The humanoid species known as the Nikto have tan, leathery skin and flat faces with multiple breathing holes on their cheeks and jawbones. There existed at least three Nikto subspecies: the Kajain'sa'Nikto (red Nikto), the Kadas'sa'Nikto (green Nikto), and the Esral'sa'Nikto (mountain Nikto). However, some escaped Nikto did instead use some opportunities to genuinely become free beings. This page was last edited on 27 July 2020, at 08:40. The Gluss'sa'Nikto are the "Pale Nikto," island inhabitants with the horns of the Red Nikto, the smaller facial fins evocative of the Mountain Nikto, but with white-gray skin. Members [5] No planetary government was allowed on Kintan also due to the lingering presence of the Cult of M'dweeshu. [Source]. Skin color Since that time, the blood cult has arisen anew on several occasions, each time being put down by the Nikto, the Jedi, the Hutts or others. Many native inhabitants died as a result whilst the survivors were horribly mutated into fearsome monsters that rivalled the Rancors of Dathomir or the warbeasts of Onderon. The varying appearance of the Nikto sub-species caused confusion amongst those who were unfamiliar with the Nikto, but all Nikto had certain similarities; leathery skin, sometimes covered with spikes or horns, as well as eyes that included a protective membrane to shield against Kintan's harsh environment. Ils ont une série de petites crêtes sur le front et le crâne ainsi que de petites cornes autour des yeux et du menton. En poursuivant votre navigation sur SWU, vous acceptez l'utilisation des cookies ou technologies similaires. Looking into their own past, the Nikto learnt that the Cult of M'dweeshu had opposed the Hutts during distant times. Some Niktos were appointed as guards and thugs for their Hutt overlords and became a common sight in most of their enslavers' entourages.

The most prominent of these was the Cult o… Some Nikto formed a cult that followed a Dark Jedi known as Ki Sazen in this time. These desert dwellers are characterized by reddish pigmentation, small horns along the forehead and orbits of the eyes, noseless faces, and neck-based breathing tubes.


Nikto [3] Hutt merchants visited Kintan and intended to seek control of the star system in order to secure a strategic advantage over competitors. [3] The expansion of Hutt Space would bring about the end of the short lived reign of the Cult of M'dweeshu[8] when the Nikto were discovered in 25,130 BBY. 1.6 - 1.9 meters[2]

Remove this notice when finished. Many taboos on racial divides were formed by the Nikto that was further supported by genetic diversity that was forced on them by their Hutt overlords.

C'est un Kajain'sa'nikto. Language Elles leurs servent aussi à se battre. These membranes also trapped exhaled water vapor and sent it back into their system. Finally, the M'shento'su'Nikto are the "Southern Nikto," yellow to orange-skinned representatives that lack horns but have a multitude of neck breather tubes. Habitat Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side!

Many Kajain'sa'Nikto were employed by the Hutt Clan as enforcers during the Clone Wars, and centuries prior, while several green and red Nikto served the crime lord Jabba the Hutt shortly before the Battle of Endor. Esral'sa'Nikto, or "Mountain Nikto", adapted to the variable climate of the mountains of Kintan. En raison du manque de muscles faciaux, ils ne peuvent pas exprimer toutes les émotions ou ressentiment sur leur visage. Nena fled the station, and her failure was taken by the First Order with a sentence of her summary execution should they ever encounter her again. Un nouvel épisode pour la série animée. Red,[1] orange, yellowish,[2] bright brown, light brown[3] These bounties only covered free Nikto that were not in the employ of the Hutts or their enterprises which was why they were strongly advised from traveling within the Periphery.

The Nikto character, like fellow characters Barada and Klaatu, were named after the 1951 science fiction classic, The Day the Earth Stood Still. He would later be promoted as the Colossus' chief engineer, once the station left its home planet of Castilon, pursued by the First Order. Ils étaient divisés en 3 sous-espèces: les Kadas'sa'Niktos, ou Niktos verts;2 les Kajain'sa'Niktos, ou Niktos rouges;3 et les Esral'sa'Niktos, ou Nikto … [3][8] Unlike the other two species, the Nikto proved to be much more technologically advanced,[8] and that made them a challenge for the Hutts. Kajain'sa'NiktoKadas'sa'NiktoEsral'sa'NiktoGluss'sa'NiktoM'shento'su'NiktoNumol'elrul[1] Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Unknown Regions Widely recognized as a slave species of the Hutts, the Nikto have served their masters since before the founding of the Old Republic, proving to be cunning warriors in the Hutts' battle with the legendary conqueror Xim the Despot. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

