They’ll be focused on the shuttle, so you can come in behind them to take them out. Attribution information Regardless of which you go for — taking out the TIEs first or the Jammers — save the cruiser for last. After you’ve bombed the Thermal Regulators, you’ll get an optional objective to defend your CR90 Corvette escort. Use its speed and maneuverability to make up for the lack of shields. You don’t have missiles, and your lasers have been replaced with an Ion Cannon that disrupts electrical systems. Fly too close to things, and weave around structures. Her chief annoyance, however, was when people dismissed her on the basis of age. [1] When Revan departed for the Unknown Regions, Mission did not accompany him. If you have the rockets from our suggested loadout, unload them into the engines. Furthermore, the name Mission Vao may have been derived from the name of the city Mission Viejo, California. Also, the concept art of Mission's face did not satisfy the art director, who was seeking more of a teenage appearance. TIE Fighters don’t have shields, so your Power Management is a little simpler — you’re only swapping between weapons and engines. Because of her age, Mission was often looked down upon by Revan's other companions. Lock on to each of them in turn, and hit them with your Tactical Shields (these act just like missiles, but for defense). Shortly after that, you’ll get an objective to chase down the fleeing civilians. Her fine sleight of hand gained Revan entrance to the Black Vulkar Base from the sewers of the Undercity, for which she had picked the codes off the pocket of a Black Vulkar. This is especially important while taking out the. David Levithan (Series concept)Ryder WindhamDave Wolverton Mission 4: Secrets and Spies. Focus on getting the mission done first, and then go back for the extras. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. The Raiders aren’t overly fast or hearty, but they’re well armed and deal a lot of damage. So rather than walking you through self-evident objectives, we’ve compiled a list of tips that helped us wrap our minds around the game in its earliest stages. [1], After her brother Griff deserted her on Taris, Mission got by on her own, until one day she made friends with Zaalbar, a Wookiee outcast from Kashyyyk. Despite her harsh upbringing and abandonment, Mission was a sunny and optimistic girl. Mission 3: Through Enemy Lines. Go for the Thin The Herd Medal first by taking out all the New Republic fighters to make the fight a little less crowded. Once again, you’re in a new ship with new weapons, so take your time to learn the basics before messing much with the loadout. After your first dogfight against Anvil Squadron, you’ll head to a new location. Your first task is to take out several Missile Platforms as part of, The rule while piloting a TIE is to keep moving. For this mission, you’ll be playing as part of the Imperial Titan Squadron, escorting a spy out of Project Starhawk. One trait she shared with her brother Griff was smooth talking, and she was known to be forward with boys she considered attractive, such as Zayne Carrick. Once they’re targeted, you can also use Squad Commands to call in your squadmates to take them out. She had dumped Griff, leaving him on Tatooine, where he was working for Czerka Corporation. Chronology [1], At the Hidden Bek Base, the leader of the gang Gadon Thek made a deal with Revan, agreeing to provide sponsorship in the Tarisian Season Opener in exchange for the retrieval of a prototype accelerator that was stolen from him by the Vulkars. This objective pops up while you’re already surrounded by enemies. The male population has decreased dramatically as a result of long, bloody, intergalactic wars. She also said that she had actually wanted Mission to come with them, and even offered to pay for her ticket, but Griff told Lena that Mission wouldn't leave Taris. If you manage to take out every missile before they hit the New Republic ships, you’ll earn the Marksman Medal. While you’re doing your bombing runs, you won’t be firing your lasers much, so. While your only real targets in this section are two of the transports, you’re going to be harassed by fighters throughout. As a child, Mission was very curious, spying on her brother and often playing with the personal effects of Gadon's bodyguard Zaerdra, who would get mad at her elder brother for not keeping Mission away from her stuff. Missiles only take one hit from your Ion Cannon to be disabled, so you’re free to, Watch your speed. Timeline Mission was happy that her brother was alive, but now she didn't feel as though she owed him anything