Book recommendations, author interviews, editors' picks, and more. Visit my YouTube and Twitter links. Please note the new address! Soon NASWA would become the premier club for SWBC enthusiasts, . Check it out! Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts. The next decision is how large to make the model, and therefore its scale. Directory Alpha Search: Laughlin Chamber of Commerce | Directory search results for: w North American Pirate Radio Hall of Fame. 16 This entry does not appear in earlier or later editions of the book. Membership dues are as follows: $20.00 /yr United States $21.00 /yr Canada and Mexico $27.00 /r Airmail Worldwide Well-know pirate and AM band DXer Shawn Axelrod is heavily involved in this site. Pirate Radio Log A Pirate and Clandestine radio listeners little "Black Book" 1995. Martin Schoesch's Excellent List of Pirate Radio Stations Worldwide. com website. The Association of Clandestine radio Enthusiasts was formed to replace the Free Radio Campaign - USA, which had ceased publishing in 1981. In addition to producing a bi-monthly paper news bulletin, 'e-publishing' frequent e-mail newsletters and organizing local meetings, MARE also maintains a 'member's only' section on its website with archives of . The listings in the book include clandestine broadcasters (intended for public reception) but not numbers stations. SWA has written other articles on these stations. Email Addresses of ACE . An organization of pirate radio monitoring enthusiasts was created in 1982. Hear many recorded excerpts, view pictures Electronics and Radio Hobbyist's Newsletter Panaxis Productions PO Box 130 Paradise, CA 95967-0130 $24 for 12 issues. The Association of Clandestine Enthusiasts (or A*C*E) was a popular monthly newsletter dedicated to the pirate radio and clandestine listening hobby. Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts. Some European pirates are also known to broadcast around 75/80 meters, usually between 3800 kHz to 4100 kHz. Box 12112 Norfolk, VA 23541. The Free Radio Network ; The ACE (Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts) Shortwave Relay Service (out of Germany) Antique Wireless Association From the era of the Cold War up to the present, listen in to them and learn how foreign governments communicate with spies, even here in the US. Pirate Radio chat on IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Many pirate and other radio enthusiasts hang out on the #PirateRadio IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel. US $18, Canada/Mexico $19, Rest of the world $25. Pirate Radio Broadcasting Frequencies in Europe. Bry's Pirate Radio Station Part of Bry's Ham Radio and Hockey Pages. QST is a magazine for amateur radio enthusiasts, published by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). However, revolutionaries broadcasting from stations that existed above or below ground did not always evade repercussions. The key point of the article is that, for several hours after Sadat's assassination, Egyptian state radio was incapable of reacting to (or even reporting) it, while its Libyan counterpart did its best to exploit that failure. If you're based in any of the capital cities, you'll know that they get bigger the further north and west you go. The Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts P.O. ACE: Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts (December 1989) Pamphlet - January 1, 1989. ACE: Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts (September 1990) [John T. Arthur, Havana Moon, George Zeller] on A Glossary of radio, electronic, military, and other terms used in Monitoring Times® Compiled by Larry Van Horn, MT Assistant Editor. It is a well put together piece of work, and if you are interested in this aspect of broadcasting, then you will want to subscribe. IRCA. The Marx Brothers start us off with their always contagious brand of laughter in the 1940s. Clandestine Radio . The Association of Clandestine Enthusiasts The ACE is *the* club for the Free Radio Enthusiast. The publisher claims that circulation of QST in the United States is higher than all other amateur radio-related publications in the United States combined. Association. ACE - Association of Clandestine Enthusiasts A/D - Analog-to-digital ADC - Analog-to-Digital Converter Admin - Administration Aero - Aeronautical Af - Africa AFB - Air Force Base AFC - Automatic Frequency Control AFN - American Forces Network AFRTS - Armed Forces Radio and Television Service Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts. Antenna Coax Installations Stringing wires safely and neatly. If you've ever heard a woman slowly repeating random numbers (often in Spanish) on the radio, you've heard a Numbers Station. Designed, created and maintained by (C) Mario Profaca, Croatian Freelance Journalist Two important questions arise about these numbers operations today: Are they just distractions . [2] Although an exact number for circulation is not published by . Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts, Inc. MARE is a non-profit hobby club dedicated to providing information about all radio hobbies. This is the site you won't forget to visit again; The biggest one man's handmade website in Cyberspace with 1600+ web pages of just a click away intelligence news worldwide and a taste of war. '19 X3 RS, Triple Black, street legal, Flame wrap, 13.00-15 STU Padla Trak #2 paddle, 31-15 Tributes. In Europe, most shortwave pirate radio stations are broadcasting in a frequency range above the 49 meter international broadcast band, from roughly 6200 kHz to 6400 kHz. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. In 1973, shortwave radio enthusiasts compiled a list of stations on air, revealing broadcast activity by clandestine, exile, liberation, and revolutionary organisations in at least thirty-eight countries (Soley, 1982, p. 166). 3. In 1973, shortwave radio enthusiasts compiled a list of stations on air, revealing broadcast activity by clandestine, exile, liberation, and revolutionary organisations in at least thirty-eight countries (Soley, 1982, p. 166). Until now, there was no one-stop comprehensive, exhaustive, resource for learning about these stations. He was a contributing editor to a number of other radio publications and was a longtime contributor to the publication of the Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts. These are often coded messages to spies. The ACE was founded by Darren S. Leno, of Moorpark, MN, who served as President and Publisher, and Ms. Lani Pettit, of Iowa. However, revolutionaries broadcasting from stations that existed above or below ground did not always evade repercussions. About this time I became aware of the new Association of Clandestine Enthusiasts pirate SWL club with their ACE bulletin. Chris Smolinski's; Simon Mason's Shortwave Espionage site; Read online: Secret Signals - The Euronumbers Mistery (Tiare Publications, Lake Geneva U.S.A. 1991) If you've ever ventured outside the shortwave broadcast and ham radio bands and tuned around the areas allotted to so-called "fixed" stations you may have heard voices reading out long lists of numbers in either four or . I formed a friendship with the club founder, Darren Leno, and arranged to use them as a maildrop at Box 452, Moorhead Minnesota. It was founded by Darren Leno of Moorehead, Minnesota, an active pirate DXer and rumored operator. ACE The Association of Clandestine Enthusiasts. The Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts P.O. Known as the Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts (ACE) the organization was and remains a very popular conduit for sharing information about North American pirate radio and other unusual radio transmissions. Numbers stations started in the cold-war era, possibly WW1 and continuing into this modern day. Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts--for fans of pirate radio Federal Communications Commission--not fans of pirate radio International, or Regional Broadcasters sometimes use this range of frequencies to reach target audiences, but are correctly listed in Arts/International Broadcasters because broadcasting is a performing art, for the consumption of many. 1966 was the year, and Sweden was striving towards uniformity with respect to certain issues. ( ) (German) Australian Radio DX Club; Benelux DX Club; Boston Area DXers (NASWA Chapter) British DX Club; CHILE DX CLUB; Clandestine Radio Intel Web; Club d'Ondes Courtes du Quebec (French) Association of Clandestine Enthusiasts; ANARC-Association of North American Radio Clubs; ADDX-Assoziation Deutschsprachiger DX-er e.V. The name of this club is a little misleading, since it also offers detailed coverage of pirate radio and "spy numbers" stations. The Association of Clandestine radio Enthusiasts Alternative Tentacles Linux Games Newspeak Dictionary New Ryan Harvey mp3's Ad Busters Feral Script Kiddies (AND) SEARCH THE WHOLE WEB WITH GOOGLE GIS Go Open Source Source Forge Software for . If you're into Free Radio, you should become an ACE member. Also the home of ACE (Association of Clandestine Enthusiasts) one of the primary publications for short-wave DX-ing and pirate radio. Historical archive of pirate radio, clandestine radio and spy numbers stations. Within its first five years the club enrolled more than 1,200 members in every state and many foreign countries. Annually, he hosted the Pirate Radio Forum at the Winter SWL Festival in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania as well as being the host of the prize raffle at the Saturday night banquet. North American Shortwave Association (NASWA) Home Page Association of North American Radio Clubs (ANARC) Home Page National Radio Club (NRC) Home Page Longwave Club of America (LWCA) Home Page Worldwide TV-FM DX Association (WTFDA) Home Page Association of Clandestine Enthusiasts (A*C*E) Home Page Miami Valley DX Club Home Page Southern . Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone . We counted 25 The ACE was the monthly bulletin of the Association of Clandestine Enthusiasts, a shortwave radio club dedicated to listening to pirate radio stations, clandestine radio stations and spy number stations. Although we strive to keep the "alphabet soup" to a minimum, abbreviations serve a purpose in conserving space and avoiding repetition. Box 1744, In affiliation with the Association of Clandestine radio Enthusiasts. Martin Schoesch's Excellent List of Pirate Radio Stations Worldwide. Alfa Lima International - Netherlands #1 Free Radio Source and Links; Radio Cochiguaz - South American Free Radio. of pirate radio operators and other shortwave stations. an anti-Nicaraguan clandestine station. Apart from government owned stations, most SW relays are operated by radio enthusiasts who believe in the medium. Association of Clandestine Enthusiasts . Here is the TEXT POPUP for The Association of Clandestine (radio) Enthusiasts: Piracy is illegal. The Association of Clandestine radio Enthusiasts. Reports of unusual feats of reception appeared frequently in those days on the radio pages of The Newark News, and before long Mr. Potts and other enthusiasts banded together under the newspaper's auspices. Membership dues are as follows: $20.00 /yr United States $21.00 /yr Canada and Mexico $27.00 /r Airmail Worldwide. From my archive: Sudanese clandestine radio activity in 1987. For the third straight year, SPEEDX had one of the highest numbers of members present at the convention. Membership is $12/yr. Pirate Chat Room - Real time chats, give it a try. in particular the clandestine radio . Box 11201 Shawee Mission, KS 66207-0201. Association of Clandestine Enthusiasts ANARC-Association of North American Radio Clubs ADDX-Assoziation Deutschsprachiger DX-er e.V. In the USA we have the National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters, which was set up to represent the interests of FCC licensed international broadcasters. Topics pirate radio, clandestine radio, spy numbers stations Collection opensource. PO Box 1744. The Association of Clandestine (Radio) Enthusiasts (ACE) PO Box 11201 Shawnee Mission, KS 66207-0201. Wilmington, DE 19899. PV-3, WS170, KWI X155, Cat Delete, GTP BOV, water separator, CT lower arms, CT tie rods, Keller BJ, S3 Shock tower and A-arm brace, Z-Broz rear pull plate, 50" curved roof LED, 14" grill LED, Bent Metal, Blazer wiper, Front and Rear camera, Rugged radio, Samsung Tab A and dash mount, KFI winch . In 1982, an organization of pirate radio monitoring enthusiasts was formed by Darren Leno. Leno became the first listener to log the station in August 1982. In this case, I chose a model length of 48", meaning the model would be built at 1 ⁄6 scale (or 2" = 1' ). com website. They had a short (but slightly flawed) article on the FM-10 in there May 1991 issue. Don was a member of a small group of correspondents known as the DXplorers Radio Association, which had discussed these shortcomings and developed a list designed especially for shortwave broadcast DXing. Originally, the cost of membership was a mere $6.95 per year. Newsgroup; The Free Radio Network - An incredible wealth of information. clandestine broadcasts as "unlicensed transmissions containing messages aimed at ACE: The Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts Internet world radio and how to broadcast online: Bry's Pirate Radio Station Radio Free America: Software Applications: Spinner vtuner is an application / page that uses the real audio format and lists radio stations by country and format. I've heard one only once--but boy, it was creepy! The Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts -or- ACE PO Box 11201 Shawnee Mission, KS 66207-0201 yearly subscription 12 issues. e.g. The Shortwave spectrum is regarded as the radio frequencies in the range from 1.8 to 30 mHz. The Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts (A*C*E, a U.S.