They are: 1. With full colour maps and illustrations, the atlas explains in a simple and clear manner the diversity of soil across the African continent and emphasizes the importance of this non-renewable resource. Most people expect to find goods on the shelves of supermarkets and have limited or even no appreciation of the role played by soil. The Soil Atlas of Africa is an essential reference to a non-renewable resource that is fundamental for life on this planet. However, some soil scientists and policy makers are becoming increasingly aware of a greater need to inform and educate the general public, policy makers, land managers and other scientists of the importance and global significance of soil. the establishment of measures to assess the impacts of current policies and land use practices on soil quality in areas such as agriculture, waste, urban development or mining, and to ensure the sustainable use of soil and its functions, together with action programmes to deal with the main issues of local concern, support to facilitate the networking of soil scientists and land use experts from all parts of Africa. The atlas also discusses the principal threats to soil World Soil Resources Report No. Using state-of-the-art computer mapping techniques, the Soil Atlas of Africa shows the changing nature of soil across the continent. the cultivation of cash crops for export, the production of biofuel, conservation for wildlife reserves, carbon sequestration, mineral extraction, grazing, urban migration and expansion, etc.) The Soil Atlas of Africa – highlighting a forgotten resource? (ed.) Dewitte, O., Jones, A., Spaargaren, O., Breuning-Madsen, H., Brossard, M., Dampha, A., Deckers, J., Gallali, T., Hallett, S., Jones, R., Kilasara, M., Le Roux, P., Michéli, E., Montanarella, L., Thiombiano, L., Van Ranst, E., Yemefack, M., Zougmore, R., 2013. You can order the Soil Atlas from the EU Bookshop of the Publication Office in Luxembourg at the price of 25 EUR. However, the importance of soil and the multitude of environmental services that depend on soil properties are not widely understood by society at large. Presenting the Soil Atlas of Africa at today's College-to-College meeting of the European Commission and the African Union Commission in Addis Ababa, European Commissioner for Climate Action, Connie Hedegaard, said: "The soils of Africa have a crucial role in climate change adaptation and mitigation polices and they are the basis for sustainable development and food security. The Soil Atlas of Africa is more than just a normal atlas. (Please note that Amazon Kindles cannot read ePUB files.). Without a trained scientific base, the collection of relevant soil information will be impossible. Soil is the foundation to many of the Millennium Development Goals. plus élevé possible, il a été demandé aux utilisateurs potentiels de répondre à un questionnaire sur les
Societe Africaine de la Science du Sol ont l'intention de publier un Atlas des Sols d'Afrique, base sur l' Atlas des Sols d'Europe . Dewitte, O., Jones, A., Spaargaren, O., Breuning-Madsen, H., Brossard, M., Dampha, A., Deckers, J., Gallali, T., Hallett, S., Jones, R., Kilasara, M., Le Roux, P., Michéli, E., Montanarella, L., Thiombiano, L., Van Ranst, E., Yemefack, M., Zougmore, R., 2013. an improved knowledge base to facilitate effective policy development and decision-making relating to the most appropriate use of terrestrial resources through a harmonised assessment of the state of soils and associated threats to identify areas at risk of erosion, decline in nutrients and organic matter, salinisation, acidification, compaction or landslides. Since the map is displayed in the Atlas in a series of map sheets at the scale 1:3 M, its harmonisation was done accordingly [2]. The lack of data also hampers efforts to develop indicators to measure the situation. The Atlas calls for a four-pronged approach to the soils of Africa: The Soil Atlas of Africa supports the Global Soil Partnership of FAO and the final declaration of the Rio+20 meeting towards reversing and reducing global soil degradation. A part of the problem is that with an increasingly urban society, many people have lost contact with the processes that produce food. Data forthe main soil properties (such as texture, pH, organic carbon, carbonates, etc...) will become available in the near future. Soil atlas of Africa. The Soil Atlas of Africa shows the changing nature of soil across the continent. vulnerabilite des sols
SOILS OF AFRICA AND LAC •Soil resources from Africa and Latin America are crucial for meeting the needs of the fast growing human population (MEA, 2005) •According to FAO and UNEP, current cropland could be more than doubled by adding 1.6 billion hectares, mostly from Africa and Latin America A part of the problem is that with an increasingly urban society, many people have lost contact with the processes that produce food. However, healthy and fertile soils are the cornerstones of food security, key environmental services, social cohesion and the economies of most African countries. Soil Atlas of Africa May 7, 2018 Soil The Soil Atlas of Africa was a collaboration between the European Union, the African Union and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to support and encourage the sustainable use of soil resources in Africa. ou les résultats d’enquête d’utilisateurs pour l’Atlas
While Africa has some of the most fertile land on the planet, the soils over much of the continent are fragile, often lacking in essential nutrients and organic matter. The first meeting of the Editorial Board of the Soil Atlas of Africa took place next week on 7-8/11/2007. 329-338. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2011.07.003, European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC),, European Commission, Joint Research Centre. (ed.) This recommendation has been followed in the construction of the legend: one or two prefix qualifiers are put with each RSG to define the soil types. Coordinated by the European Commission's in-house science service, the JRC, an internationally renowned group of soil scientists from Africa and Europe has contributed to this atlas. Download the Legends from page 64 and 65 of the Atlas (part a, part b). The atlas explains in a simple and clear manner the reasons for the varying patterns of soil across Africa as well as the need to conserve and manage this increasingly threatened natural resource through sustainable use. L’enquête des
