Francesco Macdonald. Like so many of the Bonapartes, Caroline died of stomach cancer, in 1839. It is interesting that their older son, Achille Murat, later emigrated to the USA, where he even became the mayor of Tallahassee, the capital of Florida. Giovanni Geronimo Ramolino (1723–1755). Ce mariage n'est pas certain puisque Raymond Horricks écrit dans, les pages qui sont consacrées à ce militaire,, Militaire de la maison de Bourbon-Siciles, Personnalité militaire du royaume de Naples (1806-1815), Personnalité politique du royaume de Naples (1806-1815), Ministre de la Guerre du royaume de Naples (1806-1815), Portail:Époque contemporaine/Articles liés, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Militaire, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Entreprises, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Caroline Bonaparte died in 1839, Caroline was buried at the Chiesa di Ognissanti, in Florence. Il conserva cette charge pendant tout le cours de la Guerre napolitaine : après la défaite sévère infligée par l'armée autrichienne à la bataille de Tolentino, alors que Joachim Murat avait installé son quartier général à Teano, Macdonald leva à Naples de nouveaux renforts et les replia sur la ligne du Garigliano. Caroline devoted herself to the interests of her husband Joachim Murat, the King of Naples, where she was very much involved in the affairs of the Kingdom. Caroline became Grand Duchess of Berg and Cleves on 15 March 1806 and Queen consort of Naples on 1 August 1808, when her husband was appointed to the equivalent positions by her brother. En 1830, Louis-Philippe accorda à Caroline le droit de faire quelques séjours en France, et en 1831, elle obtint la permission de s'installer à Florence, au Palazzo Griffoni. In 1814, she supported his decision to make a separate peace with the anti-Napoleonic allies, keeping his throne while Napoleon was deposed.[2]. Caroline died in 1839 and was buried at the Chiesa di Ognissanti, in Florence. Élève de l'École Militaire Nunziatella entre 1787 et 1793, Francesco Macdonald en sortit pour participer, âgé de seize ans à peine, au corps d'expédition napolitain envoyé par Ferdinand Ier, pour appuyer le contingent anglais, à la défense de Toulon assiégée (18 septembre - 18 décembre 1793). The couple had no children. Caroline was born in Ajaccio, Corsica.She was a younger sister of Joseph Bonaparte, Napoléon Bonaparte, Lucien Bonaparte, Elisa Bonaparte, Louis Bonaparte and Pauline Bonaparte.She was an older sister of Jérôme Bonaparte.. She lived in Florence until her death in 1839. Then, during the Hundred Days of 1815, Joachim came out for Napoleon. Caroline Bonaparte: velkovévodkyně klévská a z Bergu neapolská královna: Caroline Bonaparte. Princess Marie Letizia Joséphine Annonciade Murat (26 April 1802, Paris – 12 March 1859. After Joachim Murat was overthrown and executed, the widowed Caroline lived in exile. It was reportedly Caroline who arranged for Napoleon to take a mistress, Éléonore Denuelle, who duly gave birth to his first illegitimate child. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 6 janvier 2021 à 21:38. As queen, Caroline renovated the royal residences in Naples, had new gardens planned, encouraged the growing interest in furniture of Classical design, patronized the silk- and cotton industry and French artists in Naples, showed an interest in the archaeological discoveries of Pompeii and founded a school for girls. [1] This had the desired effect of establishing that Joséphine was infertile, as Napoleon showed he was clearly capable of siring children, which eventually resulted in his divorce from Josephine and remarriage. Painting by. ); Napóleon legfiatalabb húga, Joachim Murat marsall felesége, ennek révén Nápoly királynéja (1808-1815). Caroline died in 1839 and was buried at the Chiesa di Ognissanti, in Florence. One of her great-great-great-grandsons was the American actor René Auberjonois. Naples, dated September 1, 1814. In 1810, when Napoleon married his second Empress Consort Marie Louise of Austria, Caroline was responsible for escorting her to France. The two ended up getting married either in 1817 or in 1830. Doba