[6], The Sith apprentice Sirak in Darth Bane: Path of Destruction was stated to be a Vaapad practitioner, long before the style was created by Mace Windu. [42], During the briefing, they received an urgent communication from Senator Amidala who stated that she had discovered a massive Separatist facility on Behpour under the command of the Sith Lord Count Dooku. Instead, Tiin refused and searched inward for his former master's spirit.[23]. Since his parents had already died in the jungles, Windu was given to the Jedi when he was six standard months old. Minutes later, Naboo Senator Amidala the Loyalist Committee arrived to meet with Palpatine. [17] Though Windu and Bulq were credited with the creation of the Vaapad variant, the seventh lightsaber form was known, albeit obscurely, by the name Vaapad as early as the end of the New Sith Wars by the Sith Blademaster Kas'im.[25]. When Palpatine insisted that the war would still carry on since the Separatists survived the death of Count Dooku, Windu vowed that the Jedi would prioritize the destruction of General Grievous, the last visible symbol of the Separatist cause, thus depriving the Chancellor of his last valid excuse to hold on to his emergency powers. Maul stated that Kenobi must face him alone, but Windu stressed that an armed clone escort should go with him. The Battle of Geonosis marked the beginning of the Clone Wars, in which Windu served as a general.

That act killed him and swarms of Yinchorri. [4], Shortly after the Battle of Coruscant, Windu and a group of Senators personally greeted Palpatine after Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi freed him from the clutches of General Grievous and Count Dooku. Mace created his own style of lightsaber combat, which he named Vaapad. Windu and Skywalker agreed with the plan, although Urus had already begun his own mission to dump toxic fuels into the beast's crater to kill it. Ultimately, Windu ends up besting both adversaries in single combat, respectively, and his faith in the Jedi way is strengthened by the experience. The Council then held an emergency meeting and debated as to how to proceed and find the fugitive Padawan. Master Soon Bayts was in the first wave with his clones, and was killed by General Grievous, though Alpha-17 was merely impaled and survived the injury.

[26], In 32 BBY, Windu attended a gathering hosted by Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum. The husband was revealed to be a Temple worker and therefore the prime person for Turmond to use. The Council's invitation came after Windu's exploits during the Arkanian Revolution where he fought the cyborg Gorm the Dissolver.

Vaapad was invented, perfected and mastered by Mace Windu, senior council member and Jedi Master of the Jedi Order. He also demonstrated the ability to simultaneously levitate two clone troopers with the Force and move them swiftly across the length of a bridge. As a result of this, Windu assigned Russo-ISC to analyze the scene of the crime with the aid of two Jedi. Windu has appeared as a supporting character in Legends/Expanded Universe novels, such as Cloak of Deception, Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter, Rogue Planet, Outbound Flight, The Cestus Deception, Jedi Trial, Yoda: Dark Rendezvous and Labyrinth of Evil. After the militia launched an all-out attack on the Korunnai that Depa had been leading, he then devised a plan to capture the world for the Republic and battled Kar Vastor, spiritually facing the dark side. Also, the Jedi High Council recalled Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, from the front lines of battle on Cato Neimoidia to brief them of the situation.

[21], Soon after this, Kenobi returned to the Jedi Temple and approached the members of the Council. Although he warned Skywalker to drop it immediately, the helmet exploded, and Windu was barely able to pull Skywalker away in time. was initially refused to join, but she stowed away. When Windu stopped the bounty hunter from personally bringing them the holocron, and made to retrieve it himself, he accidentally set off Banes security measures.

[20] The Form VII opening stance was a one-handed high guard with the blade held horizontally above the head and pointed to the side.

At the same time, Asajj Ventress infiltrated the satellite and locked it on a collision course with the Jedi Temple, aiming for the satellite to crash into the Jedi Temple, destroying it. Windu grazed Fett's armor in the shoulder and disarmed him of his pistol. [24][17][36], Both Juyo and Vaapad were extensively described in the 2007 reference book Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force, which provided an entry for Form VII, as well as a longer description of Vaapad. It was also possible to apply Vaapad in unarmed combat, with the user's arms becoming too fast to see, as well as in the use of dual lightsabers.

Windu is the only shaved Human Jedi, the only Jedi in the films to carry a violet lightsaber, and possesses a dark and creative signature fighting style known as Vaapad. Windu agreed that Grievous was tipping the war in favor of the Separatists, and Shaak Ti recommended that potential Padawan learners be elevated to the rank of Knight.

During the later years of the Republic, Jedi Master Mace Windu developed Vaapad with the aid of fellow master Sora Bulq, by drawing inspiration from the movements of a creature,[2] known as both the Vaapad and the Juyo,[22] native to the planet Sarapin. Ohnaka accepted this on the condition that the Jedi be unarmed. Delta Squad bought back the bodies for a Jedi funeral and several Jedi, including Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon and Adi Gallia inspected the bodies at a loss at who could have performed the murders. Turning away from the dark side, Windu conceded the fight, purposely opening himself up for Billaba's killing strike. Kenobi expressed his doubts about Skywalker being alone on a mission, but Yoda said that the Council was confident in their decision. However, he was eventually forced to abandon his craft and took control of a droid ship; using it to take down several of its fellows. Yoda stated that the dark side was hard to see.

"I created Vaapad to answer my weakness: it channels my own darkness into a weapon of the light." Marek used the form against both a vision of himself while on the planet Kashyyyk and against the fallen Jedi Maris Brood on Felucia in 2 BBY. Despite the Clone Wars causing him to question his most firmly held beliefs,[1] he is a staunch follower of the Jedi path and was distrustful of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker because he felt that he had dangerous potential. They departed to confront the Chancellor. However, he clearly had to put in great effort in fighting her and was close to being defeated; both combatants were severely hampered by physical weakness, so the fight would have been close.

Qel-Bertuk sought an explanation of the history of his new staff member Darrus Jeht which Windu was able to supply given his knowledge of Jeht's history.

The Council agreed and suspected that it was a Jedi who had fallen to the dark side that had decided to attack the Jedi. [24], Sometime later, a small team was formed to find a base of the Nebula Front on the world of Asmeru in the Senex Sector. Sometime after that, the Council held a session where Kenobi and Skywalker briefed the masters of their encounter with a Clawdite assassin who had attempted to kill Amidala, but had been shot to death by an unknown armored figure.