UNITA "denounces and condemns the arrest and beating of demonstrators by the national police, which caused chaos on the street.”. Noticias y actualidad de España y del mundo. They were due to appear in court on Monday. Legislative elections were held in Angola on 23 August 2017, although voting was delayed until 26 August at 15 polling stations due to bad weather on election day. É a única agência de notícias do país e tem como objectivo recolher, tratar e distribuir, em regime exclusivo, tanto em Angola, como no exterior, notícias com base numa informação objectiva sobre a actualidade nacional e internacional. Anti-riot police fired tear gas and beat protesters to break up the demonstrations that attracted around 2,000 people. He was the party's Secretary-General from 1998 to 2003. [4], Initially it was thought that long-time President José Eduardo dos Santos would lead the ruling MPLA into the election before possibly stepping down in 2018, but in December 2016 the MPLA designated João Lourenço, the Minister of Defense and Vice-President of the MPLA, as the party's top candidate and therefore its presidential candidate. 90 are elected in 18 five-seat constituencies, using the d'Hondt method. Revue de Presse Angola - France. [3] The final results were released on 6 September 2017. At least 100 people were held following violent weekend anti-government protests in the Angolan capital Luanda, a senior government official announced Sunday. [16] However, the Constitutional Court rejected the opposition's appeal on 13 September. The top candidate of the winning party automatically becomes President after the election in accordance with the new 2010 Constitution.The ruling party MPLA headed by João Lourenço was widely expected to win. [7] It was announced on 26 April that dos Santos had formally approved the proposed date. Rodrigues said six police officers were injured during the protests. Luanda - Morreu na noite de quinta-feira, no Dubai, o coleccionador de artes africana Sindika Dokolo, vítima de afogamento. [6], In April 2017, the Council of the Republic, which acts as an advisory body to the President, proposed holding the election on 23 August 2017. Legislative elections were held in Angola on 23 August 2017,[1] although voting was delayed until 26 August at 15 polling stations due to bad weather on election day. João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço, GColIH (born 5 March 1954) is an Angolan politician who has served as the President of Angola since 26 September 2017. Candidates must be at least 35 years old. October 25, 2020 07:43 PM Share on Facebook. [12], Preliminary results released shortly after the election showed the MPLA with 64.8% of the vote. Protesters also demanded jobs and better living conditions. Saturday’s protests were the latest show of disenchantment towards the government by Angolans in recent months. "Ministério das Telecomunicações, Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação Social é o órgão do Governo encarregue de organizar e controlar a execução da política nacional do domínio das Telecomunicações, Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação Social". Últimas notícias de Angola, África, Política, Economia, Educação, Ambiente, Ciência e Tecnologia, Internacional, Reconstrução Nacional, Saúde, Sociedade, Lazer e Cultura, Transporte de Angola e do mundo. Política, economía, deportes, cultura, ciencia, ocio y sociedad. Luanda - O Ministério da Juventude e Desportos (MINJUD) decidiu a favor do Candidato Norberto de Castro, cuja lista concorrente às eleições na Federação Angolana de Futebol (FAF), foi considerada inelegível pela Comissão Nacional Eleitoral. In September 2018 he became the Chairman of the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), the ruling party. Society Coronavirus: Pandemic robs children in poor countries of nearly four months of school. [10], The official campaign period ran from 22 July to 21 August. The demonstrations were staged to demand a new date for local government elections that were supposed to happen this year but have been delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic. He also said a police motorcycle, a car, an ambulance and fire engine were damaged or burnt during the protests that occurred in a working-class neighborhood on the outskirts of the oceanside capital Luanda. [9], On 21 July 2017, the National Assembly approved legislation that would keep top security officials (the chiefs of the army, police and intelligence) in place for eight years, thereby preventing presidents from choosing the occupants of those posts at will. The ruling party MPLA headed by João Lourenço was widely expected to win.