vlády: 1. srpen 1808-3. květen 1815: Manžel: Joachim Murat Francesco Macdonald: Úplné jméno: Maria Annunziata Carolina Bonaparte: In 1830, she married Francesco Macdonald (1777–1837), who had been Minister of War of the Kingdom of Naples in 1814 and 1815. She was described as intensely jealous of her sister-in-law Joséphine and her children, reportedly because she felt Napoleon favored them over his Bonaparte relatives. Maria Annunziata Carolina Murat (French: Marie Annonciade Caroline Murat; née Bonaparte; 25 March 1782 – 18 May 1839), better known as Caroline Bonaparte, was the seventh surviving child and third surviving daughter of Carlo Buonaparte and Letizia Ramolino, and a younger sister of Napoleon I of France. Macdonald continua de jouir de la confiance de sa veuve, Caroline Bonaparte, sœur de l'empereur déchu, au point de l'épouser, vers 1830 [1], mais, selon Jean Tulard, elle l'aurait épousé morganatiquement dès 1817 [2]. – Firenze, 1839. május 18. Le suivant 13 octobre l'expédition de Joachim Murat se termina avec son exécution à Pizzo Calabro, où il était débarqué le 5 octobre précédent. The couple had no children. Macdonald continua de jouir de la confiance de sa veuve, Caroline Bonaparte, sœur de l'empereur déchu, au point de l'épouser, vers 1830[1], mais, selon Jean Tulard, elle l'aurait épousé morganatiquement dès 1817[2]. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata. Francesco Macdonald (en) (1830–1837) Fills: Achille Murat Luisa Rasponi Murat (en) Lucien Murat Letizia Murat: Pares: Carlo Buonaparte i Maria Letizia Ramolino: Germans: Élisa Bonaparte, Paulina Bonaparte, Napoleó Bonaparte, Josep Bonaparte, Louis Bonaparte, Jérôme Bonaparte i Lucien Bonaparte He was defeated and executed, and Caroline fled to the Austrian Empire. Biographie; Naissance: 19 février 1777 Pescara. Then, during the Hundred Days of 1815, Joachim came out for Napoleon. En 1814 il fut nommé ministre de la guerre du roi de Naples, Joachim Murat. Elle vit ses dernières années sous le nom de comtesse de Lipona, séjournant à partir de 1830 à Florence dans un hôtel particulier de la Via Romana, avec le général Francesco Macdonald (sans lien de parenté avec le duc de Tarente) qu'elle a épousé en secret, puis sur la place Ognissanti . renamed herself the Countess of Lipona and took refuge with her children in Trieste. Francesco Macdonald (Pescara, 1777 - Florence, 1837) fut ministre de la Guerre du royaume de Naples de Joachim Murat. Caroline tried to retrieve some of her personal items from Naples as well as the confiscated properties in France. Caroline was educated as a pupil at the school in St-Germain-en-Laye founded by Madame Jeanne Campan. Caroline, elle, s'est déjà retirée à Trieste. Whilst in exile, she adopted the title 'Countess of Lipona'; 'Lipona' being an anagram of 'Napoli' (Naples). Au cours de son repli il fut surpris près de Mignano dans la nuit du 16 mai 1815 par un raid du futur lieutenant-feld-maréchal Constantin d'Aspre, qui fit prisonniers une grande partie de ses soldats peut-être 6.000 napolitains. Tous les deux vécurent ensemble à Florence, dans le Palais d'Annalena, via Romana, qu'il avait acquis en 1820, et qui devint leur résidence, après qu'ils l'eurent luxueusement restructuré. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. She married again in 1830, to Francesco Macdonald. Francesco Macdonald Pour les articles homonymes, voir MacDonald. Décès: 28 août 1837 (à 60 ans) Florence. Élève de l'École Militaire Nunziatella entre 1787 et 1793, Francesco Macdonald en sortit pour participer, âgé de seize ans à peine, au corps d'expédition napolitain envoyé par Ferdinand Ier, pour appuyer le contingent anglais, à la défense de Toulon assiégée (18 septembre - 18 décembre 1793). She was a younger sister of Joseph Bonaparte, Napoléon Bonaparte, Lucien Bonaparte, Elisa Bonaparte, Louis Bonaparte and Pauline Bonaparte. Maria Annunziata Carolina Murat (Ajaccio, 25 de março de 1782 - Florença, 18 de maio de 1839), mais conhecida como Carolina Bonaparte, foi uma irmã de Napoleão Bonaparte e rainha consorte do Reino de Nápoles.Quando Napoleão se casou novamente, com Maria Luísa da Áustria, Carolina foi quem