Years later Mako was found wounded in an alley by an aging bounty hunter named Braden. At eight, Mako crashed the accounts of a Red Light Sector orphanage that was attempting to sell her to the highest bidder. Mako first assumed that the Hunter was the one responsible, but realized that it couldn't be true.
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Physical description By the time she was seven it was clear she had an unnatural affinity for all things computer-related and she quickly taught herself all known programming languages. These customizations are purely aesthetic, leaving your choices in game to influence your Companion’s personality, but it is a great feature to further shape your own Star Wars™ saga. Subduing Coral, Mako chose to hand her over to Izak. Skin color Searching from SIS databases, Mako learned that Carteri didn't exist in them and found something about "Project 32".
It is just a warning that you are about to leave this website. Mako generally likes it when the player makes light-side decisions but charges the NPC heavily for it. Mako was in some way partially blamed for the incident and ended up wounded in an alley where she was found by a bounty hunter named Braden. Mako gains these abilities or the next rank of already acquired abilities automatically upon level up. Nar Shaddaa[1] Female[2] Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. By the age of 7, Mako was an orphan living on Nar Shaddaa and already had earned a reputation for having an unnatural affiliation to all things computer related, including slicing. She was hired by him to provide intel and tech for the Bounty Hunter in the Great Huntwhich she is an expert about. With Braden and his crew, Mako discovered a love of underground bounty hunter culture, a code of honor that gave her life structure and most importantly, her first real family. Nobody on Nar Shaddaa knows quite where Mako came from but everyone agrees she was born to be a slicer. There are several phrases written in Aurebesh on her biography page at the official site. By the age of 7, Mako was an orphan living on Nar Shaddaa and already had earned a reputation for having an unnatural affiliation to all things computer related, including slicing. Romance: Yes. Her name is misspelled sometimes as Mayko, which might come from the circumstance that when she was revealed in the English walkthrough, her name was only heard. Thera told them that Crysta was killed by the Kanawyn Syndicate and was issuing a bounty on them. Confronting the man, Mako learned that she had an identical sister named Coral, on the Republic SIS watch list. Species If you do not wish to follow this link, simply close this message. Mako was perhaps one of the most gifted and talented slicers in the galaxy during her time. She is a romance option to a male Bounty Hunter. She was hired by him to provide intel and tech for the Bounty Hunter in the Great Hunt which she is an expert about. After taking care of the Syndicate, Thera expressed to the group a desire to use their influence with the Empire to expand her smuggling business to Dromund Kaas, something Mako had mixed feelings towards since it involves betraying their primary clients. [Source], Mako was a Human female who lived during the Cold War. She loves it when you tell the Sith that you don't work for them and do what you want.

She at first blames the bounty hunter for their deaths, but after him/her asking for her to calm down and think, she realizes she was mi… Untitled Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide, Comic-Con 2010: Beyond Solo: Crafting the Multiplayer Story in Star Wars,, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. Her damage output is not as high as other companions. Mako is a female cyborg discovered by Braden on Nar Shaddaa. Eventually, she managed to contact Coral, who insisted that an SIS agent named Izak was after her, but wouldn't say why. Mako.

It is revealed during the Jedi Consular storyline she knew Qyzen Fess at one point. Mako Nobody on Nar Shaddaa knows quite where Mako came from but everyone agrees she was born to be a slicer.

At eight, Mako crashed the accounts of a Red Light Sectororphanage that was attempting to sell her to the highest bidder. Her skills were such that she managed to teach herself every known programming language, and at the age of eight, managed to crash the bank account of a red light district orphanage in which she lived, which had attempted to sell her. Mako first meets the bounty hunter when the character first arrives on Hutta. Family: Unknown, assumed orphan Cybernetics Make: Untraceable Biographical information Carteri presented Mako a datapad which was lined with encryption that was hard for her to crack. The statements and opinions expressed on these websites are solely those of their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views, nor are they endorsed by Bioware, LucasArts, and its licensors do not guarantee the accuracy of, and are in no way responsible for any content on these websites, and the Star Wars: The Old Republic privacy policy does not apply to their information collection practices.

Confronting Coral, Mako was shocked to hear her own sister calling her a cheap copy. Despite her young age Mako was proficient with blasters and wielded a vibroknife. Bonuses: +15 Slicing Efficiency, +5 Cybertech Efficiency, Likes: Professionalism, bounty hunters, making money, freedom, kindness. Nobody on Nar Shaddaa knows quite where Mako came from but everyone agrees she was born to be a slicer. [3] She is the first companion for the bounty hunter class in the game.

She was then left on Carratos. Stances: Med Watch (healing) and Blaster Stance (damage). Shortly after, Braden and Jory are found dead in their base, killed by Tarro Blood, the first main advisary of the Bounty Hunter. She at first blames the bounty hunter for their deaths, but after him/her asking for her to calm down and think, she realizes she was mistaken and dedicates herself to avenging Braden and Jory. With credits in hand and marketable skills she soon found herself running with some of the more notorious slicer gangs on Nar Shaddaa. She sent Mako and her partner to Dromund Kaas, where Mako encountered more identical sisters, who continued to mistake her for Coral. She stays on and helps the bounty hunter continue his/her quest to get into the Great Hunt. Years later Mako was found wounded in an alley by an aging bounty hunter named Braden. Homeworld: Found on Nar Shaddaa Family: Unknown, assumed orphan Cybernetics Make: Untraceable Romance: Yes. Born Human[2]

By the time she was seven it was clear she had an unnatural affinity for all things computer-related and she quickly taught herself all known programming languages. Mako is the first companion for the Bounty Hunter class, joining the mercenary when he/she leaves Hutta. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Gender

Sometime afterward, Mako quit bounty hunting, blaming it for the reason she loses everyone she cares about. During the Eternal Empire's Conquest, the hunter went missing.

An unprecedented feat for a team of slicers let alone one person. To go to this page, click the link below. Mako finally cracked the information on the datapad to allow her to call Izak and trick him into giving away Coral's location on Nar Shaddaa. When translated, they read: "SIS Object of Interest," "Coral is Not Mako" and "Ran Qyzen.". During the Hunter's travels in Rishi, the two were contacted by Thera Markon, daughter of Crysta Markon, their handler during the Great Hunt.