[22], After his escape, Hondo accompanied the Spectres back to Chopper Base on the planet Atollon.

Following a skirmish with Imperial stormtroopers and dismantler droids, the rebels, Hondo and the Ugnaughts managed to steal five Y-wings. Star Wars Resistance: Kazuda Xiono • Tam Ryvora • Jarek Yeager • Torra Doza • Freya Fenris • Griff Halloran • Elrik Vonreg • Imanuel Doza • Tierny • Neeku Vozo While Hondo agreed with Wolffe that they had little chance of prevailing against the Empire, he admired Ezra's courage and said that there was nothing he would not do for the boy. After a brief skirmish, Hondo was able to flee with his men without their payment. [26], Back aboard the Ghost, Hondo and Azmorigan fought over a chest only to discover a hidden Melch inside. After leaping onto the hull, Hondo, Azmorigan and the rebels led by Zeb managed to find a manhole which led inside the ship. Neutral, later good Nachdem Darth Maul und Savage Opress die Cybloc-Transferstation überfallen und dort eine große Geldsumme geraubt hatten, reisten sie nach Florrum, um dort eine Piratenarmee aufzustellen. Hondo was also known for his flowery rhetoric and liked to refer to his Ugnaught crew as his "short, fragrant family."

Hondo was unconcerned about Melch's disappearance and claimed that he had fallen to his death. Those that remained loyal to Hondo including one captain were executed by the two Nightbrothers.

For this reason, we know that Hondo, and many other characters who appear there in real life, are actually still alive in Canon! However, Ohnaka declined the venture on the grounds that he did not want any credits. Srilurr Ohnaka Gang[3]Ohnaka Transport Solutions[4] They then rediscovered the legendary Lasat homeworld of Lira San, which was already populated by millions of Lasat and became a refuge for the two Lasat refugees.[2]. [16], Hondo and his new-found partners traveled to the frigid planet Nixus where they planned to sell the power generators to an unknown buyer at Nixus Hub 218. After the scout failed to return, Ohnaka and his pirates assaulted the village. After Grand Admiral Thrawn arrived in the Chimaera, Hondo went with Rex and Ketsu to secure the north tower's power terminal after it was deactivated by Thrawn's assassin Rukh. Hondo's ploy worked and the rebels were able to enter Lothal's atmosphere undetected. After assessing the situation, the rebels decided to board the cargo ship by leaping on its hull and then opening the cargo bay. At some point after the rise of the Galactic Empire and the fall of the Republic,[16] Hondo and his protege Quadoro were hired by Dok-Ondar to assist him in collecting a statue made of Kyber crystal from Jedha City's Temple of the Kyber. With Kallus' Imperial cruiser unable to follow the Ghost into the star cluster, Hondo remarked that Kallus should wait to catch them the next time. Hondo held Anakin, along with Obi-Wan and Dooku hostage. At the urging of Rex and Ezra, Hera agreed to send a reconnaissance mission there to investigate Hondo's claims. Hondo Ohnaka was a Weequay pirate and smuggler. Hondo Ohnaka was a male Weequay pirate who led the Ohnaka Gang on the Outer Rim world of Florrum during the Clone Wars.

So war er stets darauf bedacht, sich keine Feinde zu machen, mit denen er es nicht aufnehmen konnte. Wenig später, während sich Hondo mit einigen seiner Leute im Hangar aufhielt, erreichten die beiden Jedi Plo Koon und Ahsoka Tano Florrum und nahmen, sobald sie gelandet waren, Kontakt mit Hondo auf. Aurra galt nun als Tod, und Bossk war gefangen worden, doch blieb Hondo mit seiner Piratenbande wie erhofft unversehrt.

