Overall, the effects on social behavior are sizeable at the global level, once simulations based on estimated coefficients are performed. Maison des Sciences Économiques, 106-112 bd de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, Métro 5 Campo Formio, bus 57, 67, 22. Léa Marchal and Giulia Sabbadini. Kohlweg 7 Monday, February 10th, 2020 –  13:00 – 14:00. Cursus de niveau licence. I hold a Ph.D. in economics from Lille University (LEM-CNRS). Léa MARCHAL. China’s global integration accounts for much of this. Our evidence shows that connectedness leads to cultural convergence across regions, while increases cultural heterogeneity within regions. La jeune femme, qui vit désormais à la campagne, tente de se reconstruire sous l'oeil bienveillant de son père, qui ne l'a jamais laissée tomber. Je suis très vite tombé de l'armoire. September 3-7, 2018: Jérôme Héricourt & Clément Nedoncelle visited the Kiel IfW. January 30, 2020: Amandine Aubry presented a paper co-authored with Jérôme Héricourt, Léa Marchal and Clément Nedoncelle and titled “Immigration and wages: micro mechanisms and aggregate implications” at the LEM internal seminar in Lille. "Je suis devenu fou! " Guide des programmes de soutien à la recherche. Fax: +49 681 93812 - 111 Abstract: Using an instrument based on a national contest in France determining researchers’ location, we find evidence of peer effects in academia, when focusing on precise groups of senders (producing the spillovers) and receivers (benefiting from the spillovers), defined based on field of specialisation, gender and age. Programmes. Open access paper & Online appendix. Abstract: This paper studies the relationship between firm export activity and the immigrant-native wage gap. Recevez gratuitement toute l'information de votre région, Photos. Animal behavior significantly predicts human behavior in all three domains. We will go beyond the existing literature by investigating why the impact of immigrants varies across countries. 106-112 Boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75647 Paris Cedex 13, France Ils l'ont agressée à sept, ils l'ont tabassée." Work-package 3. S'ensuit une carrière en tant que nageuse. Cotutelle de thèse. Mis au pied du mur et sans réponse de la part de la justice, Olivier Marchal s'est vu obligé de mener l'enquête lui-même, en faisant des tours de motos avec sa fille pour identifier le suspect. In equilibrium, divisions of multi-segment firms are financed with more capital than single-segment firms with the same technology. Léa indique 9 postes sur son profil. We find that the increase in Chinese imports between 1999-2007 causally reduces mis-allocation. We test the predictions of the model on publicly listed US firms. This within-firm mis-allocation explains why the market-to-book value of multi-segment firms is lower than for single-segment firms (conglomerate discount) as observed in the data. I hold a Ph.D. in economics from … Complementarities driven by input capabilities make a firm on average 5% (and up to 15%) more likely to produce in an industry. September 12-14, 2019: Giulia Sabbadini presented a paper co-authored with Léa Marchal and titled “Import competition, firms’ growth and immigrant workers” at the ETSG 2019 in Bern. December 5-11, 2018: Giulia Sabbadini from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) visited the Kiel IfW. In particular, men benefit a lot from peer effects provided by men, while all other types of gender combinations produce spillovers twice as small. Labour market effects of immigrants, task allocation and production strategies This paper empirically investigates the impact of network-based connectedness on the diffusion of cultural traits. We will devote a special attention to the aggregate consequences of firm-level dynamics. Theories propose that multiproduct firms grow by diversifying into products which need the same know-how or capabilities, but are less clear on what these capabilities are. Monday, September 28th, 2020 –  13:00 – 14:00, Link:  https://zoom.univ-paris1.fr/j/96621514115?pwd=R0xiT3VsM3dEVFVLaHhjVjRweFZ1QT09. Léa Marchal and Clément Nedoncelle. Conversely, to what extent do migrants foster trade and FDI? Monday, February 24th, 2020 –  13:00 – 14:00. The economic consequences of immigration, especially for native workers, are at the centre of this debate. We will analyse the interplays between immigration policies and labour market outcomes. dimanche 9 décembre 2018 à 13h03, Olivier Marchal fait un tabac sur France 2 avec Les rivières pourpres, une série policière dans laquelle il incarne un commissaire. All product level elasticities are made publicly available for sake of scrutiny and use by other researchers. Courriel: info@dfh-ufa.org, © Université franco-allemande | Deutsch-Französische Hochschule, tous droits réservés, Des cookies sont utilisés sur ce site Web. À 17 ans seulement, elle a remporté 13 titres de championne de France, 3 médailles internationales ainsi que 4 meilleures performances françaises dans les catégories jeunes. I also study the determination of immigration policies and the potential benefits from policy coordination across countries. | Combining complete information on winning and losing applicants with detailed firm balance-sheets and linked employer-employee data, we identify how the new management capabilities affected firm’s employment and investment policies and, ultimately, its productivity. 