2. To desire or grieve over someone or something so intensely that one becomes depressed or melancholy. But conversely, if they asked you out, you'd be happy to accept. To let the body drop heavily: Exhausted, I plopped into the armchair. Flag. However, I want to make it so that you can only ping any roles within a specific chat and not in any other besides directly ping people (@Username) Utility: Invite Waffle. Ratings & Reviews. 1 : to make a ping. This credit score system is also the reason why famous wrestler John Xina always seems to be eating China's booty cheeks and denying Taiwan exists and not calling Xi Jing Ping the stinky winnie the poo poo that he is. n. A plopping sound or movement. - GitHub - c3duan/Swag-Bot: My first ever discord bot using discord.js. Lmao this is the best explanation. a short high-pitched resonant sound, as of a bullet striking metal or a sonar echo. Ping Crimson. 12/26/18, 10:37 AM pin someone down definition: to force someone to be specific or make his or her intentions known, esp. ping. This term can be used to describe someone's attitude or outfit." 1: dude, I keep trying to break this and it comes right back. Whether it be a famous Ontario icon or landmark, some of the definitions really don't hold back. To desire or grieve over someone or something so intensely that one becomes depressed or melancholy. Wapping (/ w p / WOP-ing) is a place in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets which forms part of the Docklands to the east of the City of London.It is situated between the north bank of the River Thames and the ancient thoroughfare simply called The Highway.Wapping's proximity to the river has given it a strong maritime character, which it retains through its 2. Chubby Chaser: a homosexual guy just who wants their intimate couples just like the guy likes his pillows gentle and cuddly. a message (sent literally) to enquire whether someone is present via instant messaging or internet chat. Pinch definition: If you pinch a part of someone's body, you take a piece of their skin between your thumb | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Which is the best definition of the word ping? [Imitative.] In sonar, a ping is an audible sound wave sent out to find an object. Lower = better. However, "ping" is now used in the vernacular in the sense of "pinging" someone via (usually) electronic communication to request acknowledgement of a message. ping: Shows your ping to the bot: ping: latency, pingpong Utility: quote: Quotes a message: urban: Searches the Urban Dictionary: urban Shows your or someone else's info: userinfo [member] No Aliases. One person is on all fours while they are fucked in the mouth as well as the ass or vagina. Learn more. b) a slut c) no value, since it has no use. The Urban Dictionary accepted this slang as a part of its dictionary in the year 2003. The distance and location of the object can be determined by measuring the time and direction of the returning sound wave. If you pretend that there's no such thing as walnut sauce, it's all very mysterious! That's how all the code words were made up. Service people use this word to politely greet customers, or to be even more polite, (nn ho). When writing a letter, or email. Example: "Your outfit is on fleek today." I think every word in the Urban Dictionary refers to genitalia in some way. Yes, pongy is in the scrabble dictionary. The ping spammer One of the most important mechanics in Dota is the ping. Christophers will eventually realize the love that they've stored in a safe place for you. The r variable is a python dictionary, you can use it like a regular one, also another thing, you shouldn't create a new aiohttp session everytime someone invokes the command, you should have a static one that will make all the requests altogether. "Dude, your ping is 300. British Dictionary definitions for ping. A term used when someone seems sassy or upset around you." computing a ping. ping. Learn more. What does pine over expression mean? 1: Carl pinged a server in Utah to see if it responded to packets. The first refers to when someone is wearing something that is very fashionable, or has a look that looks really good. When you have alterous feelings for someone, you want to be close to them in any way. ping definition: 1. to make a short, sharp sound: 2. to send an email, text, or other kind of message, especially. Usually takes place with two men as the ''paddles'' and one woman as the ''ball''. I look peng on Facebook. See more. These are perfectly good words in their native sci/tech/biz context, but risk being pretentious when used utilized in day-to-day conversation. by god January 31, 2003. Urban Dictionary. The only source they consult is Urban Dictionary, but they don't even use that definition, they just make one up on their own. by god January 31, 2003. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. Or when someone tries to make a bl*wjob audio actually much cooler, but fails miserably. Naturally, we had to see what Urban Dictionary was saying about some of the most iconic things to the 6ix and Ontario. ")Person A: ping. I enjoy all kinds of music, Italian food, and driving my truck. The bot has a total of 77 to reject ones idea or Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Reviews can be left only by registered users. Acca Dacca AC/DC, Australian hard rock royalty. An academic. The slang dictionary is a list of informal words, expressions, and abbreviations that are commonly used in RuneScape. Mate , your mum is so peng . pine over phrase. Someone high on pingers may be described as pinging. userinfo: Display info about a user. