Ohio, said the diagnosis holds up in many ways, although Skywalker might also suffer from histrionic personality disorder and bipolar disorder (manic depression). But he's not crazy. "Yes, they can be treated, but the treatment is likely to (take) years.". Ad Choices. Bui had mixed feelings about prescribing an antidepressant like Prozac and said he'd avoid tranquilizers like Xanax that could leave Skywalker addicted or send him into "disassociation" (a rupture with reality). with and controlling his emotions, this is a big part of why he eventually In this quiz you’re going to find out which ANAKIN you are! Daydreaming Kids May be Smarter than Average, Progress the human species with psychology & knowledge, The Psychology of People during a Pandemic, Socrates Philosophy on Achieving Happiness, Psychology & Meaning of Dreams – Freud & Jung. allowed to see the light of day. In a study published in the journal Psychiatry Research , French psychologists and psychiatrists determined that Darth Vader had six of the nine criteria used for a BPD diagnosis, as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ( DSM ): High WIRED is where tomorrow is realized.

Plus, serious-minded people have long tried to figure out what's wrong with characters, from Winnie the Pooh (ADHD and OCD) to Tony Soprano (possible sociopathology). orderliness trait is being obsessively compulsive. When negative emotions are not brought into consciousness, they are not controlled, and they will likely control you. interest in the dark side.

Jinn and Padme came to his home planet.