-based club "dedicated to the monitoring of unlicensed, unusual, unexplained, and unofficial radio broadcasts" 4) defines. Listening In is the monthly publication of the ODXA. Pirate Radio FAQ Brought to you courtesy of - The Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts (ACE). ACE is a membership organization with dues of $18/year (which includes the monthly newsletter). I wrote the article below for the October 1981 edition of Communication, the journal of the British DX Club (an association of radio enthusiasts and hobbyists). This is a place where you can chat with fellow listeners, as well as share monitoring catches in real time. Right now, (March 2006) I am taking a class to get my "Tech" license.If you want to read about my progress and struggles to learn the material, please go to, the "My Life Lessons" page in the "Journal".I hope to write once in a while about my experiences of getting my first amateur license. As Escape reports, rigid urban delivery trucks will make way for semi-trailers . Mostly ACE is about shortwave pirates. SRS The Swedish Report Service Radio World - A British radio related page Ramsey . Antique Radio Supply -- crystal radio kits & old-style ear & headphones Antique Electronic Supply Over 10,000 square feet of: vacuum tubes, books, radio kits, transformers, sockets, capacitors, resistors, literature, cabinet restoration materials, wire, grill cloth, gifts, tools, information. the activities of any non-standard broadcast activity: pirates, clandestine, numbers, etc. Homemade D104 Noise Makers Turn your $99 CB into a Screaming Eagle Chicken. Information About the Association of Clandestine Enthusiasts anarc3.ham: 11017: Christian Science Monitor Schedule (September 24, 1990) anarc5.ham: 13953: Voice of American Transmission Schedule, September 30, 1990-March 30, 1991 anarc6.ham: 1700: Radio Canada International English Language Schedule (March 25-September 29, 199) anarc7.ham: 24149 magazine of the Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts), the FCC's 1990 budget was US$100 million; it employed 1,889 people, and operated 13 monitoring sites and a myriad of signal offices. General Information site on short-wave and micro radio, links, chat and special features. If you're busted the government can seize your equipment, drag you through the courts, and fine you hundreds or even . This size of model is easily transported in any car, makes for enjoyable sailing, and is large enough to allow radio-control equipment to be . To this day, the Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts (ACE) remains a reliable source for sharing information about free radios and other unusual radio transmissions in the US. Keith Thibodeaux. I wrote the article below in 1987 when I was living in Kenya. The Free Radio Network ; The ACE (Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts) Shortwave Relay Service (out of Germany) For decades he also wrote an "Outer Limits" monthly news column on pirate and clandestine radio in the nationally circulated Monitoring Times magazine. The SPLA was the rebel Sudan People's Liberation Army. Clandestine Radio . It was published from about April 1982 through September 2005. Says Arthur, 'These bureaucrats have the strange idea that LOGGING ON FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE 'Anyone concerned about poor people's For decades he wrote a column on Clandestine radio broadcasting in the monthly issues of The ACE from the Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts. Highlighting some of the most creative stations and individuals in the free radio arts. Association of D) Reporters, and Club Ondes Courtes du Quebec. SCOTTSDALE: War of the Worlds-The Radio Play - Center for the Arts, the classic that terrified a nation comes to life by the SITI Company in a surreal, one-hour staged version, 8 & 5 pm, $26, 480-994-2787 or 31 Our next radio journey through the past brings us forward about two and a half decades later to the Vietnam War and the British Cabinet shake - up. His column had an active following in "The Journal," the monthly publication of the North American Short Wave Association. Contact: NAPRHoF. Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts NASWA-The North American Shortwave Association NRC-National Radio Club Nordic Shortwave Center ODXA-Ontario DX Association South Pacific Union Of Dxers Incorporated Spanish DX Association (Spanish) World Wide DX Club Shortwave radio bands are filled with mysterious stations that do nothing except read numbers.
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