I get "A communication error occurred during the fax transmission. Click on Start menu and then type “firewall”. Click on … at App (/XXX/XXX/XXX/XXX/.next/serverless/pages/_error.js:4227:29) Once the cleaning is complete, perform the steps from a. to d. and then select “Cleanup system files”. Read more: https://err.sh/next.js/prerender-error at Z (/XXX/XXX/XXX/XXX/.next/serverless/pages/[domainCode]/merci.js:20913:404) Error: Minified React error #321; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=321 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. For more information, see our Privacy Statement. Error: Minified React error #321; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=321 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. Error occurred prerendering page "/XXX". (I mean the type). "@kunukn/react-collapse": "^2.2.8", `export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async () => {` `const landingPagePoleData: IPoleList = await landingPagePoleList();` `return {` `props: {` `landingPagePoleData,` `},` `};` `};`

Ses clients sociétaires en sont les propriétaires et lui permettent de participer au développement de l’économie réelle, sur les territoires où elle est implantée.

at Object.renderPage (/XXX/XXX/XXX/XXX/.next/serverless/pages/[domainCode]/merci.js:899:16)

Read more: https://err.sh/next.js/prerender-error Error: Minified React error #321; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=321 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at Z (/XXX/XXX/XXX/XXX/.next/serverless/pages/[domainCode]/[formationUrl]/[courseCode].js:21744:404) import { landingPagePoleList } from "../XXX/XXX/landingPage";

(node:763) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental at Object.renderPage (/XXX/XXX/XXX/XXX/.next/serverless/pages/[domainCode]/inscription.js:899:16) at render (/XXX/XXX/XXX/XXX/.next/serverless/pages/_error.js:461:16) "build": "next build",

Nous vous invitons à vous connecter à notre page d'accueil. const handleRouteChange = (url: string) => { Error: Minified React error #321; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=321 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. Ensure that there are no red highlights, implying everything is green. Do you think my files was 'corrupt' because of the node_modules / .next, or something like that ? at module.exports.viRO.exports.useEffect (/XXX/XXX/XXX/XXX/.next/serverless/pages/_error.js:6814:356)