Created on 21.10.2020.

The appointment should be made online using without the need for a LuxTrust authentication or an electronic ID card. Immigration.
Die luxemburgische Regierung ruft Bürger und Grenzgänger dazu auf, ab dem 16.September 2020 freiwillig und kostenlos an der 2. Human Resources Preservation & Termination of a business. Furthermore, the Luxembourg State also offers its residents who are returning to Luxembourg after a trip or tourist stay abroad the possibility to be tested free of charge.. New measures concerning the entry into Luxembourg of third-country nationals; News for short stay visits by family members of a resident in Luxembourg; Family / Social. New COVID-19 cases - Weekly review: 19 - 25 October 28.10.2020 The number of people testing positive for COVID-19 is up sharply (265%) with 3,387 cases for the week of 19 to 25 October, compared to 1,280 cases for the previous week. Certificate of leave for family support in relation with the fight against Covid-19; The amount of the cost-of …

Booking an appointment for a COVID-19 test after returning from a trip or tourist stay abroad.

In the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic, some countries require proof of a negative COVID-19 test to enter their territory. The … ... Short-time working due to COVID-19: compensation mechanism. Created on 13.10.2020. will be present at the orientation day in October 2020. Phase der großflächigen COVID-19-Tests (Large Scale Testing) teilzunehmen.Der COVID-19-PCR-Test erfolgt mittels Rachenabstrich.Mit dem Test kann festgestellt werden, ob die getestete Person derzeit ansteckend ist. The Luxembourg government invites residents and cross-border workers to participate voluntarily in the free of charge large-scale COVID-19 testing, which enters the second phase starting as of 16 September 2020.. In order to meet this requirement, the Luxembourg State is offering a free test per person before their trip or tourist stay in such a country.This test is available to all residents..