There are no incurable diseases. Retrieved October 16, 2020 from From this he escaped, going first to Morocco and then to Congo-Léopoldville. As head of the Movimento Popular de Libertagao de Angola (MPLA) since the early 1960s, Neto, who died in 1979, led the struggle to break free from Portuguese colonial rule. Some of Agostinho Neto's poems have been translated into English and published under the title Sacred Hope (1974). In 1962 he and his wife and two small children escaped to Morocco and from there travelled to Léopoldville (now Kinshasa, Zaire). © 2019 | All rights reserved. Neto orvosi tanulmányokat folytatott a Portugáliai Coimbrában és Lisszabonban, ahonnan 1959-ben tért haza. A legmagasabb állami kitüntetés az Agostinho Neto érdemrend. António Agostinho Neto continua vestido de um falso heroísmo, mesmo não tendo feito quase nada para o bem do País. angolai politikus, költő, orvos, az ország első elnöke. He was one of the few Africans who received a secondary school education at the famous Silva Correia High School. When he stepped down as president of Tanzania in 1985, one of the few African rulers ever to relinquish power voluntarily, Juli…, Chissano, Joaquim 1939– . For the next 12 years Neto directed the armed struggle of MPLA within Angola against Portuguese colonial rule. The problems of building a modern nation state on the ruins of an old colonial empire were immense. A marxista irányultságú MPLA Kuba katonai támogatásával kerekedett felül. – Moszkva, 1979. szeptember 10.) On November 11, 1975, Neto was sworn in as the first president of the People's Republic of Angola. Neto traveled to the Soviet Union in 1964, and to Cuba to seek assistance from the government of Communist leader Fidel Castro. Neto, as the head of MPLA, opened the negotiations with Portugal and with other Angolan liberation movements which led to the independence of Angola. Encyclopedia of World Biography. Trained as a physician in Portugal as a young man, he was also a published poet whose Times of London obituary termed him “a man of outstanding intellectual abilities who took advantage of the opportunities offered by the colonial authorities to emerge as their principal opponent.”. Neto faced numerous obstacles in bringing peace to the newly independent country, ravaged after years of war that had decimated the countryside and cities. Finally he was arrested at his office, and a crowd gathered in his home village. After secondary school he worked in the colonial health services before going on to university. Neto's compelling sense of duty to his people and country motivated him as it had done in his years as a student, as a doctor, and as a leader in exile. Contemporary Black Biography. He served as the 1st President of Angola (1975–1979), having led the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) in the war for independence (1961–1974). Nãoà toa, Agostinho foi vítima de opressões e frequentes vezes preso porposicionar-se contra a autoridade colonial portuguesa.Quando se lê os poemas contidos em Sagrada esperança, é possíveltraçar uma reta formada por vários pontos em comum nos poemas. António Agostinho Neto (17 September 1922 – 10 September 1979) was an Angolan politician and poet. Neto attended high school in the capital city, Luanda; his parents were both school teachers and Methodists; his father, also called Agostinho Neto, was a Methodist pastor. When Angola gained independence in 1975 he became President and held the position until his death in 1979. O pai era pastor e professor da Igreja Metodista e, a sua mãe, era igualmente professora. After high school, with his hopes to become a physician temporarily set aside, he worked for the government health services beginning in 1944. speaksAbout the pain of abandoning their land at a time when warSeems lost, treating the Angolan homeland as “Mother”. Élete. Colectânea de Poemas (poems), Ediçäo da Casa dos Estudantes du Império, 1961., Brennan, Carol "Neto, António Agostinho 1922–1979 He was later awarded the Lotus Prize presented by the Conference of Afro-Asian Writers' [8]. António Agostinho Neto (17 September 1922 – 10 September 1979) was an Angolan politician and poet. António Agostinho Neto (17 September 1922 – 10 September 1979) was an Angolan politician and poet. José Eduardo dos Santos 1942– His work was cut short by his death from cancer on September 10, 1979. But while still abroad, he began to write poetry that questioned Portuguese rule in Angola, and from there he took an increasing role in student demonstrations. A DNA test performed in 2013 concluded with 95% confidence that she is Neto's daughter. Adicionar à coleção. Recommended on the role of Neto and MPLA in the liberation struggle is John Marcum, The Angolan Revolution, two volumes (1969 and 1978), and on events since independence see Michael Wolfers and Jane Bergerol, Angola in the Front Line (1983). Most of the poems were “despairing portraits of Africans under the colonial yoke,” noted a New York Times report by Michael T. Kaufman. Neto earned a medical degree from the University of Lisbon in 1958, and returned to Angola with his Portuguese-born wife, Maria Eugenia da Silva.