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but in Urban Dictionary everything is a dick. !urban or !ud - Get top urban dictionary definition !discord - Get discord invite for chat bridge and notifications for when 2b2t is restarting. Aerial Ping-Pong A playfully derisive name given to the game of Australian Rules Football by non-followers. 2. If you showed us the format of the json response maybe we could help, but there's nothing we can do at the moment You might want to date them, yet not feel heartbroken if they say they'd rather be friends. Pingers is most often used in the club, electronic dance music, and rave scenes as well as discussions about those cultures. You insert a plug into an electrical outlet. used to. When someone's ping is so bad and they're lagging so severely, they appear to be skipping over time. ping meaning: 1. to make a short, sharp sound: 2. to send an email, text, or other kind of message, especially. Urban Dictionary definitions for ping me go back to 2004, You can ping someone by text, email, chat, phone call, cubicle drop-in, carrier pigeon, or telepathy. !worstping or !wp - Get player with highest ping. We could talk until we're blue in the face about this quiz on words for the color "blue," but we think you should take the To fall with a sound like that of an object falling into water without splashing. Early computer programmers used this acronym because of it's similarities to a SONAR ping. Person B: NAK. 2: looks like you are n. 1. often trappings An ornamental covering or harness for a horse; a caparison. 1 review. This slang term is just short for the definition. You use screws to connect parts together.. How can two individuals become one..? v.tr. "Ping" is a Unix command that contacts another server. In a person-to-person context, "ping" means to contact someone in the most minimal way possible. Facebook's "Poke" is the best way to think about pinging someone. Person B: ACK.Person A: ping. The ultimate connection that is shared between two people. Expose someone's true identity, usually a name or address; It's one of the scummiest things someone can do on the internet -Bladewing10 @ Reddit They consider a doxx to be someone knowing your first name, a picture of your face or the most ridiculous one, a n. 1. Get the ping neck gaiter and mug. A crowdsourced list of sci/tech/biz words nerds use to signal that theyre smart. A electronic way to see if someone or something is on the other end of the line. (2.) The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. ACK is the affirmative response. Next step alien sex. Every time you want to refer to someone who is indeed the master in his/her field, you can use this acronym. 2 : to ricochet with a ping gravel pinging off the car Margaret Atwood. Urban Thesaurus. Typically measured in milliseconds. How do you politely ping someone? Urban Dictionary defines salty as: "Pissed, upset. Define trapping. If multiple people have the same name, then a list will drop down and select the right person. Public-health resources may also warn people of the dangers, not to mention illegality, of using pingers, which has been connected to heart failure. Learn more. ping, plops v.intr. Urban dictionary: When the immense, rounded muscle tissue of the rear creates a sound wave rip ping through the local environment making a pressure wave against the ear drum in a pleasing Ba-dOnk-a-dOnk rhythm. A type of love that is neither completely platonic nor romantic. 7. !playtime or !pt - Get you or someone elses playtime. You would use this term to describe a physical trait or outfit." ping. ping-pongunknown. serverinfo: Displays info about the current guild. If the sound hits the object, the sound waves will reflect, or echo, back to the source. The server responded ( ponged ). If there is some word within that is not a sexual reference in some way, they haven't been doing their job. urban: Search the urban dictionary. Source: Urban Dictionary. Urban Dictionary: ping. My older brother always used to pin me down and pinch my arms when we were kids. Urbandictionary.com has server used (United States) ping response time Hosted in Fastly Register Domain Names at NameCheap, Inc.. ping definition: to make a short, high noise like a bell: . Urban Dictionary defines extra as: "Over the top, excessive, dramatic behavior, way too much. 1 : to cause to ping ping a bell. Example: "Tom Brady is the GOAT in NFL history." What does pingy stand for in Urban Dictionary? see pong. To send a signal or make brief contact. The bot has a total of 77 commands, and it is capable of manipulating texts and images, analyzing data, searching information, and playing music. Because of sodomy laws and threat of prosecution due to the criminalization of homosexuality, LGBT slang has served as an argot or cant, a secret language and a way for the LGBT community to communicate with each other publicly without revealing their sexual orientation to others. / ( p) /. Hey, I'm Hunter. plop adv. Adams Ale Water. Since then, fap has become common in online forms and social media, from satirical YouTube videos explaining How to Fap to a 2015 porn parody of the film Back to the Future, Fap to the Future. The phrase first appeared on Urban Dictionary in 2014. ping. The slang dictionary only lists RuneScape -specific terms. I got pinched pulling that heist. Scypher is a Multypurpose Bot with Features Such as "s!8ball" to Play 8Ball, "s!cat" to Show a Cat Image, "s!dog" to Show a Dog Image, "s!meme" to