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A number of rumors circulated among the residents of Cularin regarding the origins of the report and some theorized that the report had been written by the Believers themselves, to spread fear. The freelance agents liberated Quor-Din and tried to depart the fortress aboard another skiff, but they collided with the Believers skiff and became engaged in a firefight with a large group of the cultists.

Chronological information The Darkstaff sensed that someone other than the shadow lurkers had came into contact with the shards and at the artifact's behest, Len Markus sent a group of Believers to the asteroid belt, under orders to either kill the individuals that had disturbed the shards, or alternately to recover the three shards.

500 Seiten eine renomierte Informationsquelle zu aktuellen Neuerscheinungen aus dem Comic-Sektor.
The report noted that indications of significant use of the dark side of the Force among the cult were overstated and also claimed that the crime lord Nirama was aware of the Believers' activities and that there was a possibility that the Believers were co-operating with the Wyrd,[15] a group of Tarasin Force witches from the planet Cularin. Please remove this message when finished. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [17], In about 31 BBY,[19] the researcher Garvin Delquist discovered a Sith amulet inside the Almas Sith fortress, an ancient Sith construct that was built by the Sith Lord Darth Rivan on the planet Almas, in the Cularin system.

The cultists further refined the virus and they selected a hidden Metatheran Cartel base on the moon Tilnes for use as a testing ground for the infection, because the Cartel would not publicize an outbreak inside the facility, due to the secrecy surrounding the base's existence. Untitled Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, True Believers: Star Wars Covers (2016) #1, Marvel celebrating May the 4th with True Believers: Star Wars, To prevent anyone from interfering in the cult's plans, the Believer team took up a position 30 kilometers north of Joventusek, under orders to kill any off-worlders that attempted to travel toward the Desolation. The CAF also learned that the Believers were operating from the abandoned Separatist facility and the Armed Forces began planning an attack on the base, to capture Markus.[21].

Delquist also contacted the Human Alina Impeveri, a figure in the Cularin system criminal underworld, and she agreed to join the Believers, bringing with her a large number of pirates, who enrolled in the cult and based themselves in the Sith fortress.

In addition, the cultists schemed to cause a major environmental catastrophe on Caarimon, by crashing escape pods packed with explosives into some fault-lines in the Desolation region of Caarimon, to trigger a groundquake. True Believers: Star Wars Covers 1 is a one-shot comic book issue published by Marvel Comics as part of its True Believers budget reprint program, which reprints popular comic titles for the suggested retail price of $1.
[22], In about 19 BBY,[30] Len Markus and elements of the Believers provided the Wyrd with information that Markus had obtained from the study of Sith mutational practices. After Es'Loma's ship had docked with a Coruscant landing platform, a team of black-clad Human Believers led by the Omwati Bleth Fahr assailed the crew of Es'Loma's ship. The Believers were a Sith-worshipping cult[11] that formed in the Cularin system during the waning years of the Galactic Republic.

Location(s) A group of Believers gathered in the base and prepared to open the box, and while the cultists were distracted by their prize, the Heroes of Cularin entered the bunker and attacked them. [9], The Clone Wars progressed and at some point, the protest group Truth For Cularin produced a number of HoloNet documentaries, in which they speculated on issues that affected the Cularin system. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Unser Comic-Zubehörprogramm umfasst nicht nur speziell angefertigte Aufbewahrungsboxen und Schutzhüllen, sondern auch Titeltrenner, Hüllenverstärkungen (Boards), Schuber, Comicordner und andere Artikel mit denen sich die eigene Sammlung optimal schützen lässt.Unsere Hausmarke 'Comic Concept' bietet eine breite Produktpalette an allem, was der Sammler zur fachgerechten Archivierung seiner Lieblings benötigt. [2] Many of the surviving Believers went into hiding[22] and a number of the cultists were captured by the Jedi. 32 Seiten, Heftformat, farbig, englisch
, Es befinden sich keine Artikel im Warenkorb, DC Comics Graphic Novel Collection (Eaglemoss), aktuelle Order-Forms als PDF für Abonnenten, Unsere Bedingungen und Services für US-Abonnements, Avengers 22 (Vol.

The three Believer transports from Genarius arrived in the Carimoos system under the escort of the Z-95 Headhunter Ku'Amo, and two of the starships docked with Creautaa-V, a research station that orbited Caarimon. Cover artist [11], The Cularin Militia, a military force that was active in the Cularin system, received intelligence reports that stated that a number of Believers were converging on Caarimon, and the Militia deduced that the cultists planned to release the anti-Caarite virus on the planet. [10] The Cartel was a trading concern that was led by members of the Caarite and Filordi species,[25] and to counter the concern's influence, the Believers procured a deadly virus that was fatal to Caarites. In one such documentary, the Human Jarik Vuintor claimed that the Believers were an arm of the Jedi Order, to which the Jedi transferred failed Jedi students that were found to be not suited to the rigors of the life of the Jedi. [14], A team of Jedi researchers recovered a Sith artifact known as the Pulas from the Sith fortress and they attempted to transport the artifact to the Almas Academy, for safe-keeping.