Physical description "Family Reunion - and Farewell" After 19 BBY;[2] Honoghr[3] Rukh complied, and during his mission, he captured Rebel pilot Secon Daree and brought him to Pryce, who congratulated the assassin. Rancors |

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As the assassin approached the scene, Bridger attempted to stall him by claiming that he and Kell, who were both disguised as scout troopers, had just finished searching the area.

Bounty Hunters Sanjay Rash | Naare | [10] When attacking, Rukh was so fast others could barely see him move.

Clones/Stormtroopers: Clone Troopers • Rex • Wolffe • Gregor • Cody • Stormtroopers • Scout Troopers • Death Troopers • First Order Stormtroopers • Jumptroopers • Pyre • Captain Phasma, Others from films While he was talking with her, the Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus freed Hera from Pryce's Office. MagnaGuards |

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[8], When Thrawn later learned Wookiee hairs were found aboard Khabarakh's transport, he concluded the Noghri must have been imprisoned after his failed mission on Kashyyyk and may have been compromised. Rukh briefly fought with Kanan, resulting in the loss of Jarrus's lightsaber.

Rukh continued the pursuit, eventually launching his bike over a pile of rock that Bridger had created as an obstacle with a planted detonator While in the air, Rukh's bike was destroyed when Bridger fired upon it, and the rebels fled. He valued the honor of his people more than his own life, and so was willing to sacrifice himself to assassinate Thrawn once the Grand Admiral's duplicity was revealed. He ambushed the trio and engaged in a short skirmish with them.

501st Legion | Continuing his hunt for the Ghost Crew, Rukh encountered a Scout Trooper who had been knocked out by Zeb. Bien évidemment, le Noghri mena à bien sa mission et sabota le générateur. Species Darth Ramage | Eliminating Thrawn and the Empire's enemies. Shops: Endor Vendors • Tatooine Traders • The Star Trader Type of Villain

The rebels escaped on a glider but Kanan was killed.

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He had faster reflexes than a human and was able to match Zeb's strength. Armed with his cloaking device, Rukh viciously attacked Zeb.

The rebels' attempts to destroy the Imperial fuel depot and factory had failed, as Thrawn had prepared a second set of TIE fighters to intercept the bombers after they broke through the blockade outside the planet. Later, Rukh was on the Chimaera's bridge during the Battle of Bilbringi, one of the most crucial conflicts of Thrawn's military campaign.

She instead attacked with several tanks, a strategy that he criticized.

Sabine and Zeb trapped him but Rukh turned the tables on them by activating his cloaking device.