25, 33615 Bielefeld, Germany. Le groupe disciplinaire Économie/Gestion. I am an assistant professor (maître de conférences) at Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1) and Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne (UMR CNRS 8174). Main partner organisation: Lille University & LEM-CNRS, Main partner organisation: Department of Economics at Bielefeld University. Léa Marchal. Football. Léa Marchal, qui a aujourd'hui 24 ans, a été bouleversée par cette violente agression et en fait encore les frais : "Ma fille, elle en souffre encore. In line with previous evidence, we find that exporters pay higher wages and that immigrants earn less than natives. +33 1 44 07 82 00. Link: https://zoom.univ-paris1.fr/j/92070008929?pwd=Snh5UUF1KzVvak5QclZPMkIyMTh6dz09. Jérôme Héricourt presented a paper titled “International Transport costs: New Findings from modeling additive costs” co-authored with Guillaume Daudin and Lise Patureau. Sean Connery était parent d’une célèbre animatrice télé française, Gilles Azzopardi (Plus belle la vie) : l’acteur marseillais est mort à l’âge de 53 ans, Omar Sy : sa fille Sabah, prête pour The Voice ? Sur le plateau des Terriens du samedi, le comédien, qui a lui-même été flic dans une ancienne vie, s'est confié à propos d'un souvenir terrible : l'agression dont a été victime sa fille Léa, alors qu'elle n'avait que 15 ans... et l'inertie de la police et de la justice. (2019) Immigrants, Occupations and Firm Export Performance. Work-package 2. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. We construct a global grid-cell database of average animal behavior and analyze the spatial correlation between animal and human behavior in three important economic domains: future orientation, geographic mobility, and gender roles. Its budget amounts to 385,978€. Events Upcoming events J'ai été flic pour défendre la veuve et l'orphelin. Tous les sports. January 27, 2020: Léa Marchal presented a paper co-authored with Giulia Sabbadini and titled “Import competition, firms’ growth and immigrant workers” at the RITM Economics Lunch Seminar in Paris Sud. Elle a redoublé la classe de quatrième. Monday, October 26th, 2020 –  13:00 – 14:00, Link: https://zoom.univ-paris1.fr/j/98489062558?pwd=MDlhYnBrWXFORUR3SThQdTZFSnViUT09, Meeting ID: 984 8906 2558Meeting Password: 973593. Collèges doctoraux franco-allemands. Furthermore, the match between the characteristics of senders and receivers plays a critical role. Elle est partie, elle a quitté Paris. September 21, 2018: Ding Xuan Ng from Johns Hopkins University presented a paper titled “Technological Unemployment and Occupational Mobility” at the Kiel IfW. These peer effects are shown to exist even outside formal co-authorship relationships. (2019) Immigrants, Occupations and Firm Export Performance. La justice n'a pas fait son boulot et a laissé l'enquête traîner pendant quatre ans. Statistical tests are carefully implemented to quantify the selection threat of unobserved factors, which appears negligible. Léa Marchal and Clément Nedoncelle. For more information, you can download my CV: English ~ French, Contact Abstract: This paper studies the relationship between firm export activity and the immigrant-native wage gap. Léa Marchal, qui a aujourd'hui 24 ans, a été bouleversée par cette violente agression et en fait encore les frais : "Ma fille, elle en souffre encore. The distortion is greater in the more efficient divisions of the more efficient firms. Cursus de niveau master. Handball. Moreover, I estimate the gap between subjective and objective work perception by breaking it along many dimensions. Basket-ball. : +49(0)521-106-4842. In 2016 the Italian Government introduced a subsidy for firms hiring temporary export managers, granted to applications received on a specific “click day” on a first come-first served basis until available resources were exhausted. We estimate differential cultural effects based on the connection’s country of residence, suggesting a destination-specific transfer of norms. In