anymore. Untitled Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Knights of the Old Republic 22: Knights of Suffering, Part 1, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords: Prima Official Game Guide, Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, Gaming the Expanded Universe: Ten Years of Knights of the Old Republic,, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. The hangars are a little fickle about what damages them and what doesn’t, so make sure your targeting reticle is red before you fire on them. Try to stay out of the crossfire between the two ships whenever you can. If you’re going to complete this optional objective to get the Raider Wrecker Medal, make sure you’re using Squad Commands to get all the help you can. Maximize Weapon Power again to get the extra firepower (and because you’ll out-fly the shuttles easily). [3], She had a strong sense of fairness, as evidenced by her anger with Wookiee Chieftain Chuundar and Czerka and their treatment of the Wookiees, and by her loyalty to the Hidden Beks after Brejik's betrayal. We didn’t want our guides to become narrative novels, so we skipped useless advice like “follow the squad leader.” Instead, every Squadrons walkthrough begins with general tips for the mission, followed by specific strategies for difficult sections and objectives. They also have a lot of laser turrets that point in just about every direction, so there’s no safe direction to attack from. Shortly after you start on that project, you’ll get the optional objective to destroy some hangars. Maximize Weapon Power since you won’t need speed. Star Wars Squadrons Mission List Form the Vanguard The Skies of Yavin Through Enemy Lines Secrets and Spies The Trail From Desevro Signal to Noise Into the Abyss Fractured Alliance Chaos at Mon Cala Terisa’s Vengeance Nowhere to Stand Rally the New Republic Fire in … Toward the end of the mission, you’ll need to escort a Lambda Shuttle (and an Imperial spy) away from the outpost while it’s getting picked on by New Republic forces. Mission 1: Form the Vanguard. Once the Silver Coronet arrives, you’ll get objectives to take out some of it’s systems, starting with its shield generators. She explained that her friend Zaalbar had been caught by Gamorrean slavers in the sewers and agreed to show Revan a secret entrance into the Vulkar Base if he helped her free the captive Wookiee. She could also play Pazaak. The abyss this fight takes place in is a lot smaller than you’re used to from previous missions. They’re going to be focused on the Corvette, so they’ll lead you the right way. If you get an easy shot on a New Republic fighter, take it, but don’t wander off in pursuit. After Frisk identifies the Jammers, approach them but begin to slow down once the game informs you that you should slow down to avoid missiles. She then told him that she "knew a secret" and brought Zayne to see her brother's pet, which she thought was what Griff was feeding in secret. Keep moving to avoid getting targeted, and line up strafing shots with your Beam Cannon. Don’t get overwhelmed. The Beam Cannon works great here. Twi'lek[1][2] Meet'N'Fuck: Star Mission. For her appearance in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Mission Vao was voiced by Cat Taber. If your objective is only to. Taris[1] When the CR90 Corvette arrives, you’ll still be dealing with Y-Wing Bombers and defending the Control Towers. There are two sections of this mission where you’ll be escorting Lambda Shuttle from the Overseer to the New Republic ships and back. Switch the Targeting Wheel to All Enemies to add them to the cycle. Physical description Focus your loadout on ship-to-ship combat. As if to signify that Revan's fate was now forever set down the dark path, Bastila applauds his callousness and comments that Revan is as dark now as Malak ever was. Related to that tip, try to stick relatively close to the convoy. Use. Your job is to take it out as quickly as you can. There are a few steps: It will probably take a few tries to get the timing down. [5] A holostatue of Vao was erected in the Leisure Garden section of the Axial Park in the Coronet City on Corellia, along with the statues of Revan and his other companions in memory of their deeds.[6]. Scholastic Inc. They’re nimble and can take a beating. 0 ABY[2] Mission grew up as an orphan, having never known her parents, with just her elder brother Griff to look after her. To check on The Victorum’s health, target it and its integrity will show up on your display. There are three Raiders total. This will take a lot of practice, though. This is the most varied mission yet, with strafing runs on stationary targets, lots of capital ship attacks, and plenty of dogfighting. If you’re looking for the No Survivors Medal, you’ll need to get both of the GR-75s before they jump away. It has been confirmed by the writers that Mission is not related to them,[8] but it is a tribute nonetheless.