Desde cedo Tchizé dos Santos se destacou em várias áreas de actuação, com destaque para cultura e media production. Presidential Decree 296/10 of 2 December 2010 ordered a two-year extension to Projecto Muanga’s Licence for Prospecting, Research and Identification for Kimberlite diamonds, in Lunda-Norte province. : "%c" ", Soudan : accord de paix entre le gouvernement et les rebelles, Côte d'Ivoire : Alassane Ouattara officiellement investi par le RHDP pour la présidentielle, Meeting de Martin Fayulu, de retour en RDC après 5 mois d'absence, Cote d'Ivoire : Six morts depuis l'annonce de candidature de Ouattara, NIGERIA : Voleur de poulet forcé de manger du poulet cru comme punition par une foule en colère (vidéo). ? "0" : count === 1 ? Search our online archive of over two decades of Africa Confidential, Volume: format: (count) => { id: 179642334, ? ob.commentCount(document.querySelector("#comment-count-161973438"), { As relações entre Portugal e Angola de novo abaladas por um caso polémico, envolvendo "Tchizé" dos Santos, filha do Presidente de Angola. }), 16/08/2020 Toujours être le premier à savoir. "%c" 51 José Eduardo dos Santos, presidente do MPLA. 58 return string.replace("%c", count) ? resource: "", 53 Two new names on the Central Committee stand out: the President's son José Filomeno de Sousa dos Santos 'Zenu' who runs Angola's sovereign wealth fund and the lesser known of his two daughters Welwitschea dos Santos 'Tchizé' an MPLA member of parliament.... As well as Welwitschea dos Santos 'Tchizé' the cohort of new women promoted included Yolanda Carneiro daughter of Luanda … The launch happened at the end of 2008 in Lisbon with live special episode of the programme Hora Quente taped live at Coliseu dos Recreios bringing together various local , Angolan and Lusophone celebrities and public figures.With a career including many successful ventures in the media realm, Tchizé has always nurtured a passion for philantrophy and social justice having served as the Vice President of the Angolan Paralympic Committee , her mother's Washington D.C. based charity Friends of the Children of Angola ,and founding TEA Club which aims to empower women and youths through various programs including eduction , entrepreneurship and after school sports programs for youths .Tchize's passion for social justice motivated her to accept the challenge to participate in the parliamentary elections in Angola and she has been serving as Member of parliament for almost a decade , where she is a vocal advocate for legislation that will improve the livelihood and civil rights of women and youths ( Angola like most African cultures values elders which leaves women and youths often socially fragile). }), 31/10/2020 More recently, the state-owned and only daily newspaper Jornal de Angola awarded Isabel dos Santos the title of entrepreneur of the year for 2012. La suspension de Tchizé intervient près d'un mois après qu'elle ait engagé publiquement un échange de vues avec les principaux responsables du MPLA, pour revenir sur le sujet de son absence au Parlement, ainsi qu'une alerte à propos des mêmes actes commis par le chef du parti, João Lourenço, en tant que chef d'état. Prior to that most of the televisions efforts and professionals where focused towards news content, and their second channel which was opened in 2001 to focus on culture , sports and entertainment failed to garner attention from the public. 45 59 |  Her team also played an instrumental part in helping TPA to finally get their international channel off the ground . "%c" Foi co-produtora de conteúdos para a brasileira TV Record, que atingiram recordes de audi… Angolan leaders and their families and business associates have been buying up some of the country’s most opulent properties. A typical case is that of Estoril Sol Residence, a luxury housing complex comprising three buildings of a distinctive and controversial design in Estoril, a coastal suburb of Lisbon. id: 159582910, O Ministério Público em Portugal considerou no entanto que o juíz Ivo Rosa "extravasou as suas competências e ilibou uma pessoa suspeita", o que anula a sua decisao. } const string = count === 0 5 format: (count) => { Justiça portuguesa investiga "Tchizé" dos Santos Publicado a: 12/06/2017 - 20:11 Modificado a: 12/06/2017 - 20:20 José Eduardo dos Santos, presidente do … 2 38 56 "%c" : count === 1 "Le Comité central a approuvé l'ouverture d'une procédure disciplinaire et l'application de la mesure suspendant l'adhésion du Comité central, conformément à l'article 35 des Statuts du MPLA, le camarade Welwitschea José dos Santos, membre de cet organe, pour le qui enfreint les règles de discipline à la lumière des statuts et du code de déontologie du parti ", const string = count === 0 Tchizé, como é mais conhecida, é a filha do segundo casamento de Jose Eduardo dos Santos e Maria Luísa Perdigão Abrantes. … ob.commentCount(document.querySelector("#comment-count-165775680"), { Licenciada em comunicação social pela Regent’s University em Londres, no Reino Unido, fala 5 idiomas (inglês, francês, italiano, espanhol, para além do português). "0" Based on the MP's statement, the major opposition party in Angola (UNITA) described this attitude as "an evidence of deep division within MPLA (ruling party)." , pour "conseiller" à la membre de suspendre temporairement le mandat parce qu'elle est absente du Parlement depuis plus de 90 jours. 18,280 talking about this. ? President dos Santos initially authorised the project on 14 July 2005 as a partnership between the state diamond company Endiama (51 per cent), Sociedade de Desenvolvimento Mineiro – SDM (20 per cent), Odebrecht (19 per cent) and Di Oro (10 per cent). 52 Tchizé dos Santos ( born Welwitschea dos Santos) is an Angolan producer and media entrepreneur. “Comrade President, please continue guiding the destiny of our country, asks the nation.” That’s the slogan plastered across the picture of a smiling José Eduardo dos Santos that has appeared on giant billboards in strategic locations across the capital, Luanda, in the past week. ob.commentCount(document.querySelector("#comment-count-179641649"), { format: (count) => { Tchizé dos Santos: Diamonds are a Girl s Best Friend. } : count === 1   8 const string = count === 0 31/10/2020 … Tchizé dos Santos ( born Welwitschea dos Santos) is an Angolan producer and media entrepreneur. : "%c" - Mentions CNIL - Politique de cookies - Politique de protection - des données RSS - ( INB1 Tous droits réservés ) - NOUVELLES Á LA MINUTE . : count === 1 ? : count === 1 But the campaign has already begun to re-elect Angola’s President for the past 37 years. ? Figura Pública Comunicóloga Activista Social Mulher de Cultura ? CONCURSO LITERÁRIO E AUDIOVISUAL “O QUE É SER ANGOLANO?”, Sums Don’t Add up for Angolan Central Bank, The Tyrant’s Dilemma: Stay? : "%c" 17 A defesa de "Tchizé" alega que esta queixa crime já foi arquivada em Angola e reitera que o Estado português é incompetente para investigar e perseguir criminalmente a filha do presidente de Angola. const string = count === 0 }), 31/10/2020 id: 179641315, SDM is a joint venture between Endiama and Odebrecht, a Brazilian multinational. NewsletterReceba a newsletter diária RFI: noticiários, reportagens, entrevistas, análises, perfis, emissões, programas. return string.replace("%c", count) Publicado a: 12/06/2017 - 20:11Modificado a: 12/06/2017 - 20:20. : count === 1 format: (count) => { 7 Many Angolans were nourishing the faint hope that Dos Santos might be honorable and dignified enough to keep his word that he would voluntarily and peacefully retire from political life in 2018 (by which time he would have spent 39 years as President of Angola). 48 Leia aqui o REGULAMENTO. }), 23/08/2020 : count === 1 format: (count) => {