the global market firms operating in many market segments coexist with single-segment firms, each behaving as a competitive monopolist. Work-package 1. Claire Naiditch 1 Léa Marchal 2 Détails. The project started in May 2018 and will end in April 2021. We provide evidence for this mechanism by studying how the wage discount of immigrants varies with the complexity of the export activity of the firm approximated by the number of products, the number of destinations and the number of product-destination served by the firm. February, 2020: Giulia Sabbadini presented a paper co-authored with Léa Marchal and titled “Import competition, firms’ growth and immigrant workers” at the GSEM-IHEID PhD Day in Geneva. The acceleration in the decline in labor shares is associated with increased intensity of intermediate input exporting; this manifests in a sharp increase in the foreign component in upstreamness of industries and countries in global value chains (GVCs). Trade elasticity is a crucial parameter in evaluating the welfare impacts of trade liberalization. Tourisme. For any question concerning the NaWaCC project, please contact Léa Marchal: lea[.]marchal[at]uni[-]bielefeld[. We identify the direction of causality from the removal of size-based entry barriers in input markets which made firms more likely to enter industries that were similar in input use to their initial input mix. Abstract: We use insights from behavioral ecology and propose the behavior of wild animals as an exogenous measure of the behavioral constraints of geography. Léa Marchal (CES) co-autored with Giulia Sabbadini (Graduate Institute, Geneva) When Immigrants Meet Exporters: A Reassessment of the Immigrant-Native Wage Gap. More information about the project can be found here. July 8-14, 2018: Gianluca Orefice visited the University of California, Davis. | mis à jour le 26 nov. 2019 à 11:33 Éric Dupond-Moretti : déjà un départ après 3 mois seulement, Omar Sy : à 17 ans, sa fille Sabah est son sosie… Les internautes sont bouche bée, Un garde du corps d’Emmanuel Macron pris la main dans le sac en galante compagnie, Nagui malade et absent de l'antenne : Leïla Kaddour en dit plus, Ça ne passe pas ! In this paper, I use a large sample of workers taken from the Italian labour force survey to investigate this matter in two steps. Expertise: International trade and heterogeneous firms; International migration; Micro-economics France and Germany are two major countries of immigration in Europe. Monday, September 14th, 2020 –  13:00 – 14:00, Link: https://zoom.univ-paris1.fr/j/96621514115?pwd=R0xiT3VsM3dEVFVLaHhjVjRweFZ1QT09. Vous trouverez, Guide des programmes de soutien à la recherche, Appel à projets consacré à l’intelligence artificielle et à ses enjeux en Europe, Appel à projets consacré au changement climatique et au développement durable, Mathématiques – Informatique, Sciences de l’ingénieur, Sciences et Architecture, Génie électrique et électrotechnique / Génie informatique, Génie mécanique et mécatronique / Génie des matériaux / Sciences des matériaux, Les représentants des établissements membres au conseil d’université de l’UFA, Login représentants des établissements membres au conseil d’université, Instances de pilotage et projets scientifiques, Systèmes d‘information et médias numériques, Entraînement interculturel à la candidature, Abandon des études et remboursement de l’aide à la mobilité, Associations de diplômés dans le réseau de l’UFA, Avancement des cursus et programmes de PhD-Track, Calendrier et déroulement de l’évaluation, Dispositif de soutien et rythme d’évaluation. Abstract: According to objective standards, women and immigrants have worse labour market achievements than men and locals, yet they report relatively high levels of perceived income and job satisfaction. July 1-12, 2019: Amandine Aubry, Jérôme Héricourt and Clément Nedoncelle visited the Kiel Institute. Abstract: We study the effect of improving the export orientation of management on firm behavior, exploiting an ideal natural experiment. Import Competition, Firms’ Performance and Immigrant Workers. The model also predicts that the cost structure of a multi-segment firm responds endogenously to competition. First, I separately asses the determinants of the objective and the subjective work perspective by stressing the role of the gender and the migration status, together with other personal characteristics of workers and labour market variables. My current research focuses on the impact of foreign employment on firms’ outcomes and natives’ wages. Review of International Economics, 27(3): 1480-1509. with Houssein Guimbard (CEPII) and Gianluca Orefice (CEPII). Join Facebook to connect with Léa Marchal and others you may know.