[9]. This will always be true, so it’s best to get used to it as soon as possible. We had a lot of trouble finding it again after so many bombing runs. For your main lasers, choose the close range lasers (the Gyrhil R/F Rapid Fire Cannon) that deal more damage. While waiting for the Victorum to finish it’s (second set of) Hyperdrive repairs, another wave of Imperials will show up. Born While you’re circling the shipyards, watch for emplacements of three laser turrets on structures. Eye color At one point during the fight, Frisk will call for help. For two years they got by in the Lower City, never hearing anything from or about Griff, and often seeking adventure in dangerous spots like the sewers of the Undercity, where Gadon used to tell her not to go. Mission didn't believe that Revan had truly fallen back to the dark side, and that if she didn't attack first, Revan wouldn't be able to bring himself to kill her in cold blood. In 3954 BBY, Revan planned one and final adventure into unknown space. Once both Jammers are destroyed, reinforcements will show up to help you take it out. When taking down the Star Destroyer target system, for example, take flyby passes at it. This time, you’ll have plenty of TIEs, two IGV-55 Jammers, and one Light Cruiser. While you’re waiting for your missiles to recharge (watch for the button on your console to turn blue again), target an unshielded shuttle, and use Squad Commands to ask your squadmates to defend it. Believing she made her brother forget about her, Mission hated Lena, and thought of her as a "busty, credit-grubbing cantina rat." [1], After Mission joined Revan's fellowship, she had the chance to apply her knowledge and skills to different ends from what she was used to in the streets of Taris. While you’re doing bombing runs on the receivers, you’ll get an optional objective to destroy the Imperial listening post’s communication array — these dishes were pointed out in the briefing. Chronological and political information Furthermore, the name Mission Vao may have been derived fro… You’ll have to disengage from the area you’re currently in and fly over to Frisk to take care of the enemies targeting him. This means that hitting the button to Cycle Targets will only cycle through Objective-related targets — in this case, the transports. This box contained a black Darth Vader carrying case, referred to as the Star Wars Missions Kit, which further contained the following items: Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. After you find the scout debris, you’ll follow the Imperials to a new, bigger fight. She believed the best of people most of the time, and was the first to rally to Revan's defense after he was revealed as the former Dark Lord of the Sith in the skirmish aboard the Leviathan, as she had been convinced by Revan's actions over the course of their mission that he was a true friend. While they were spying on him, Gryph found them and inadvertently gave away their position to Griff. Cycle Targets won’t pick out a fighter for you to track. This will cycle through parts of the flagship — the Silver Coronet — that you can target individually. Try not to reduce your speed to zero either. Several waves of fighters will jump into the system over the course of this mission. Hit a button to five yourself a target, and learn to find it. Star Wars Missions was a young-readers series and roleplaying game published by Scholastic beginning in September 1997. In reality, Griff had lied to them both and even though Mission wouldn't believe Lena at first, she realized that she had been misguidedly idolizing her brother. He then gave Revan authorization papers needed to get past the Sith guard at the elevator to the Undercity in exchange for the Sith uniforms he had used before as a disguise, and promised to let Revan use the accelerator to win the race and get Bastila back, who was being offered as a prize by Brejik, in his game to take over the Lower City. Zayne Carrick, who had been framed for the murders, came back to Taris to try to help the resistance against the invading Mandalorians, and found the Hidden Beks' secret hideout. This is a great mission to focus on learning to use your. Zaalbar was being hassled by members of the Black Vulkars, a major Lower City swoop gang, when he attracted her attention. Mission Vao (pronounced /'mɪʃɪn 'veo/) was a female Rutian Twi'lek who lived as a street urchin on the ecumenopolis of Taris during the Mandalorian Wars and the first half of the Jedi Civil War. Mission, Zayne, and Gryph then discovered that the "pet" was not a pet at all; inside the container where Griff dropped the food were the missing children of Constable Noana Sowrs. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mission Vao stalking Gamorreans in the Taris Undercity. Use Squad Commands to help take them out quickly — either by directing your squadmates to concentrate fire or asking them to defend a shuttle. People were still reeling from the consequences of the murders of the four Jedi Padawans that were to help rim-worlds such as Taris maintain law and order, when the Mandalorians invaded. [1], Revan saved Zaalbar from the slavers, and as customary to his people, the Wookiee swore a life debt to him. Y-Wings are slow as heck, but that’s OK. For the first time, directions like up and down matter. Save your speed for chasing. Our Star Wars: Squadrons Mission 12: Rally The New Republic walkthrough gives you general tips for the mission, advice about your loadout, specific strategies for … Star Wars Missions Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. Once off the gates of the Outcast village of the Undercity, Revan ran into a very distressed Mission. Simply fly above an Imperial Raider and rain down on them with your close range lasers while repeatedly shooting the rockets you have loaded in your left and right auxiliary slots. Mission 7: Into the Abyss. These rockets shoot straight and output heavy high damage. Gender This mission sees Vanguard Squadron baiting the Imperial Star Destroyer Overseer into a trap. Another way to handle getting bothered by enemy fighters is to double tap the Cycle Targets button. Early drafts of the game had Mission as a male Twi'lek rather than a female. Author(s) [1], After escaping the Leviathan, Revan revealed his former identity to the crew. Release date Meanwhile, Brejik attempted to kill Zayne with a vibroblade. Mission Vao [1] Around 3963 BBY, her brother Griff was a member of one of the Lower City's swoop gangs known as the Hidden Beks. The series, developed by David Levithan, lasted for twenty adventure books, which were authored by Ryder Windham and Dave Wolverton. [3], Del Moomo then appeared from behind and pinned Brejik to a wall before he was able to kill Zayne. Between waves of Imperials, Keo will (try to) teach you the Drift Turn. Destroy the New Republic Y-Wing Bombers as fast as you can — they’re the ones that will deal the most damage to the towers. You’ll be with the ISD Vigilance star destroyer. Just keep moving so the turrets don’t turn all their attention on you. However, she had sorely underestimated the ruthless Sith Lord, and Revan commanded her best friend Zaalbar kill her for him instead. Mission 8: Fractured Alliance. It’ll take a few passes, but each turret only takes a handful of shots to destroy. Press the A/X controller buttons (and their PC equivalent) to instantly target the closest enemy. In 3956 BBY, near the end of the Jedi Civil War, decorated war hero and legendary soldier Carth Onasi was stranded on Taris with an amnesiac Revan following the attack on the Endar Spire, a Republic warship under the command of the Jedi Bastila Shan. You won’t be able to target them right away, but you’ll get a better idea of where they are. When he did, Griff came up behind her and pulled her away from the fight. Publisher We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. And it has shields. When the New Republic Corvettes show up, you’ll get an objective to destroy them. Pick something you’re comfortable with or just pick the X-Wing, since it’s the most generalized (as opposed to specialized) ship. Alternatively to Mission's coming to terms with her brother's character and forgiving him, the player could convince her to embrace her feelings of anger and betrayal. Target the entire Frigate — you can’t target the individual turrets — and look for the blue glow/outline that marks them. Seeing that Revan was a newcomer in the Lower City, Mission provided him with information about the city, the swoop gangs, local Exchange boss Davik Kang, and the bounty hunter Calo Nord, who had just walked out of the cantina, leaving a few corpses behind. Prologue 1 and 2. If you want to deal even more damage, at the cost of not being able to repair your ship, you can choose the ArMek Barrage Rockets as your left auxiliary kit. Four years later, Vanguard Squadron will split up to search for some missing scouts and deal with Imperial jamming ships. She parted ways with Revan after the defeat of Darth Malak. Now all men are property of the United Galactic Federation and are used