Ohnaka speaks to the Ghost Crew through a hologram after being captured by the Empire. When IG-88 raised his vibroblade at Hondo, Qi'ra successfully subdued the pair and collected the bounties on both of their heads. Enemies Hondo Ohnaka wurde als Sohn armer Schwindler auf Sriluur geboren. He shared his cell with the Ugnaught laborer Terba, who had been imprisoned for trying to escape the Imperial junkyard Reklam Station inside the planet Yarma. They routinely raided a nysillin spice village, prompting the Felucian villagers to hire a band of four bounty hunters for their protection. He was voiced by Jim Cummings, who later reprised his role in several The Clone Wars episodes and the Disney XD television series Star Wars Rebels. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Hondo Ohnaka • Cham Syndulla • Cad Bane • Numa • Bo-Katan Kryze • Saw Gerrera Hondo contacted Erra via a transmitter and told him to travel to Nixus Hub 218, where the Empire had captured two refugees. Ezra subsequently discovered that Zeb and Azmorigan had been locked in the brig by a DT-series sentry droid. Dooku killed Turk and several other pirates before fleeing in one of Hondo's starships. Hondo soon encountered Melch, who attacked him for abandoning him.

Hondo witnessed the execution via hologram. Hondo meets Jedi Apprebtic and rebel Ezra Bridger. Seeking pecuniary reward and to escape the prison, Terba related the information to Hondo. Shortly later, the Broken Horn was spotted and attacked by an Imperial warship. The two attempted to flee on their ship, which was shot down by one of Hondo's men.

After escaping Nixus, Hondo and his rebel partners traveled back to Garel on the Broken Horn with the generators.

He gained notoriety during the Clone Wars when he captures Count Dooku, the leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and attempts to sell Dooku to the Galactic Republic for a ransom, which led to the capture of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.

The two rebels were cleaning the Ghost which was parked on the planet Garel. Affiliations

During this time, the pirate captain was subsequently visited by the Separatist military leader General Grievous and a droid army.

He honored his promise to deliver several rocket launchers to General Skywalker's beleaguered Republic forces and their allies on Onderon. [16] At some point, Ohnaka wrote the Book of Hondo. Parade: Disney Stars and Motor Cars Parade In the episode "A Test of Strength" from the fifth season of Clone Wars, Ahsoka Tano and Hondo Ohnaka fight in a surprisingly even-matched confrontation.

19 Beautiful Star Wars The Mandalorian TV Series Concept Art. [11], Meanwhile, Tano and the younglings joined forces with the Ohnaka gang to rescue Hondo and to fight the Separatists. Hondo decided to celebrate the reunion by pillaging the Nightbrother's ship. As a result, Ezra realized that Hondo only cared for himself. Doch als er für seinen Raub mit seinen Leuten das Dorf erreichte, wurden die Piraten durch mehrere Kopfgeldjäger – Sugi, Seripas, Embo und Rumi Paramita – aufgehalten, die die Farmer beschützen wollten. With their plan in tatters, Hondo contacted his old friend Ezra and solicited the help of his rebel comrades. Since they could not travel there directly the Phantom exited hyperspace at Sereeda Waypoint. [9], One of Ohnaka's pirates, Turk Falso, decided to double-cross his captain and steal the spice ransom for himself. Hondo's ploy worked and the rebels were able to enter Lothal's atmosphere undetected. Upon landing at Nixus Hub 218, Hondo and Ezra discovered that their buyer was the Jablogian crime lord Azmorigan. Unter diesem Vorwand gab er ihnen zwei gefüllte Becher, in die zuvor jedoch Schlafmittel getan worden waren. Kenobi told Hondo to collapse the tunnel so that the Nightbrothers would be separated from the pirates; much to his anticipation, the two went after Kenobi while the pirates pursued Hondo and his men. Hondo had another run-in with Obi-Wan and Anakin on Felucia, which Hondo's pirates routinely raided.

Hondo took out several of the Stormtroopers when he thought Melch was killed. Daher ließ er die Piratenbande kampfbereit machen und schickte diese auf Swoops aus, um die Farmer endgültig zu erledigen und sich die Ernte zu sichern. The two later meet up with Azmorigan to commence in trading the generators Hondo stole from the ship, but Azmorigan turns on the two and reveals Ezra's deception.

The younglings managed to impress Ohnaka and his pirates during an entry act and subsequently convinced the drunken pirate captain to take part in the second act.

Hondo retreated with the remainder of his loyalists, and when he asked Kenobi where Gallia was, he told him she was dead. Biographical information Hondo's actions enabled the rebels to flee aboard the Ghost and escape into hyperspace. When Imperial reinforcements arrived, Hondo began firing at them until he and the others escaped aboard the arriving Ghost.