a acompanhou à França. A year after her husband's death, she secretly married Francesco Macdonald, a soldier formerly in Napoleon's service. During her time in Austria, Caroline had to deal with her sons constantly bugging her for money, even after they left Europe for the good ol’ USA. Maria Annunziata Carolina (Marie Annonciade Caroline) Murat (née Bonaparte), born 25 March 1782, died 18 May 1839. Caroline and Joachim Murat had two sons and two daughters. Conjoint: Caroline Bonaparte. They may have married as early as 1817, though 1830 has also been suggested. Elle est soutenue jusqu'à la fin de sa vie par Francesco Macdonald, ancien ministre de Joachim Murat. Francesco Macdonald (Pescara, 1777 - Florence, 1837) fut ministre de la Guerre du royaume de Naples de Joachim Murat. Joachim was defeated and executed, and Caroline fled to the Austrian Empire. - 3. svibnja 1815. Caroline married Macdonald morganatically, probably in 1817, although 1830 has also been suggested. Caroline’s companion in exile was General Francesco Macdonald, who, despite his name, was of Italian origin. In 1793, Caroline moved with her family to France during the French Revolution.There, she fell in love with Joachim Murat, one of her brother's … Caroline Bonaparte Kraljica Napulja: Vladavina 1. kolovoza 1808. Caroline. On trouvera des renseignements plus détaillés en lisant les pages qui sont consacrées à ce militaire dans Le vite de'più celebri capitani e soldati napoletani dalla giornata di Bitonto fino a'di nostri de Mariano d'Ayala, Stamperia dell'Iride, 1843. Caroline BONAPARTE 1782-1839 Relation avecClaude Louis Jean-Baptiste MÉRAT de SAINT-LÉON, Sous-Intendant militaire du Royaume de Naples 1781-1848 Caroline BONAPARTE 1782-1839 Mariée en 1817 avec Francesco Maria Raffaele MACDONALD 1776-1837 In 1830, she married Francesco Macdonald (1777–1837) , who had been Minister of War of the Kingdom of Naples in 1814 and 1815. She attended the school at the same time as Hortense, Joséphine's daughter and Caroline's brother Louis' wife. He had been an aide-de-camp to Murat and was the former Minister of War of Naples. She lived in Florence until her death in 1839. When Napoleon became Emperor, she and her sisters successfully asked to be made Imperial princesses. He had been an aide-de-camp to Murat and was the former Minister of War of Naples. After meeting her at the border of Austria and her duchy, Caroline forced Marie-Louise to leave all her luggage, servants, and even her pet dog, behind in Austria. Élete. One of the men helping her with this was Francesco Macdonald, and some believed that she married him in 1817, but there is no evidence of this. She lived in Florence until her death in 1839. Durant une bonne partie de son règne, Caroline ne s'entendit pas très bien avec son époux, celui-ci étant frustré de ne devoir ses titres qu'à son mariage avec elle, et la soupçonn… Napoleon, in exile on St. Helena, read a newspaper notice that they had been married. During her time in Austria, Caroline became really close to one of Murat’s ex-aides, an Italian general, Francesco Macdonald. Early years. Elle est la plus jeune sœur de Napoléon Ier. Caroline Bonaparte (née Maria-Annunziata le 25 mars 1782 à Ajaccio, morte le 18 mai 1839 à Florence) fut grande-duchesse consort de Berg puis reine consort de Naples par son mariage avec Joachim Murat. Francesco Macdonald Descendência Aquiles Murat Maria Letícia Murat Luciano Murat Luísa Murat Casa: Bonaparte (por nascimento) Murat (por casamento) Nome completo Maria Anunciata Carolina: Nascimento 25 de março de 1782 Ajaccio, Córsega, França: Morte 18 de maio de 1839 (57 anos) Florença, Toscana: Enterro 1800-ban feleségül ment Joachim Murat tábornokhoz. Là il repoussa les avant-gardes autrichiennes mais fut forcé de se replier sur la ligne du Volturno, un peu au-dessus de la grande forteresse de Capoue. Princess Louise Julie Caroline Murat (21 March 1805, Paris – 1 December 1889, This page was last edited on 5 February 2021, at 10:38. Caroline was seventeen years old. Letter "Rapporto al Re" handwritten by another person with handwritten signature of the Minister of War Francesco Macdonald which proposes a draft decree on his appointment as Royal Knight of the Order of the Two Sicilies of a lieutenant of the Hussars and in fact signed by Gioacchino Murat, King of Naples through which it is then approved. She was queen of Naples during the reign of her spouse there, and regent of Naples during his absence four times: in 1812-13, 1813, 1814 and 1815. He probably did become her lover. The couple had no children. 