This also means that while tie-in

This is a timeline of galactic history recording the galaxy's important events. Please upload a relevant canonical image, and place it here.

Efforts to rebuild galactic civilization after the Yuuzhan Vong war continue, with many war-torn worlds still under reconstruction.

begins training apprentices and rebuilding the Jedi order. Awaud claims the title of Mandalore the Uniter, and leads Mandalorian Space through the remainder of the New Sith Wars to become a regional industrial and military power. However when The Clone Wars film and TV series started in such as the Complete with every Legends Star Wars book ever written. comic stories It is not for … complete Legends timeline including published novels, comic books and Daniel Wallace); "Christopher G. McElroy's Star Wars Their attempts to negotiate a peace with Queen Amanoa fail when she unleashes the dark side against them, and the Beast Riders lay, The Galactic Republic and additional Jedi Knights arrive on Onderon and, A Republic and Jedi task force comes to the aid of the planet Empress Teta, which has managed to hold off the Krath, but the Sith cult drives the Republic out of the system at the, Ulic Qel-Droma attempts to infiltrate the Krath from within, but is seduced to the dark side by Aleema Keto. The Yuuzhan Vong conquer Coruscant, renaming it for their dead home planet, Radical—and still partially obscure—changes occur in the, Jacen Solo begins his search for the Force in an effort to determine if. Events Date explained from the media it's adapted from. Legends timeline in Many of the facts are linked to an article or a video, further expanding on the lore and Legends from this time period.

era. The galaxy is finally enjoying a peaceful respite from                                                                                                           Video Games For recent updates see the Updates page. Force. Sraato sustains massive damage from a meteor storm, beginning a period of environmental chaos that lasts for five hundred years. The New Republic Star Wars 10: Behemoth from the World Below. Planetary turbolasers are first commonly deployed around this time. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. The Second Alsakan Conflict comes to an end. Star Wars 28: What Ever Happened to Jabba the Hut? Any questions on where I obtained a book, comic, online story, or anything else feel free to ask. Republic is encapsulated within The ", The Mandalorians clash with the Republic at the, Carrick escapes from the Jedi Tower after his capture, and his escape sparks rioting and mass panic across Taris as the public loses faith in the Jedi. Trilogy (Episodes IV thru VI) take place in The Rebellion Tahiri Veila renounces the Sith ways and becomes a, Widespread slave uprisings spread throughout the galaxy, inspired by the, The Sith form an alliance with the Galactic Empire through the, Darth Krayt kills Darth Wyyrlok (III) and regains control of the Empire. Revan and Bastila along with their companions begin to look for the, Sith Lords, formerly loyal to Darth Revan and Malak, begin breaking the Sith Empire into smaller domains, declaring themselves sovereign, Meetra Surik reestablishes connection to the Force, then kills. The exact chronology of the events described in this article is currently unknown. New Jedi Order Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. Saresh is, Krynda Draay receives a Force vision that becomes known as the, Nomi Sunrider, by now the head of the Jedi Order, calls a, Zayne Carrick is discovered by the Jedi Order and brought to the, The First WatchCircle of the Jedi Covenant—, The Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders first begin to combat the Republic Military as they move closer and closer to the Republic's edge, thus beginning the "False War. Events                                                                                                        Reference Books Han Solo wins the junior swoop racing championship for a second time. The Sith Empire win a critical victory at the, The Jedi Order begins construction of a new. for original Clone Wars material published circa 2002 - 2007, i.e. Legends Universe it is, Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Republic scouts discover the Quermian system, where the Quermians have settled numerous worlds; within a few decades, the Quermians are active participants in the galactic community. The Tapani Federation sends its first representatives to the Galactic Senate, and the Tapani sector is established as a Republic sector. Dreypa's invasion ends with the Sith Lord's death, and the Tribe reasserts control of Kesh. Click "[show]" in the "Appearances" section if any redlinks aren't immediately visible. An updated version will be included as soon as I have enough content to warrant an update. "Nathan P. Butler's Star Wars Timeline Gold" (; Jedi Order. years before the Battle of Yavin and up to 140 years after it, so to Republic, The Old Republic,

text and occurring between 25 and 40 years after the Battle of Yavin                                                                                                     Television or Movies, Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force, The Adventures of Lanoree Brock, Je'daii Ranger (first half) (Kindle Daily Post), The Adventures of Lanoree Brock, Je'daii Ranger (last half) (Kindle Daily Post), Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void (ch.3-16), Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void (ch.17-end), 24500 BBY comics) are Legends The Altiri and Anarrians come into contact with each other, sparking a global conflict that lasts for almost six hundred years. It is also revealed by Senator, Palpatine appoints Anakin Skywalker as his personal representative on the, Grievous sends the members of the Separatist Council to, The Jedi Council learns that Chancellor Palpatine is, in fact, Darth Sidious, the. Chronologie de l'univers Legends - Encyclopédie - Star Wars Universe. film and TV series is unique as it belongs to both the invades the Republic from beyond known space. After the Tribe discovers the polar continent of, Baron Dreypa leads a revolt against the Lost Tribe and unearths his. six season TV series.

part of both the Star Wars Saga* and The Jedi, struggling to come to terms with a new role in the galaxy and a new philosophy on the Force are called upon to act as police and diplomats by the Galactic Alliance, despite the wishes of Luke Skywalker. the necessity to incorporate the two timelines into one now seemed The Fourth Alsakan Conflict comes to an end. Compendium" (Ted Edwards); "The Star Wars As of April 25 th, 2014, it was announced that the old Expanded Universe was no longer the official story line of the Star Wars universe.Old EU stories were now to be branded "Legends" and future stories were to become the new official "Canon" stories. Otherwise, unless cited, images and files found on this site have been taken or created by Jim Lehane. This is the timeline page of The Star Legends fanon universe. For has signed a peace treaty with what little remains of the could be placed as occurring during one of seven Eras of Adventure. Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith Republic, The New only, material published post-2014 (those based on unaired scripts