Show a Meme, "s!addrole" to Give Someone Ceartain Role, "s!ban" to Ban Someone, "s!kick" to Kick Someone, "s!mute" to Mute Someone, "s!purge" to Delete Messages Up to 2 Weeks Old, "s!removerole" Removes Certain Role From Salty. to get someones attention, via computer or otherwise. Sending a Ping. To run a ping, open the command prompt by pressing Windows-R and entering cmd.. At the prompt, type ping without quotes, enter a domain name, such as google.com and press Enter.. The tool sends several pings and displays how long each takes to return. Using this Slang. This person will be of a reasonable height and weight proportion. pin something on someone/something definition: 1. to blame someone for something: 2. A ping (Packet Internet or Inter-Network Groper) is a basic Internet program that allows a user to test and verify if a particular destination IP address exists and can DA: 46 PA: 70 MOZ Rank: 24 pin someone down definition: to force someone to be specific or make his or her intentions known, esp. by asking a lot of. The second refers to the process of supporting an On the Terrorist side, letting 1 or more people make a lot of noise at one bombsite, to make CT's rotate to that bombsite and leaving 1 bombsite mostly open. Urban Dictionary: doxx. !bestping or !bp - Get player with lowest ping. Literally, to use one's body weight to hold someone down on the ground. Learn more. Guest wrote: Lesbians are aliens with an internal communication device that bounces a signal to the next nearest device (aka nearest lesbian). (NAK is a humorous negative response, meaning "No, I'm not here. Does whipped mean in love? Learn more. Originally from the naval warfare practice of "active sonar" where one ship (usually a surface ship) will send out a given sound or "ping" in order to see pong. That year, sliding into the DMs inspired a popular meme featuring the phrase sliding into the DMs like or the hashtag #SlideIntoTheDMs followed by a funny picture, video, or GIF of a person or animal variously sliding, e.g., a kid sliding down a waterslide or an animal sliding across ice. The ping is the reaction time of your connectionhow fast you get a response after you've sent out a request. A fast ping means a more responsive connection, especially in applications where timing is everything (like video games). Ping is measured in milliseconds (ms). Note: Many of these terms are more precise than their common-use matches. What does pine over expression mean? uptime: Get the bot's current uptime. to move or go quickly and suddenly; dart; whisk: She whipped into the store for some milk. Pings. 1: to cause to ping ping a bell 2 : to locate (something, such as a submerged object or submarine) by detecting the reflection of a pulse of sound waves : to send out a ping (see ping entry 1 sense 3 ) in order to locate (something) We will have to follow this big old boy on the surface and then try to ping him with the sonar when he dives. Ace Great, excellent. peng: a very attractive person She is peng . [Short for pepper.] It has high level features like xp system, coins database, and spam detector. (Plant): To start planting the bomb so that the enemy can hear the planting beep, but immediately stopping and switching to your weapon to defend or attack the enemy. Buns: backside or when someone desires to getting cute regarding your backside. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. poll: Create a poll. Definition of pine over in the Idioms Dictionary. You can easily ping any person or role by doing @ [name of the person to ping/role to be pinged]. Define loop in. Urbandictionary.com. Ping definition, to produce a sharp sound like that of a bullet striking a sheet of metal. Bookmark this question. A computer ping will send a packet of data from one computer to another to measure the time it takes for information to be sent and received. The final and last tip to ping a cell phone we can give you is to hire a private investigator. transitive verb. Newcomers to online dating might be confused by the meaning of HWP, but they can quickly get up to speed by referencing sites like Urban Dictionary. strawpoll: Generates a Strawpoll with the options you provide. TEXT TO SPEECH with 50 languages support, SOUNDBOARD, MODERATION, FUN, UTILITY and more Welcome to our website, where we post our commands list, bot updates, and more! Recently from computer networking, where one computer (usually a client) will send a quick, pointless query to another computer (usually a server) in order to find out if it is still online and see how long the response takes. TikTok has become the new go-to hub for trends, challenges and dance crazes and it's also introduced a number of new phrases that are now spreading to Twitter and Instagram. Since the advent of queer studies in universities, LGBT slang and argot has become a subject of academic research among linguistic anthropologysc The above stats speak volumes about the importance of a subject line. Also: A womens derriere that has the shape of, and bounces like a 1a: I saw her on the other side of the room and pinged her. Show activity on this post. Urban Dictionary Definiton: Christopher: Maybe when you first meet a Christopher they'll seem like a jerk, and hurt you emotionally multiple times, or possible make the lamest jokes but one day he'll make up for it all, the best he can. This mature gentleman would like someone into computer talk to explain this sentence I have just read: When New York Times reporter [her name], at home in pajamas, heard the rumor, she PINGED a slew of