only for reproduction purposes. Female[1][2] If you continue blowing up transports (you monster), you’ll get the No Cargo Medal for this mission. When the Leviathan captured the Ebon Hawk, and Revan had to choose a member of the crew for a rescue mission, she volunteered her skills with security systems, claiming she could slice her way out of any security cell. Back with Titan Squadron, you’ll be defending (and simultaneously raiding) an Imperial supply depot in this mission. Star Wars Missions originally shipped to subscribers in a black cardboard box featuring illustrations of the Rebel Alliance X-wing starfighter and the Imperial TIE fighter. Don’t slow down too much while scanning, or you’ll get pummeled by the turrets. There’s not a lot of room between the Tormentor and the New Republic ships, so you’ll have to be quick here. [Source]. [1] Revan watched as Zaalbar scared away some Black Vulkars picking on Mission. The entire war effort against the Sith relied on her skill with battle meditation, making her the Republic's only hope, so as soon as possible Carth and Revan made for the Undercity, where her escape pod had crashed. The series, developed by David Levithan, lasted for twenty adventure books, which were authored by Ryder Windham and Dave Wolverton. They fly painfully slowly. To help Frisk, locate the enemy ships marked with blue icons. Focus on those to get both this objective and the Trusty Wingmate Medal. Much like the Defend the Control Towers objective above, the best way we’ve found to escort the two Baradium Shuttles is by going on offense against the New Republic A-Wings. Species Carth Onasi was particularly disgusted at first about a fourteen-year-old living by herself in a dangerous area and occasionally the two found themselves at odds in a father-daughter fashion.[1]. Stopping just makes you an easy target. There’s nothing a single TIE can do about them, and you’d leave the Gladius exposed. You’ll probably hit the edges of the arena while chasing enemies. One will show up alone at first, and then the other two will show up in a subsequent wave. Aside from the undefended fuel pods you attack at the very beginning of this mission, everything else you attack will have laser turrets and missiles and a squadron of fighters around it. You’ll have to press a button to lock on and scan parts of the Star Destroyer to find a breach point. She also spoke of the Hidden Beks as a more honest and reliable gang than the Black Vulkars, which were now led by Brejik, and she mentioned that Davik had recently acquired a new ship for his smuggling operations, the Ebon Hawk, which he supposedly kept in his estate. Biographical information [1], A tribute is made to Mission with Astraal Vao and Shado Vao, in that they were both raised in the Imperial Mission. (You can still target them with the Select Target Ahead button, though.). You’re playing more of a support role in this mission, and your weapon loadout reflects that. Star Wars: Squadrons’s two-part prologue is kind of a tutorial in disguise. You’ve got a slightly different loadout for this mission — specifically, you’ve got, The biggest thing you’ll learn in this mission is how to. Here, you’ll find five GR-75 Transports and their fighter escorts. In the enclave where he was being kept, a conversation ensued that allowed Mission to realize the truth in Lena's words. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It’s slow, and it doesn’t have any turrets pointing backward, so get behind it and Maximize Weapon Power. They will always jump in outside of your weapons and targeting range, though. [3], Mission introduced herself to Zayne after he was through talking to Marn Hierogryph, and developed a crush on him, despite her brother's warning to stay away from the accused murderer. Slow down (but don’t stop), Maximize Weapon Power, and unload on them. Ignore them. You have a choice of the three New Republic ships you’ve flown so far, along with full loadouts for each. Follow them from a distance. The launch exceeded any reasonable expectations, but with Disney facing a much-altered media galaxy, there's even more pressure on the live-action "Star Wars" series to … This is the first mission where loadout becomes much more important to how well you do. Lena, however, used to date Tarisian nobles, and Griff could never give her the kind of lifestyle she was used to. Scholastic introduced the Star Wars: Episode I Adventures game in September 1999 as a follow-up to Star Wars Missions. Untitled Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars Missions 1: Assault on Yavin Four, Star Wars Missions – Demian's Gamebook Web Page, By this time, the two