I don't like where this conversation's heading.
Hard to believe it's been two-hundred years since I was your age.... Do we have a plan to free the rest of the captives? But you must deepen your connection to see as I do. Un trailer pour Tales from the Galaxy's Edge : Temple of Darnkess. Release your fear.

You aren't a Force user. I will see this through, wherever it leads. Phoenix, AZ Assets (1/31/2014) Atlanta, GA Assets (2/28/2014) Boulder, CO Assets (3/22/2014) It's waiting for you in the hangar. Cut your escape awfully close. FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​captain_shivanek, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​colonel_daksh, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​daksh_overseer_droid, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​darth_malgus, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​deck_officer_bessel, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​doctor_narem, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​doctor_narem_dead, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​edikar_turret, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​general_edikar, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​grand_moff_kilran, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​grand_moff_kilran_cinematic_temp_holo, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​jedi_entity, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​jedi_master_satele_shan, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​l2_pn, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​lord_vanithrast, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​malgus_trooper_01, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​malgus_trooper_02, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​malgus_trooper_03, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​malgus_trooper_04, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​malgus_trooper_05, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​malgus_trooper_06, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​master_oteg, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​master_oteg_cinematic_temp_holo, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​mp_77, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​oteg_ensign_f_v01, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​oteg_ensign_f_v02, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​oteg_ensign_f_v03, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​oteg_ensign_m_v01, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​oteg_ensign_m_v02, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​oteg_ensign_m_v03, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​pd_44, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​revan, FQN: npc.​location.​flashpoint.​republic.​revan.​multi.​security_officer_minik.

A bord de son croiseur Telos, il mit sur pieds une équipe d'intervention afin de libérer le célèbre Revan, prisonnier de l'Empire.Grâce au fantôme de Meetra Surik, une ancienne amie de Revan, il découvrit son emplacement et y envoya l'équipe. Be ready to launch that assault shuttle when we arrive at Maelstrom Prison. Jim Cummings, Actor: Christopher Robin. Yaddle was born around five hundred and nine years before the Battle of Yavin. A voice that seeks to be heard. I get the feeling this isn't a standard military operation. The source of my information is... unconventional. Down on Taral Five, your Jedi friend sent warnings. We need that computer to free the Jedi prisoner. At some point during her life, she was found to be Force-sensitive, and was taken to the Jedi Temple to be trained in the ways of the Jedi. Everything ends. She's a powerful ally, and her counsel is useful--always listen. They usually add certain buffs to the NPC. Sooner or later, he moved to New Orleans.

Concentrate with me.

You wouldn't make it past the first Imperial cruiser. I would not throw you into the fire unless I had no other option. Come--stand together. Be ready to launch on my signal. The only way to navigate the Maelstrom is using a Gree computer hidden at an Imperial fortress. -  Hé non, il ne passait pas sa vie qu'au bistrot... Amiral de la Première Flotte Expéditionnaire républicaine, Les symétries visuelles entre les trilogies, Quand les films s'inspirent de l'Univers Etendu, Les nouvelles : les autres récits de l'UE, Les Secrets de la Crise de la Flotte Noire, La Haute République - Le projet Luminous, Aide de jeu : Le guide de référence du Jedi (systèmes D6 & D20), Dossier TCG : les séries virtuelles par IDC, Les créations de fans dans la continuité, Galaxy's Edge, tout sur les Star Wars lands, [X–Wing V2] La fin de la vague 7 en magasin.