… SOILS OF AFRICA AND LAC ... • The Soil Atlas of LAC will not only contribute is to raise awareness on soil issues, but also: • promote scientific networking and cooperation (especially south-south) in Soil Science • stimulate the production of new data and collect the existing one • promote capacity building on new methodologies in soil science (i.e. This video gives a taste of the atlas of African soils published by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. of soil in Africa – EC/JRC Soil Atlas Series • To provide educational material to schools & university. (ed.) This presentation was made during the GSP/E-SOTER Global Soil Information workshop that took place at the FAO HQ, Rom… Leading soil scientists from Europe and Africa have collaborated to produce this unique document. Dataset on SOM fractions documented in the publication in Nature Geosciences, Vacancy at JRC: Project Manager, Scientific Research Development of Soil Health Indicators. The atlas explains in a simple and clear manner the reasons for the varying patterns of soil across Africa as well as the need to conserve and manage this increasingly threatened natural resource through sustainable use. Perhaps the most pressing it that contributes directly to a decline in per capita food production, especially in small holdings throughout Africa. Luxembourg : Union Européenne, 176 p. (Joint Research Centre Soil Atlas Series). The European Commission has presented the first Soil Atlas of Africa, highlighting a vital natural resource which provides food, fodder, fuel wood, reduces flood risk and protects water supplies. of the book are available through the EU Publications Office. A Jones, H Breuning-Madsen, M Brossard, A Dampha, J Deckers, O Dewitte, T Gallali, S Hallett, R Jones, M Kilasara, et al. et un minimum de langage technique), incluant la correlation entre les
Soil stores, filters, buffers and transforms substances that are introduced into the environment. At present, there is a marked lack of current, consistent and comparable data on soil resources and trends across Africa. Concepts such as nutrient cycling and organic matter management, that are critical to processes such as soil fertility, are a mystery to most. Spotlight on Africa's life source – first Soil Atlas of Africa The European Commission has today presented the first Soil Atlas of Africa, highlighting a vital natural resource which provides food, fodder, fuel wood, reduces flood risk and •To raise the awareness of the general public, policymakers and other scientists of the importance of soil in Africa – EC/JRC Soil Atlas Series. The Atlas aims to raise awareness of the need for improved protection and sustainable management of soil resources in Africa. Concepts such as nutrient cycling and organic matter management, that are critical to processes such as soil fertility, are a mystery to most. Soil degradation has multiple consequences. Such a move would help to improve information exchange and develop a more comprehensive knowledge base to underpin sustainable soil use policy development and practices. Soil atlas of Africa. vulnerability to desertification, soil nutrient status, carbon stocks and sequestration potential, irrigable areas and water resources), Sources of soil information for Africa, including national contacts and institutions. Download the PDF version of Soil Atlas of Africa. (29/4/2013): Download the PDF version of Soil Atlas of Africa. Please remember to 'eject' your Kindle device when you are finished. At the African Union and European Union Commission College meeting in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia (April 25-26, 2013) the Atlas was introduced by EU Commissioner Hedegaard (Climate Action) on behalf of the European Commission President José Manuel Barroso. Then open with, or export to, a suitable app or programme (there are many ePUB apps for Windows, Mac and Android operating systems, many of which are free). The new harmonised soil map shows the soil classes at continental scale. Soils under tropical rainforests are not naturally fertile but depend instead on the high and constant supply of organic matter from natural vegetation and its rapid decomposition in a hot and humid climate. users have been asked with a questionnaire or ideas and needs about the contents of this atlas. In many parts of Africa, soils are losing nutrients at a very high rate, much greater than the levels of fertiliser inputs. The Soil Atlas of Africa explains the origin and functions of soil, describes the different soil types that can be found in Africa and their relevance to both local and global issues. iBooks, Google Books, Kindle apps, Kobo, etc.). The European Commission has presented on April 26th the first Soil Atlas of Africa, at the College-to-College meeting of the European Commission and the African Union Commission in Addis Ababa. facilement les recouvrements geographiques- ou par pays), Les cartes d�application derivant des cartes de sols a l�echelle
At the African Union and European Union Commission College meeting in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia (April 25-26, 2013) the Atlas was introduced by EU Commissioner Hedegaard (Climate Action) on behalf of the European Commission President Jos� Manuel Barroso. systemes de classification des sols majeurs en Afrique et la Base de
Soil reduces the risk of floods and protects underground water supplies. utilisateurs est maintenant terminée, le rapport d’analyse des