administration officials before reaching one by phone. PING Can be used as a command in MS-DOS. Urban Dictionary defines on fleek as: "On point or perfect. The two index fingers together emoji, which started on TikTok, has now been turned into a meme and is taking over Twitter. Many people in the digital era believe that this is a euphemism for being slightly overweight and would not be used by skinny people. translate: Translate a message to another language. Below is a list of internet slang and text slang terms or acronyms starting with the letter H. To view other internet slang or acronyms, click on another letter below or use the search box above. Someone with great theoretical or hypothetical - rather than practical or useful - knowledge. The full extensive website for GoogleBot, Discord's #1 Google bot! See more words with the same meaning: computer slang. weather: Find out the Weather in any location. verb - transitiveto send a short message to someone or call them briefly, often to enquire about their availability. Could you ping Bob and see if he's available for a 4pm meeting? to contact by any means. I'll ping you later, when we are ready. to send a message to a mailing list, requesting that all subscribers to the list respond to the message. The score relating to the complete joke of a system (social credit) designed by China to get rid of the few personal freedoms the people of China had in the first place. Some people think that the FBI came up with the list. "Packet Inter-Networking Groper ." Flag. A sexual act involving three people. The time it takes for a network packet to leave your computer, go to another one, and return. Learn more. See more. 10. Similar to plugs, or screws. Slang dictionary. to beat or lash about, as a pennant in the wind. trapping synonyms, trapping pronunciation, trapping translation, English dictionary definition of trapping. I like tennis, ping pong, football, classic rock, Italian food, and my best friend Jessica. Definition of pine over in the Idioms Dictionary. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. ping. Website information. So at present we have a server in which there are multiple chats and a few people are able to ping people in every chat. source: Urban Dictionary. That's not true. We recommend a private investigator on the condition that you want to ping someone elses phone, while on the other hands if you have lost your cellphone we suggest turning to the police for help. accustomed to, familiar with, hardened to, in the habit of, at home with, at ease with, comfortable ping. by asking a lot of. You can check the 4 Websites and blacklist ip address on this server. A polite but friendly way to begin a letter is [Name], (n ho)! or, as necessary, [Name/Title], (nn ho)! This is a Ping [1]Don't think I didn't notice how you've looked at me since last night. a) When someone was led into a relationship and merely 'used' for sex. I almost got pinched by the cops. According to Wikipedia ping, the IP network utility, was named after the sonar "ping", which is apparently onomatopoeic. pine over phrase. Get the ping neck gaiter and mug. noun. pinch: [verb - transitive] to arrest. Just so long as your relationship is close and strong, you're tv. Definition of ping (Entry 2 of 3) intransitive verb. Urban Dictionary: doxx. to reject ones idea or to disagree; mainly used in mo-county area. Get the hell off my server before I boot you!" Although, people on social media now use the emoji of a goat (the animal) in reference to this abbreviation. What is fap urban dictionary Fat Define Fat at Dictionary.com In 2002, a definition of fap was added to Urban Dictionary. When your signal bounces back to you, it means the other girl has made a successful ping. This domain has been created 20 years, 15 days ago, remaining 8 years, 349 days. My first ever discord bot using discord.js. Snatched: The word "snatched" has two common definitions. Extra. You can use this method to ping people with a nickname. It is incomplete, and never will be complete because of RuneScape 's constantly changing vocabulary and community, so please add to it. It is commonly used to describe someone who is the best at something." A verb meaning to beat someone in the testicles with a plank of wood from a picket fence. The central business district of Chicago, Illinois. loop in synonyms, loop in pronunciation, loop in translation, English dictionary definition of loop in. ping, peps To bring energy or liveliness to; invigorate: The good news pepped him up. Learn more. 1. C*cksicle: A BJ, once again. Gip definition, gyp1. To drop or set heavily: plopped the child into the stroller. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "pin" and "down." If you pin hopes or expectations on something, you want that. Urban Dictionary: ping. Can also be a source of gloating in network games. Thank you VERY much ping. Urban Dictionary defines goat as: "Greatest Of All Time. I love tennis, football, nature and spending time with family and friends. dimming definition: 1. present participle of dim 2. present participle of dim . 2015-08-02T02:40. Expose someone's true identity, usually a name or address; It's one of the scummiest things someone can do on the internet -Bladewing10 @ Reddit They consider a doxx to be someone knowing your first name, a picture of your face or the most ridiculous one, a picture of your hand " Ha ha, lowest ping!" See more words with the same meaning: to arrest . Person 1: " yung, your shoes are whack ." Used with the.
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