This exemplifies Creations vortex motion and manifestation, “from the left to the right, from top to the bottom”, clockwise. As Buckminster Fuller referred “the triangle as the most basic unit of all structure, and the tetrahedron as the most basic system of energy dynamics.” According to Nassim Haramein and the Resonance Academy “triangle Planck oscillators make the fabric of space and time, or the information of the spacememory structure driving the evolution of our universal dynamics.”. The symbol of Satori Rei represents the 369, the neutral matrix of creation of the entire universe and the Being, the natural neutral evolution of the Being manifested toward total liberation and “return” to the origin (Source).

A natural cooperation between human beings aware who understand and live the free flow of Universal energy! After it came to maturity in the second or first century BCE during the Han dynasty, this device was employed in many fields of early Chinese thought, including seemingly disparate fields such as geomancy or Feng shui, astrology, traditional Chinese medicine, music, military strategy, and martial arts. Today, we will discuss Neville Goddard’s 369 technique (3 6 9 method) for manifesting what you want. It signifies unity, perfection, creation, the bases and even the cosmos. Go back to the basics to find your answers, if and whenever necessary. The “generative” cycle is illustrated by grey arrows running clockwise on the outside of the circle, while the “destructive” or “conquering” cycle is represented by red arrows inside the circle.”– The number nine is the climax, the jewel of the threes, the three times three, the Mathematical Finger Print of God. In opposite, a counter clockwise motion is the “destructive” cycle. In Blue is the calculated (reduced) sum of the year, ex: 2017 (2+1+7=10=1); In Orange is the maximum “frequency” of that respective year, always on the 29th of September, the highest energy day of the year. If we continue in sets of three, it keeps leading us to the same order over and over, endlessly: 12 (3), 15 (6), 18 (9), 21 (3), 24 (6), 27 (9), 30 (3), 33 (6), 36 (9) …. For more information regarding this particular issue, please read my article. I have also noticed how the numbers seemed to point out to a multi-dimensional set of 3-6-9’s, if I reduce the numbers into 2 digits: And then a new cycle sets in, a new intention is defined and thus continues the pattern, till the end of “times”. As if the core were the singularity, the Zero Point, and the orbits around the different levels (dimensions), waiting for a much-desired quantum leap, our evolutionary path. It is very important to understand the pattern dynamics and their rightfully functionality in order to distinguish our sources of information, and their intentions, for example. This order pattern is also found in the “triple numbers”: 111 (3), 222 (6), 333 (9), 444 (12-3), 555 (15-6), 666 (18-9), 777 (21-3), 888 (24-6) and 999 (27-9). The 6 is the manifestation, the male energy. – 6 to 9: We start the manifestation of the plan. Understand that there is no bad or good. WE ARE CREATORS! The number six in relation to the first number (3), is its double and eternal companion, marking the beginning of the universal duality, the law of Genders, the feminine and male energies as parts of the whole, the Yin/Yang, and Vesica Piscis. The centerpoint, the singularity, below represented by the zero (0), could also be a 9. @__oliveee___ I you have any more questions, feel free to dm me on Instagram @ __oliveee___ #lawofattraction #manifestation #fyp #foryoupage

The order before the “chaos” (entropy), the syntropic connection of the new entropy cycle. Do your own investigation. This is used today in many areas from writing techniques, to photography, films and advertising. – 3 to 6: We prepare our projects and dreams, their details and requirements, and establish our plan of action! 7:13 – Use 369 Manifestation Method along with Sleep Technique – 1 to 3: We rest and recover the energy worn in the previous cycle.

It is when the cycle reaches its maximum power, in which we feel most empowered, a kind of euphoria, extreme enthusiasm, a day that yields in terms of achievements. Goddard’s method for manifesting includes a practice called Scripting. Energetically, 3 is the activation key. We have finally recognized the vital significance of the 3 6 9. Scripting is the act of writing down what you want on a piece of paper or in a journal to set your intentions. We can choose to co-create consciously and apply our most basic knowledge of how the universal flows. We create our daily lives. The 3D most stable form is the tetrahedron, and any other geometric form derives from it. The 3 is always the Base, the womb of any creation, the Female energy, preparing space for birth. According to Kegley, this is how the 3-6-9 manifestation technique works: 1.