The data were developed for research purposes of the JRC (European Commission). Atlas Oil is proud of the efficient and professional service we have rendered to our customers for 50 years. Without a trained scientific base, the collection of relevant soil information will be impossible. Breuning-Madsen, Michel (ed.) Jun 2, 2013 - From the European Commission : What is special about soil in Africa? •Soil in Africa is generally undervalued – especially by policy makers. The distribution of mineral-associated and particulate soil organic matter in Europe and its sensitivity to climate change. The atlas also discusses the principal threats to soil and the steps being taken to protect soil resources. Governance and Policy : session 4.1. INDICATIVE CONTRACT’S DURATION: 36 months with possible renewals up to 6 years. United Nations, the African Soil Science Society and ISRIC � World Soil Information. ISBN 978-92-79-26715-4 des Sols d’Afrique. Check it out on the PERSAM page. The Soil Atlas of Africa is more than just a normal atlas. Brossard, A. Dewitte, T. Panagos P., Van Liedekerke M., Jones A., Montanarella L., “European Soil Data Centre: Response to European policy support and public data requirements”; (2012) Land Use Policy, 29 (2), pp. However, some soil scientists and policy makers are becoming increasingly aware of a greater need to inform and educate the general public, policy makers, land managers and other scientists of the importance and global significance of soil. To compound matters, there is very little dialogue between the soil science community and the general public. As an alternative to the printed and pdf versions of the Soil Atlas of Africa, the JRC's Soil Resource Assessment Project (IES Land Resource Management Unit) is pleased to announce that the publication is now available in e-Book formats for both ePUB apps and Kindle devices or apps. It also discusses the principal threats to soil and the steps being taken to protect soil resources. Unfortunately, soil in Africa tends only to reach public awareness when it fails – often with catastrophic consequences as seen by the famine episodes of the Sahel in the 1980s and more recently in Niger and the Horn of Africa. vulnerability to desertification, soil nutrient status, carbon stocks and sequestration potential, irrigable areas and water The Africa soil property maps at 250 m resolution were produced using an automated spatial prediction framework, which has been fully documented and allows for reproducible research. through deforestation) quickly reduces the productivity of the soil and leaves the land vulnerable to degradation. At its heart is a series of annotated maps that show, for the very first time, the diversity of soil characteristics across the African continent in a manner that is comprehensible to the layperson. The Soil Atlas of Africa explains the origin and functions of soil, describes the different soil types that can be found in Africa and their relevance to both local and global issues. Each polygons contains three fields: the code and the name of the Reference Soil Group. Find attached the Agenda
The Soil Atlas of Africa is more than just a normal atlas. Aims of the atlas. How to read the MOBI file on Kindle devices? The Soil Atlas of Africa is an essential reference to a non-renewable resource that is fundamental for life on this planet. Contenu propose pour l�Atlas des Sols d�Afrique. Deckers, O. Leading soil scientists from Europe and Africa have collaborated to produce this unique document. This results in a lack of easily understandable material to help interested stakeholders appreciate the value of soil and to help them preserve this precious resource. However, healthy and fertile soils are the cornerstones of food security, key environmental services, social cohesion and the economies of most African countries. Perhaps the most pressing it that contributes directly to a decline in per capita food production, especially in small holdings throughout Africa. The calendar aims to bring African soil to the attention of everyone who deals with
), Mol G. on 7-8/11/2007. L’ Institut pour l’Environnement et la Durabilite du Centre Commun de Recherches de la Commission Europeenne, le Reseau Europeen du Bureau des Sols, l’ISRIC – Information Mondiale sur les Sols, la FAO (Division pour le Developpement du Terrain et de l’Eau), et la
The Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) is developing continent-wide digital soil maps for sub-Saharan Africa using new types of soil analysis and statistical methods, and conducting agronomic field trials in selected sentinel sites. et potentiel de sequestration, zones irrigables et ressources en eau), Sources d�informations des sols pour l�Afrique, incluant
The Institute for Environment and Sustainability of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, European
LE CONSORTIUM D’INSTITUTS DE RECHERCHE: Une innovation pour une collaboration efficace entre recherche et projet de développement SEDOGO P. Michel In comparison to the initial map derived from HWSD, the new map represents a correction of 13% of the soil data for the continent. The Soil Atlas of Africa is the result of a collaborative initiative of the European Union, the African Union and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UInited Nations to support and encourage the sustainable use of soil resources in Africa and the Global Soil Partnership for Food Security. A considerable area (6%) is occupied by a further 16 reference groups that cover an area of less that 1% of the African land mass. Traditional practices, such as long fallow periods that improve nutrient budgets and restore soil fertility, are difficult to implement due to the increased pressures on land and changes in land tenure that restrict traditional nomadic lifestyles. This innovative “Soil Atlas of Africa” is intended to be a step towards raising public awareness on the importance and the key role of soil in Africa. (ed.) Calendar 2010 - "African Soil" : This calendar and the related Soil Atlas of Africa is an initiative of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, the African Soil Science Society and ISRIC – World Soil Information.