Le lendemain matin, Skywalker, Chewbacca et Han Solo furent récompensés de la médaille de la bravoure pour leurs actes héroïques.
Il réussit à vaincre l'Empereur une bonne fois pour toutes, mettant fin à 28 années de terreur.
Instead, he concentrated all of his power on deceiving Caedus, to the point where Caedus thought he was dueling Luke instead of Jaina.
Years later Luke would say he was never in love with Tanith Shire. Meanwhile, Vorn not only confirmed that Leia had been held captive by Ashgad only to escape, but also that Dyzm, a vastly mutated and sentient droch was the bearer of the Death Seed plague.
To make matters worse, Ben joined the Galactic Alliance Guard, much to Luke's and the other Jedi Masters' dismay. "[111], Skywalker soon discovered the divide in the populace of Nam Chorios: the younger inhabitants, the Newcomers, who largely dwelt in the cities and towns, sought to open the world to wider interplanetary trade. C’est ainsi que Luke Skywalker posa les fondations d’un Nouvel Ordre Jedi, même si les débuts seront difficiles….
Line creepers were found in the power lines, a set of Outbound Flight's schematics possessed by Fel was stolen and one of the Geroons was shot. [2], Luke passa son enfance sur Tatooine où son oncle et sa tante ne lui révélèrent jamais le passée de son père, prétendant simplement qu'il était un « pilote de vaisseaux transporteurs d'épices » pendant la Guerre des Clones. As C'baoth turned to deal with the animals, Luke and Leia helped guide Mara through a hail of rocks to reach C'baoth and she cut the deranged Jedi down. Skywalker frequently aided his students during their missions.
For that, he was imprisoned on Kalaan.
When Abeloth opened herself to Luke he used the Force to rip Callista Ming from Abeloth.
However, he felt increasingly pulled and wearied by the demands of duty, and longed to get away. [15], À l'âge de 12 ans[16], Luke et son ami Windy avaient pour habitude de partir seuls dans le désert.
Véhicules Skywalker instructed Fardreamer to have the fighter ready to fly when he returned, and then departed to investigate the whereabouts of Brakiss, though not before speaking with Leia first, to inform of her of his unease with the situation.
In this battle, he was nearly killed by their leader, Gethzerion, but healed himself in only a few hours using the Force.
Lusa revealed that the four missing Jedi trainees had gone to Ryloth, a Diversity Alliance stronghold, to search out Lowbacca and Skywalker, Lusa, and Zekk immediately departed in the Lightning Rod to find them.
Le Melitto lança alors une grenade pour aveugler le Jedi mais voyant que Luke ne se rendrait pas si aisément, il décida de le tuer. Cela pourrait signifier que le jeune Luke aurait un rôle assez important dans la série.
Aux commandes de son X-wing, il décida lui-même d’aller vérifier ces rumeurs officieuses sur place. Inside Waru they found themselves underwater, near a great dark circle.
When she awoke, though, Akanah was in a better mood and told him some more of her past, satisfying his curiosities and suspicions about her, and also agreed to teach him to read Fallanassi scribing. Luke, however, was unaware of this and though the evidence absolved Lumiya, the Grand Master turned toward Alema Rar as the likely culprit. However, Exar Kun wanted nothing less than Luke's total destruction.
Mais l'arrivé de Dark Vador les empêcha et lorsque l’Exécuteur bombarda le vaisseau de Xizor, des débris partirent dans toutes les directions et l’Outrider ne put éviter ces débris.
They discovered that Abeloth had taken over Akanah's body. Skywalker tenta de le persuader de rester et de les aider contre l'Empire, mais Solo refusa, à sa grande déception. While Jaina pursued the fleeing Onimi, Shimrra Jamaane knocked out Jacen and engaged the Jedi Master.
Luke than recruited the Prince of Artorias Finn Galfridian into the Jedi Order after noticing that he was Force-sensitive. [48], Luke, Leia and Wedge Antilles began searching for a suitable world to establish a new Alliance base two months after the Battle of Yavin, using only T-65 X-wings to avoid attracting Imperials. The galaxy was once again reunited, with Natasi Daala becoming the new Chief of State. [31], Le grand événement arriva bientôt.
In the Ewok village, Skywalker revealed to Organa her true familial heritage and resolved to face Vader. The Millennium Falcon and the Sun Crusher escaped as the Imperial fleet engaged Doole's forces in an impromptu brawl.
[16], With the New Republic threatened by Thrawn's supply of clones from freshly reactivated Spaarti cylinders, Luke Skywalker participated in a number of missions to track down the facility that was producing them.
Crashing, the two managed to evade Sand People and discourage Jawas from stealing the skyhopper. Heureusement, R2-D2 lui envoya son sabre laser depuis les gradins de l'arène.
Horrifié par cette révélation, Luke affirma que cela ne pouvait être vrai mais Vador lui dit qu'au fond de lui, il savait que c'était la vérité.
