WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange denied bail in Britain 06 Jan, 2021, 05.25 PM IST. Home Run for Julian Tour 2021 - Mens Long Sleeve T-Shirt. April 20, 2021 By TJ Leave a Comment. When writing summaries of meetings — minutes effectively — you can include a few ‘tags’ that can make the documents more discoverable in whatever file storage system you’re using. February 2021. Ceux-ci révélaient plus en détail que jamais le réseau mondial de détention illégale associé à la frauduleuse «guerre contre le terrorisme». WikiLeaks publishes documents of political or historical importance that are censored or otherwise suppressed. The following is the address of our secure site where you can anonymously upload your documents to WikiLeaks editors. Wikistrat infiltrated Wikileaks. Jaclyn Diaz ... about a decade after classified documents were published on WikiLeaks – that it amounted to an "unjust and oppressive" circumstance. See Courage’s fact sheets on various aspects of Assange’s case and WikiLeaks’ here, resources including legal documents and UN rulings & opinions here, a timeline of WikiLeaks’ releases and major events here, an archive of the 2018 version of this liveblog here, and ways to donate to Assange’s defense here. By Megan Specia The following is the address of our secure site where you can anonymously upload your documents to WikiLeaks editors. : LES DOCUMENTS ACCABLANTS SUR MACRON ET SON ENTOURAGE (PAR WIKILEAKS) — Pro Fide Catholica WikiLeaks has released thousands of documents that appear to lay open in detail the CIA's computer hacking techniques - an astounding release of classified information that … Hours after Joe Biden supposedly ‘chose’ Kamala Harris as his VP pick, WikiLeaks dumped 137 Harris documents. Now it is being hobbled by faulty livestreams and other technical issues. Alors que les scandales éclatent autour des candidats à la présidentielle française, WikiLeaks a souligné que de nombreux documents mentionnant François Fillon, Marine le Pen, ou encore Emmanuel Macron étaient disponibles sur leur site. Il y a 10 ans, le site WikiLeaks divulguait une série de documents classifiés qui allaient propulser l’organisation au premier plan médiatique. ... mer. The leaked files are claimed to contain explosive revelations about Steve Jobs, ‘PedoPodesta’ (likely refers to close Clinton aide John Podesta), Afghanistan, Syria and other fiery issues. Mediapart publie les extraits et traductions des principaux documents. We specialise in strategic global publishing and large archives. The first time I ever wrote about WikiLeaks was back in early 2010, when the group was still largely unknown.What prompted my attention was a small article in The New York Times which began this way:. April 27, 2021 By TJ Leave a Comment. There is a claim on social media platform Twitter which says that Wikileaks has “leaked all their files” and dumped thousands of files on its website. December 15, 2020 December 15, 2020 by IWB What are the Best Sleeping Pills This Year? Fichier Mystère Posté sur Wikileaks Page afghane 2021 comment faire une fiche de lecture VRAIMENT utile Un dossier mystère portant le nom «Insurance» a été publié sur la page Web où quelque 77 000 documents secrets sur la guerre en Afghanistan ont été divulgués. WikiLeaks has released a huge set of files that it calls "Year Zero" and which mark the biggest exposure of CIA spying secrets ever. 5 mai 2021 5 mai 2021 Édition du matin ... Ce que révèlent les documents WikiLeaks — Stella Moris #DropTheCharges (@StellaMoris1) March 28, 2021. Politico reported: Joe Biden has selected Sen. Kamala Harris to be his running mate, elevating a charismatic blue-state senator, former prosecutor and onetime 2020 primary rival who has built a reputation as Everything from Hillary Clinton’s emails, McCain, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter,Afghanistan, Syria. A cable from Wikileaks which, in raw content view, contains tags in the header area. Elle a finalement refusé l’extradition du fondateur de WikiLeaks Julian Assange, réclamée par les Etats-Unis qui veulent le juger pour espionnage après la publication de centaines de milliers de documents confidentiels. ... le 10 mai 2021 par h16 . Home Run for Julian Tour 2021 - Women's Tee. WikiLeaks publishes documents of political or historical importance that are censored or otherwise suppressed. We specialise in strategic global publishing and large archives. 3 May 2021 The Changing Face of the European Sports Betting Market. April 26, 2021 By TJ Leave a Comment. Samedi 08 Mai, 2021 á Dakar. La justice britannique a tranché. by Michael Tennant. WikiLeaks has published 17 secret documents related to a controversial trade agreement currently being negotiated behind closed doors between the US, EU and over 20 WTO members. Regular price $40 00 $40.00. On Monday, the judge rejected an American request to send Assange to the U.S. to face espionage charges over WikiLeaks' publication of secret military documents a decade ago. En août 2013, elle a été condamnée à 35 ans de prison par une cour martiale. Image: Wikileaks. US government appeals UK ruling against Julian Assange's extradition. Consultez l’ensemble des articles, reportages, directs, photos et vidéos de la rubrique Documents WikiLeaks publiés le dimanche 9 mai 2021. January 4, 2021 6:08 AM ET. The Telegraph appears to have replaced The Guardian as WikiLeaks' go-to U.K. partner. Forex is Becoming More and More Popular – Here’s Why. ... WikiLeaks Supporters - And the Truth will set you Free - Kids Youth Crew T-Shirt. Regular price $36 00 $36.00. April 14, 2021 By TJ Leave a Comment. ... 2021; Archives. NGO Global Justice Now called the leak “a dark day for democracy.” ... qui a transmis à WikiLeaks plus de 700.000 documents confidentiels. You can only access this submissions system through Tor. 4 Jan 2021 UK court to rule on WikiLeaks founder Assange’s US extradition Come up with a system and then standardize on it. WikiLeaks also provided the Gitmo documents to several news organizations outside the United States, including The Telegraph (U.K.), El Pais (Spain), Le Monde (France) and Der Spiegel (Germany) -- the latter three having been recipients on past megaleaks. A document released by Wikileaks seems to have confirmed what millions of people around the world have believed for decades: we are not the only "intelligent" way of life in the Universe. Ping : #MACRONLEAKS : LES DOCUMENTS ACCABLANTS SUR MACRON ET SON ENTOURAGE (PAR WIKILEAKS) — Pro Fide Catholica – La vérité est ailleurs AVRIL Sandrine 3 février 2021 19 07 33 02332 European Commission documents released by WikiLeaks show Sen. Joseph Lieberman and Rep. Peter King were behind the financial blockade of WikiLeaks. Daniel Domscheit-Berg (né Berg en 1978), initialement connu sous le pseudonyme de Daniel Schmitt, est un activiste allemand de la technologie.Il s'engage dans le projet WikiLeaks durant trois ans, qu'il quitte dans des circonstances houleuses puis tente de créer une plate-forme similaire, OpenLeaks. Wikistrat is MIC connected to either Gen Michael Hayden, Gen McCraven, Gen McChrystal, and/or Gen James Jones and possibly other bad actors like John Owen Brennan. Regular price $42 00 $42.00. April 27, 2021. The WikiLeaks founder’s high-profile case was delayed for months by the coronavirus. Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online!! Tote Bags. You can only access this submissions system through Tor. UK judge says WikiLeaks founder should not be extradited to face espionage charges because he is at risk of suicide. Assange founded WikiLeaks, an international NGO that publishes news leaks … Toute l’actualité sur le sujet Documents WikiLeaks. Il y a dix ans, WikiLeaks publiait une tranche de 779 fichiers secrets provenant de la prison militaire de Guantánamo Bay. Skip to content. ... Holi 2021 Romantic Messages in English: Spread Joy With Colourful Images & …