If the 3 6 9 are directly related to the pattern and form of Creation, both physical and energetically, then by logic each represent a specific stage in Creation, by sets of three’s and nine (3×3) as the equivalent of stage completion. Always question everything! The 3-6-9 pattern refers to every aspect of reality, including time, cycles of days, months and years. – The Recovery! Keep the neutral state, transcending the “good or bad” and understanding the constructive lesson of every momentum. According to the Hindus, for a complete activation it must be pronounced 108 times. “The number nine is the missing particle in the universe known as Dark Matter.” – Marko Rodin. All Creation and any cycle of manifestation starts at zero point, the singularity, your starting point (and also of arrival – sintropy). I have also noticed how the numbers seemed to point out to a multi-dimensional set of 3-6-9’s, if I reduce the numbers into 2 digits: Without wanting to create any speculation, these different vibratory levels, deriving from the base 3-6-9, resemble curiously the orbits of electrons around the atomic nucleus. It is when “dreams” come true! Remember the quantum dimensions of 369. We no longer need to spend our precious vital energy in reacting to the “outer world” energetic influences but save up for the moments that count and “go with the flow” (synchronicity). The Rule of Three is also a principle which emphasizes the power of the number and its effectiveness. 6:35 – Why does Tesla’s 369 Secret Method so effective. 2. To have this knowledge is to master life and our everyday creation as a conscious singularity, a part of something that transcends our minds. 369 manifesting technique that you all asked for I hope this helps!! It works I stg ♬ original sound – jeneensahtout. 2:55 – How To Use Nikola Tesla Divine Code 369 to Manifest. Only a few master minds have tried to uncover this enigma, Marko Rodin with the Rodin Coil and Vortex based Mathematics, and John Ernst Worrell Keely the discoverer of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, who wrote: “thirds, sixths, and ninths, were extraordinarily powerful” and “molecular dissociation or disintegration of both simple and compound elements, whether gaseous or solid, a stream of vibratory antagonistic thirds, sixths, or ninths, on their chord mass will compel progressive subdivisions. The number three when doubled is six, but surprisingly the double of six is twelve (12, 1+2=3) which lead us back to three again. In terms of Creation, 3 is the Intention set for manifestation. The Tripod of Life or the Borromean rings represent in the ancient knowledge of Sacred Geometry, the energy form of the second day of creation, and the core of the Seed of Life, from the Flower of Life, believed to contain the patterns of creation, the forms of space and time. Pick 3 affirmations that you want. The tenth phase is mathematically the Zero, the dimensional apogee. 369 Quantum Dimensions Among many peculiarities, the 3-6-9 displays a wave pattern, in sets of 3 and a “Pause stage”. The fabric of spacetime itself is nothing more than triangle Planck units. In the disintegration of water the instrument is set on thirds, sixths, and ninths, to get the best effects.”, The magic begins with the 3, the base of Creation, the Source, the feminine, the primal syntropy. Say them 6 times each day. It has occurred to me that if everything is sound base, then is it possible the 3-6-9 is the Source’s lullaby, playing for us eternally? – The Preparation! This pattern continuous with the double of twelve being twenty-four (24, 2+4=6) and so on. Please note, the pattern always begins with a 3, then the 6 and finally the 9. In 2D, the triangle. Happy manifesting ♬ original sound – jeneensahtout. Is it possible that all clues are trying to tell us something about this code, regarding its importance as life and evolution base? Video by eli de Lemos, Designed by eli de Lemos and Raquel Ferreirinha – 3rdElementDesign. Based on the latin principle “omne trium perfectum”, everything that comes in threes is perfect and complete. Its significance is divine, representing both the singularity, the initial point of the whole, and the vacuum, everything and nothing. In fact, when overlapping three third dimensional rings into the Tripod of Life shape, energy is generated and emitted. It is also believed that just by looking at these sacred patterns one can heal and expand consciousness.

This energy can enhance creativity and widen our consciousness level.


These are the basic triple combinations the pattern displays: Curiously, these numbers when turned into Hz frequencies are known as the Solfeggio Mirrors. The pattern 3-6-9 repeats itself indefinitely. -9 -6 -3 -9 -6 -3 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9. The same also repeats on the ancient healing frequencies, the sounds of creation, the Solfeggio Mirror frequencies: 147 Hz (12-3) – 258 Hz (15-6) – 369 Hz (18-9) – 471 Hz (12-3) – 582 Hz (15-6) – 693 Hz (18-9) – 714 Hz (12-3) – 825 Hz (15-6) – 936 Hz (18-9). Its proof is everywhere in spacetime, in nature, form, and energy!