However, another segment of the populace, known as the Oldtimers, insisted that the status quo be maintained, for unknown reasons. [3], La nuit suivante, le maître Jedi se glissa sans se faire remarquer à bord du Faucon Millenium et se remémora toutes les aventures qu'il y avait vécues et prit avec lui deux dés reliés par une chaîne le tout étant de couleur or, ayant appartenu à Solo.
In the resulting battle against Abeloth, the Sith betrayed the Skywalkers and attempted to capture Abeloth. After a brief conversation with Lando Calrissian, who updated him on current events such as Kenth Hamner's death, Luke and Ben, now with Vestara, continued their search for Abeloth.
Il profita de cet instant pour lui trancher la main, laissant chuter son sabre laser dans les profondeurs d'une cuve à réacteur.
Dans une vision d'un soleil double comme sur Tatooine, Luke, à l'image de ses maîtres Yoda et Obi-Wan, s'évapora, ne faisant plus qu'un avec la Force et laissant sa cape s'envoler derrière lui.[3].
Skywalker traveled to meet with Melan along with Rendar. Journeying there, Skywalker met no reception initially, though he sensed Brakiss's presence. Skin color
Luke and his Jedi companions boarded the ship, but Sidious was gone. Using the Force, Luke tried to gain the locals' cooperation, however, a strange presence in the Force always interfered with his efforts.
He then took his mother's ship to Coruscant Prime, intending to burn Krayt's body to ensure that he would not return again. [163] Some called Skywalker naïve for this, although it was actually his kindness and ability to see the good in others that forced him to view others this way. Sa formation fut toutefois interrompue quand il décida de voler au secours de ses amis dans la Cité des Nuages sur Bespin. Bien qu'il est réussi à obliger Vador à contester les vérités qui le rongeaient depuis si longtemps, Luke fut tout de même fait prisonnier et ammené sur l'Étoile de la Mort II pour être présenté devant l'Empereur.
The Oldtimers directed Luke to the nearest healer, Sel, who Luke recognized from his last visit as Taselda, the oldest known living Jedi. Luke's nephew and niece arrived, and Luke's spirit was able to communicate with them, although not with any of the others. Alors qu'ils étaient en orbite de la planète, Dark Vador[34] ayant appris la position de Luke par l'intermédiaire de l'archéologiste Chelli Lona Aphra[35], se rendit personnellement sur place à bord de son TIE avancé x1. Bien que Palpatine tenta de convertir Luke au Côté Obscur, Luke fut en mesure d'y résister et fut même capable de ramener son père vers la lumière. Luke was thrown into a vengeful fury, almost falling to the dark side before realizing that Mary's memory was not being honored by his search for revenge. Mais Joruus se révéla très vite être en réalité un adepte du Côté Obscur en plus d’être atteint de démence, une caractéristique propre aux clones vieillissants subissant une croissance accélérée.
[1], Durant la bataille de Yavin, Skywalker déplora la mort de nombreux collègues, y compris Darklighter. [173], Skywalker fights Sith and Abeloth during the Mission to the Maw, Meanwhile, Vestara had purposely set Stadd loose in an attempt to find Abeloth. [12], At the same time, the rise of anti-Jediism in the Senate reached the peak that forced Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya to issue a warrant for Luke and Mara's arrest. Luke exprima ensuite sa colère car il aurait voulu entendre la vérité dès le début. Realizing that the future did not depend on her, Koon died at peace. Luke parvint cependant à s'échapper en tranchant l'un des bras du wampa avec son sabre laser mais lorsqu'il sortit de la caverne, il se retrouva pris dans un blizzard glacial et alors qu'il pensait qu'il allait mourrir ici, il eut une vision de son ancien maître Obi-Wan Kenobi qui lui conseilla de suivre l'enseignement de Yoda dans le système Dagobah.
[155], While Luke and Mara were focused on keeping the galaxy safe for their son, they had not realized that Ben had cut himself off from the Force. Before reaching their destination, the group was able to persuade the Imperial Remnant to join the Galactic Alliance after the fall of Bastion.
The Jedi Master Yoda, along with other Jedi, fought with the Witches of Dathomir.
[114], After the group left the building, the trio returned to their hotel room. Formbi agreed to let a Geroon shuttle dock with the Chaf Envoy. Après la mort des deux chefs d'escadron, il prit sur lui de mener l'assaut final. Mais à l’intérieur de la forteresse, Mara et Luke se retrouvèrent nez à nez avec Joruus C’Baoth qui avait été renvoyé sur Wayland par l’amiral Thrawn, le Chiss commençant à être fatigué d’avoir à supporter la mégalomanie du vieil homme. Luke a manqué de vigilance, il savait pourtant que le sang des Skywalker coulait en Ben Solo. Luke and Ben then left Dathomir in the Jade Shadow, only to find that they were being pursued by Sith ships.
[38] It was Keyan Farlander who showed Luke the basics of flying an X-wing.