friends had become focused on expanding their import/export business. Use your Targeting Wheel again, and select Flagship Systems. Your goal in a Drift Turn is basically to skid sideways in space. She’ll explain the process, but it will take a few tries to figure out exactly what to do. Star Wars: Episode I Adventures Keep moving, and slow down a bit if it helps you aim. Zaalbar is a Wookiee, like Chewbacca, and Mission's in-game character class is "scoundrel", which is what Leia Organa occasionally called Han Solo. Mission 9: Chaos at Mon Cala. [1], She was a good slicer and was proficient with Stealth field generators. The shuttles are too slow and vulnerable to be left alone. She was also courageous and impulsive, charging three Vulkars by herself to try and save Zaalbar, or mouthing off at – and trying to bite – armed Sith troopers. Thrust is blue and on an instrument to the left of your cockpit, weapons are red when they fire and up at the top of your view, and sheilds are green and on an instrument at the right of your cockpit. [1], Despite such unusual circumstances of their meeting—or perhaps because of them—Mission and Zaalbar stuck together from then on, looking out for each other in their own way. By default, your Targeting Wheel (hold left trigger on console controllers) is set to Objectives. The TIE Reaper is your next new ship to learn. Titan Squadron is on its way to tail a group of New Republic engineers. You can probably get through this mission without much (unprompted) fussing with your ship’s power distribution, but this is a good mission to practice with it. Here’s the loadout that worked best for us: Through most of this mission, your goal will be to keep the three Control Towers intact. Also, the concept art of Mission's face did not satisfy the art director, who was seeking more of a teenage appearance. Several New Republic Corvettes will pop in during the shuttle’s escape. If you get the. It’s time for Titan Squadron to lead the Imperial attack on the Nadiri Dockyards. Your Multi-Lock Missiles will take out all three at once. Vanguard’s next mission is to escort the stolen Star Destroyer to a secret location. Brejik then pulled out a blaster pistol, telling Zayne that he would tell everybody that he was killed "trying to escape". Blue There are several optional objectives plus the two Medals for this mission that will pull you in several different directions. Toward the end of the mission, a Nebulon-B Frigate will show up to ruin your day. While Gadon was enraged at Griff and Brejik for kidnapping the children, it gave the Hidden Beks an opportunity to open up negotiations with the "True" Resistance, and then eventually join them. To earn the Defense Breaker Medal and complete the optional objective for this mission, you’ll have to play it twice, since they’re opposing requirements. She followed Revan to the end of his quest, even to the monstrous Star Forge. Instead, let the TIE fighters come to you and don’t move onto the main objective until you’ve marked off the TIE fighter objective first. Don’t forget to change it back to Objectives or All Enemies when you’re done, though. Followed by (Astraal is even called "Missionary Vao" at one point, which was explicitly confirmed by Jan Duursema to be a reference to Mission Vao). [1], Mission still questioned the validity of Lena's statements and when Revan took the Ebon Hawk for a landing on Tatooine in search of the Star Map, they found Griff had been taken prisoner by Tusken Raiders. This mission turns into a pretty hectic fight, so you’ll need weapons and components to account for a lot of possibilities. Although Mission was shocked to see her homeworld destroyed before her eyes, she told Revan she would find a way to deal with it, and that whatever help she could offer him against Darth Malak and the Sith she would. Mission 6: Signal to Noise. You won’t be attacking any capital ships or stationary targets, so focus your loadout on ship-to-ship combat and quick dogfights. If you complete the mission with all three, you’ll get the Depot Defender Medal. Star Wars Missions was a young-readers series and roleplaying game published by Scholastic beginning in September 1997. Destroying them will get you the Reinforcements Denied Medal and prevent a lot more TIEs from showing up. Mission then helped feed the two children. They passed by Javyar's Cantina where they found an unusual pair—a Wookiee, and a fourteen-year-old Twi'lek girl who preferred speaking Galactic Basic Standard rather than her people's native language. The sight of thugs picking on a lone Wookiee overwhelmed by a strange environment made her lose her temper, and she charged at them.