[89][90], The New Republic, Townhall, The Atlantic, and others have compared various political machinations to the "Jedi mind trick", a Force power used to undermine opponents' perceptions and willpower.[91][43][92][93].

The Force has been compared to aspects of several world religions, and the phrase "May the Force be with you" has become part of the popular-culture vernacular. JJ Abrams says he and Star Wars creator George Lucas talked about midichlorians during their discussion for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Je connais le reste de ton histoire” (“I know who you are. [47], The Force plays an important role in several Star Wars plot lines. A good decade and a half before The Phantom Menace came along and made them both a household word, and shorthand for everything wrong with George Lucas’ return to the trilogy, I … [5], The first draft of Star Wars makes two references to "the Force of Others" and does not explain the concept: King Kayos utters the blessing "May the Force of Others be with you all", and he later says "I feel the Force also". As a result, the topic of midichlorians … [101], Characters' faith in the Force reinforces the Rogue One's message of hope. 7.) For example, they could be connected to how Emperor Palpatine returns from the dead in the film, or somehow come up during a discussion about Rey's own link to the Force. [94][95], Critic Tim Robley compared the Force to the ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz (1939), with both being entities that send the protagonist on a quest. [59], Chris Taylor called the Force "largely a mystery" in Star Wars. [22], Lucas' story treatments for a potential sequel trilogy involved "a microbiotic world" and creatures known as the Whills, beings that "control the universe" and "feed off the Force." Kylo Ren lui expliquait qu’elle n’était personne, que ses parents n’étaient que de vulgaires roturiers qui l’avaient vendue pour quelques pièces. En effet, on apprend rapidement dans “Star Wars 9” que Kylo Ren a bel et bien menti à Rey. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. The gifts that the Jedi masters enjoy have a perfectly plausible scientific basis, even if its ways are mysterious". [25] Abrams retained the idea of the Force having a light and a dark side, and some characters' seduction by the dark side helps create conflict for the story. [40][41] Characters throughout the franchise use their Force powers in myriad ways, including Obi-Wan using a "mind trick" to undermine a stormtrooper's will,[42][43] Darth Vader choking subordinates without touching them,[44] Qui-Gon Jinn repelling several battle droids at once, Rey lifting a large pile of rocks, and Kylo Ren stopping blaster fire mid-air. [64] The depiction of the Force in Star Wars has been compared to that of magic in Harry Potter, with the former being described as more of a "spiritual force". That energy surrounds us; when we die, that energy joins with all the other energy. For other uses, see, May the Force be with you (disambiguation), "20,000 Per Cell: Why Midi-chlorians Suck", "Does a New 'Star Wars' Comic Book Reveal Darth Vader's Father? [34] Filoni said the most potent Force users are characters with a natural affinity for using the Force, as indicated by their midi-chlorian count, who undertake intense training and discipline. Moreover, the [Star Wars] blessing is precisely a request for hope for others ("May the Force be with you"), whereas Reagan's claim sounds like a possessive assertion ("The Force is with us"). The character Bendu—named in homage to the term Lucas originally associated with the Jedi—does not align with the franchise's normal dark-or-light duality, and this role is an extension of Filoni's conversations with Lucas about the nature of the Force. © 2020 Le HuffPost SAS. [37] The A.V. [4], Lucas used the term the Force to "echo" its use by cinematographer Roman Kroitor in Arthur Lipsett's 21-87 (1963), in which Kroitor says, "Many people feel that in the contemplation of nature and in communication with other living things, they become aware of some kind of force, or something, behind this apparent mask which we see in front of us, and they call it God". Anakin Skywalker's rise as a light-side Jedi, the descent into becoming the dark-side Sith Lord Darth Vader, and ultimate redemption to the light side of the Force is the main story arc for the first six Star Wars films. [66] Polygon said Johnson's film "democratize[s] the Force", depicting Force sensitivity in characters from outside a "Force-sensitive lineage" and suggesting that the Force can be used by anyone. User Info: CellBlock7. [13] Producer Gary Kurtz, who studied comparative religion in college, had long discussions with Lucas about religion and philosophy throughout the writing process. En savoir plus. [35] Rogue One (2016) portrays the Force more as a religion "than simply a way to manipulate objects and people". George Lucas created the concept of the Force to address character and plot developments in Star Wars (1977). It appears in various contradictory and finally nonsensical guises, a facile and perfunctory bow to metaphysics. [17], The Phantom Menace (1999) introduces midi-chlorians (or midichlorians), microscopic creatures that connect characters to the Force. Qui sont ses parents? Kylo ressent immédiatement la mort de sa mère à travers la force, mais Rey la perçoit également et au même moment. Si on ignore toujours l’identité de ses parents (s’ils étaient des Jedi ou non), on sait qu’ils ne l’ont pas abandonnée. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Est-elle une Skywalker? Mais dans tous les cas, la durée de vie d’un clone ne dépasse pas quelques années. Une théorie relancée par un comics “Darth Vader” édité par Marvel dans son numéro 25 (illustré ci-dessous). “Je sais qui tu es. In actuality, every human’s bloodstream contains midichlorians. L’une des dernières théories de fans sur l’identité de Rey posait l’hypothèse selon laquelle elle serait un clone de Palpatine. Et si Palpatine était le vrai personnage central de la saga? RELATED: Star Wars: 10 Quotes About The Force [84] Nepomuk Otte, also from Georgia Tech, cautions that Newton's third law of motion says telekinesis would apply a force back on the Force-wielding character. Wtf, they didn't answer any of the important questions. Rey est en réalité la petite-fille de Palpatine alias Darth Sidious, le seigneur Sith de la saga originale revenu d’entre les morts pour faire renaître l’Empire de ses cendres. As a result, the topic of midichlorians eventually came up. There is a giant mass of energy in the universe that has a good side and a bad side. Ce Ce Denowai She is the most powerful female jedi. [85] A previsualization video highlighting the idea of "kicking someone's ass with the Force" steered LucasArts game designers toward producing The Force Unleashed (2008),[86][87] which sold six million copies as of July 2009. Anakin Solo He’s the third child of Han Solo and Leia Organa 9.)

