There were also other issues that needed to be clarified for Members.

A lot was said about costing and pricing health care packages. The IEC had turned the two weekends into the start of registration and that resulted in a stampede over the two weekends.

Planning should be linked to a scientific understanding of the pandemic.

Ms van der Merwe stated that she had not been able to read the letter as her parliamentary email was not working.

Mr S Kholwane, Commissioner, FFC, said as much as South Africa is consuming, it seems as though more is consumed outside of the country through importing than what is consumed locally through production, localisation, and import substitution, as a matter of trying to mitigate the current circumstances faced. He wanted to know so that Committee could punch holes in the plan if it didn’t work, well ahead of the elections. The peak was projected for September and there would be by-elections in November.
In response to Mr Roos’s question, he said that he could confirm that the IEC had ongoing collaboration with a number of state institutions, including StatsSA around the issue of dwellings and physical addresses, but he would reply in full in the written response.
As to this being a challenge, it is a big problem which makes the country unstable – especially because it goes along racial lines. It was critical for the IEC to have a balance between freedom of speech and social media that was not manipulative or provided misinformation.

The National Health and Education sector departments, including National Treasury and the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), are responsible for making IGR operational. The recommendations in Chapter Three, Four, and Six, really make a lot of sense and, as a Committee, it is thought the recommendations must be considered – especially around the issue of translating policy into legislation by the DBE. Positive procurement outcomes for the Voter Management Device. When would the IEC share the information about that process?

The meeting was intended to look into the state of readiness of the IEC to run the Local Government Elections in 2021. He asked if the FFC is scrutinising, following, and monitoring what the R500 billion package is bringing out to the people. The matter was for discussion and concurrence. The idea of extending or shortening a period of election would be difficult to do once an election had taken place as that would fall foul of the constitution. The IEC had made huge progress in obtaining the addresses of voters. There is a very big question mark about if South Africa will be able to raise the R700 billion on savings. A political decision is made which trumps the constitutional responsibility of a municipality, economic decisions, fiscal viability, tax base of the municipality, and if the municipality can afford to deliver services. In attempting to do so, there are suggestions to minimise interactions with the FFC when it comes to provinces.

He tabled the letter and would seek concurrence in the next meeting.

Such political parties seek to serve.

There are certain jobs which will be lost forever as a result of Covid-19. He also asked if it is still possible for South Africa to implement this.

The IEC had noted that many young voters had not registered. 2020 © DISCLAIMER: All content within is presented for informational purposes only, with no guarantee of accuracy. Homeless people moved around but had to be registered in the ward where they spent most of their time. Unfortunately, South Africa is dependent on foreign savings to sustain itself – which relates to the sovereign wealth fund argument. The DSD must conduct a nation-wide audit and mapping of ECD services. Mr O Mathafa (ANC) referred to slide 5 of the presentation, where the FFC argues for unprecedented fiscal and monetary policy interventions. Cleary the vulnerability of the neo-liberal capital system, which is dominant and shapes the health care system, is exposed by Covid-19. ’89) Inaugural recipient of the Mallory Callan Memorial Scholarship. Covid-19 provided the opportunity to relook how government configures itself at various levels, and what changes must be introduced to ensure all issues concerning inefficiencies and lack of service delivery can be fast tracked. You can download this page as a PDF using your browser's print functionality. Voting day would be preceded by special voting days. Over 7,000 healthcare professionals stay informed about the latest assistive technology with AT Today. Would the two sets of geo-coding data be combined so that there could be some sort of a check and balance? The Constitutional Court had said that it gave Parliament 24 months to correct the legislation so that an election could be conducted. Production must be expanded to meet the needs of humanity, which will then take South Africa to a higher stage of development. This program honors the 100th anniversary of the end of the Morgan Silver Dollar series with the release of final coin, the 1921 Morgan dollar. It is an indictment to see women dying in the process of giving birth. There was also the issue around the Wage Bill.

At the provincial level it is called an integrated development plan. The Chairperson noted that in a democracy, the majority gave direction and guidance.

Mr Mashinini stated that he would request his fellow Commissioners to participate by responding to specific questions and then the Deputy Chief Electoral Officer could respond to the operational issues. There is a bigger problem than money, which is only part of the problem. If NHI policy is affordable, can only be determined once the FFC knows the costing and pricing of it. ECD is part of this.