3 relations: Caroline Bonaparte, Liste … Caroline was born in Ajaccio, Corsica. In 1793, Caroline moved with her family to France during the French Revolution. During his absence, Caroline was left as regent of Naples. The couple had no children. Marie-Annonciade-Caroline Bonaparte eredeti olasz nevén Maria Nunziata Carolina Buonaparte (Ajaccio, 1782. március 25. Maria Annunziata Carolina Murat (French: Marie Annonciade Caroline Murat; née Bonaparte; 25 March 1782 – 18 May 1839), better known as Caroline Bonaparte, was the seventh surviving child and third surviving daughter of Carlo Buonaparte and Letizia Ramolino, and a younger sister of Napoleon I … Zénaïde, Princess of Canino and Musignano, Charles Lucien, Prince of Canino and Musignano, Napoléon Charles, Prince Royal of Holland, Jérôme Napoléon Charles, Prince of Montfort, Joseph Lucien, Prince of Canino and Musignano, Lucien Cardinal Bonaparte, Prince of Canino and Musignano, Napoléon Charles, Prince of Canino and Musignano, Jeanne, Marchioness of Villeneuve-Escaplon, Marie, Princess George of Greece and Denmark,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2016, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 6. Francesco Macdonald (en) ... Toskanako Dukerri Handia, 1839ko maiatzaren 18a) Caroline Bonaparte bezala ezagunagoa, Napoleon I.aren arreba izan zen. Joachim Murat mariskalarekin ezkonduta zen eta 1808tik 1815era Napoliko Erresumako erregina ezkontidea izan zen. C'est là qu'il mourut en 1837, deux ans avant son épouse Caroline. Caroline’s companion in exile was General Francesco Macdonald, who, despite his name, was of Italian origin. Caroline and Joachim were the parents of four children: Caroline Murat and her daughter Letizia in 1807. About Carolina Bonaparte, Queen of Naples. She fell in love with Joachim Murat, one of her brother's generals, and they married on 20 January 1800. In 1830, she married Francesco Macdonald (1777–1837)[citation needed], who had been Minister of War of the Kingdom of Naples in 1814 and 1815. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata. Activités: Militaire, ministre. As queen of Naples, she functioned as the regent of Naples during the absence of Joachim on four occasions: during his participation in the war on Russia in 1812-1813, during his participation in the war in Germany in 1813, during the war against Napoleon in 1814, and, finally, during the return of Napoleon to power in 1815. Frances Mossiker "Napoleon and Joséphine, pp.282-84. La campagne se conclut le 19 mai, avec l'embarquement de Joachim Murat pour la Corse : le 2 juin les Autrichiens purent faire, manu militari, rentrer à Naples le roi bourbon Ferdinand IV. Initially, Napoleon did not wish to allow them to marry, however, his wife Joséphine de Beauharnais persuaded him to change his mind. According to the terms of the appointment, she would keep the title queen also after the death of her spouse. In 1830, she married Francesco Macdonald (1777–1837), who had been Minister of War of the Kingdom of Naples in 1814 and 1815. C. Caroline Bonaparte; Media in category "Caroline Bonaparte" The following 39 files are in … She lived in Florence until her death in 1839. Maria Annunziata Carolina Bonaparte, better known as Caroline Bonaparte, was the seventh surviving child and third surviving daughter of Carlo Buonaparte and Letizia Ramolino and a younger sister of … She was an older sister of Jérôme Bonaparte. Dans des circonstances qui ne sont pas très claires, il passa au service de l'armée française à la suite de la campagne d'Italie de 1798 et, après la conquête du royaume de Naples en 1806, il se mit sous les ordres du général français Masséna. Pages in category "Caroline Bonaparte" This category contains only the following page.