[38], Some Force-sensitive characters derive special, psychic abilities from it, such as telekinesis, mind control, and extrasensory perception. [73] Taylor added that the lack of detail about the Force makes it "a religion for the secular age". Hey everyone, In this quiz we’re going to be finding out what our Midichlorian count is. The Force is a metaphysical and ubiquitous power in the Star Wars fictional universe. User Info: LegendofLegaia. [18][19] Lucas based the concept on symbiogenesis,[20] calling midi-chlorians a "loose depiction" of mitochondria. Il aurait ainsi créé par accident Anakin, en voulant créer le guerrier Sith idéal. When present in sufficient numbers, they could allow their host to detect the pervasive energy field known as the Force. A one-stop shop for all things video games.

We only know her by her first name, most likely by design by JJ Abrams, as to not reveal her family. [56] In an early draft of Return of the Jedi, Lucas planned to resurrect Obi-Wan and Yoda at the climax,[57] and some drafts included scenes of the two helping Luke stop the Emperor. There wouldn't be any life. [12] This version trims "the Force of Others" to "the Force", makes a single reference to the Force's seductive "dark side", distills an explanation of the Force to 28 words, and eliminates the Kyber Crystal. [78] Astrophysicist Jeanne Cavelos says in The Science of Star Wars that explaining the Force is particularly difficult because "it does so many different things".

[39] According to Filoni, Lucas believed a character's intentions when using the Force—their "will to be selfless or selfish"—is what distinguishes light and dark sides. [27], The bodies of some Jedi vanish when they die, becoming "one with the Force". [22] This line was removed as the script progressed, but the concept is explored in the Darth Vader comic series (2017–18) by Charles Soule. Une autre théorie, légèrement plus crédible, serait que Rey n’a pas eu de parents biologiques, mais aurait été créée par Palpatine via la force. They are necessary for us; we are necessary for them. Mais Rey partage indubitablement un lien, bien que n’étant pas génétique, très fort avec cette illustre famille. Rey partage d’ailleurs certains pouvoirs de la force similaires à ceux de Palpatine. "[23] After selling Lucasfilm to Disney in 2012, Lucas said his biggest concern about the franchise's future was the Force being "muddled into a bunch of gobbledegook". [27], Star Wars Rebels producer Dave Filoni cites several influences on how the Force is used in the show. Ironically, Abrams uses midichlorians as a crutch more than Lucas ever did. Il est très improbable pour ne pas dire impossible qu’elle soit un clone de Palpatine. [72] Taylor identifies other similarities between the Force and a Navajo prayer, prana, and qi. [55] The "voices of Jedi Past" assist Rey at the climax of The Rise of Skywalker and the spirits of Luke and Leia watch over Rey at the end of the same film. Surmonter sa peur de sa vraie nature et de ses facettes obscures est le fil conducteur de “The Rise of the Jedi.”. And it's really a way of saying we have hundreds of little creatures who live on us, and without them, we all would die. [28][29] Filoni credits the prequel films for better developing the concept of the Force, particularly the idea of a balance between the light and dark sides.