The humanoid species known as the Nikto have tan, leathery skin and flat faces with multiple breathing holes on their cheeks and jawbones. [5], Most Nikto were content with a life of servitude as in their eyes a life in slavery was preferable to the hardship and toil on their homeworld. [4], The Nikto species featured six distinct mutated sub-species due to massive radiation bursts from a dying nearby star M'dweshuu, which sped up the rate of mutation so that traits that normally took millions of years to occur instead took only thousands. Distinctions

[8] Many of the cultists were killed when their stronghold was destroyed and earnt the gratitude of the Nikto who saw the Hutts[3] along with Charubba as saviors. The Nikto originated from Kintan. After a short time, the Hutts regained control of Kintan though the struggle had left almost a third of the planetary population dead. [7], By 4000 BBY, millions of Nikto had been transplanted from their homeworld and had been distributed to other planets such as Nal Hutta. A harsh life on Kintan combined with casual Hutt brutality made Nikto cunning combatants. Though the Nikto may have warred because of their differences in their early history, the harsh task of surviving their planet's dangers united them as a people. La figurine est plutôt réussie. Only five were known to the galaxy at large; the sixth, the Numol'elrul, were a water-breathing subspecies that lived in the caverns below Glussa Island but were considered nothing more than a legend to the others, as they cut off all contact with the rest of their species around 5000 BBY.[1]. Ceux-ci sont aussi recouverts d’une membrane protectrice.

[11] Legends would be spoken of how the Nikto aided in the defeat of Xim at Vontor. By this point, the Hutts had long recruited the Klatooinians and Vodrans. Ce formulaire vous permet de proposer du nouveau contenu (historique de l'espèce par exemple) ou de nous faire part d'une erreur pour la fiche. Leur peau écailleuse laisse la place à de petites cornes autour de leurs yeux et le menton. Green-skinned Nikto (a.k.a. Their civilization emerged from the watch camps that had been built to warn of tuskbeast attacks. utilise des cookies pour faciliter votre navigation sur le site, et à des fins de publicité, statistiques, et boutons sociaux. Thus, the Nikto destroyed their own world's biosphere to preserve themselves that transformed it into a barren wasteland. [Micro Machines] Nouvelle database sur SWU !

In this time, numerous devastating planetary conflicts erupted on their home planet. Un trailer pour Tales from the Galaxy's Edge : Temple of Darnkess. Kadas’sa’Nikto), a subspecies from Kintan, shared many traits with the Kajain’sa’Nikto (red Nikto): scaly skin, black eyes, and symmetrical horns, the latter of which would often decorate their faces.

[3] Green Nikto young were born from eggs and consequently their young were called hatchlings. After learning of it, a strange[5] and bizarre faith was a formed known as the Cult of M'dweshuu. Untitled Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Tales of the Jedi: Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Nights of Anger, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, The Old Republic, Blood of the Empire Act 1: Shades of the Sith, The Old Republic, Blood of the Empire Act 2: The Broken World, Episode I Adventures 5: The Ghostling Children, Star Wars: Republic: Emissaries to Malastare, Star Wars: Republic: The Stark Hyperspace War, Star Wars: Republic: The Devaronian Version, Star Wars Adventures 6: The Warlords of Balmorra, Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 8, Star Wars: Republic: The Battle of Jabiim, Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 6, Star Wars: The Clone Wars Volume 1: Shipyards of Doom, Star Wars: The Clone Wars Volume 2: Crash Course, Star Wars: Republic: Dreadnaughts of Rendili, Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 9, Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 5, Star Wars Missions 13: Prisoner of the Nikto Pirates, Star Wars Missions 14: The Monsters of Dweem, Star Wars Missions 16: Imperial Jailbreak, Star Wars Galaxies: The Ruins of Dantooine, "Lapti Nek": The Music Video from Jabba's Palace, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi 1: In the Hands of Jabba the Hutt, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi 2: The Emperor Commands, Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Phantom Affair, Star Wars Infinities: The Empire Strikes Back, Fortune, Fate, and the Natural History of the Sarlacc, Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies, Star Wars: The Art of the Brothers Hildebrandt, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords: Prima Official Game Guide, The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Nikto, Xim Week: The Despotica (Part IV: Evocar), Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 37, Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide, By this point, many of Kintan's forests and swamps had been burnt down to force the more dangerous creatures into extinction. And, they are tough, reliable fighters. [3] Aside from their skin color, they were also distinguished by their scaly, coarse skin, and their horns and spikes. [5] They also began to "purify" those that they believed were not worthy descendants of M'dweshuu. [7], As the Hutts did not trust their servants, the Nikto had no real government of their own.

Radiation from a nearby nova is believed to have sparked rampant mutation among the animal life of Kintan, and has resulted in the Nikto species encompassing a number of distinct sub-races. Distinctions Explore all of Wookieepedia's media for this article subject: Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community.