Eventually, Ezra and his team found that the transport's munitions depot was still full of proton bombs. Meister When Ezra said that wasn't true, Sabine told him that he did not know her and opined that she would be unable to lead her people if she did not resolve her family problems. [40], Shortly later, Ezra's fellow rebels Zeb and Sabine arrived on the Ghost and a skirmish broke out with Imperial forces.

Exasperated, Syndulla sent them both to town for a supply run, with a list that included the rare meiloorun fruit. During the unsuccessful transaction with Cikatro Vizago due to Kallus' arrival, Ezra saved Zeb after his duel with the ISB Agent. Affiliation(s) Ezra used the Force to snatch Rau's pistol out of his hand. Ezra needed no briefing since he had been eavesdropping on Tano and Kanan's conversation. Chopper quickly followed suit. When the Inquisitor and his stormtroopers arrived on the asteroid, Ezra unleashed the fyrnocks on them. Er fand den jungen und ängstlichen Wookiee auf einem Steg über einem Abgrund und schaltete dessen imperialen Verfolger mit einem aufwändigen Sprung und seiner Energieschleuder aus. He reappears in "Secret Cargo" piloting the prototype TIE Defender in pursuit of Mon Mothma, and though he fails to capture her, he succeeds in destroying three of Gold Squadron's Y-wings.

Learn more about Revan at https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Revan.

Promising Ezra to find him, Ahsoka escapes back through the Malachor portal, leading to the ambiguous end shown in "Twilight of the Apprentice", where she is seen walking away from the ruins of the Sith temple. While Ezra tried to convince the clones to accompany them on the Phantom, Rex and his comrades insisted on staying behind to hold back the Empire. He later met Ezra and Kanan on Lothal. The Inquisitor attacked Ezra and his companions.

The rebels and Mandalorians then escaped as the Star Destroyer exploded and crashed outside Sundari. Bendu counselled the two Jedi that the convergence of the holocrons would be dangerous. Biografische Daten He returns him when the Ghost crew smuggled him and his puffer pig past the Imperial blockade.

At Kalani's direction, the battle droids fired their bolts at Ezra and Kanan, who deflected them at several proton bombs. With the Empire now alerted to their presence on Seelos, the rebels made preparations to leave. Before they could leave, Governor Pryce arrived with several AT-AT walkers and bombarded the fuel depot, creating an explosion. Ezra protested when Saw began rummaging through Klik-Klak's home.

[62], The exercise proved to be an opportunity for Sabine to come to terms with her decision to leave her family.

[16], Once Jenkes left the shop, Bridger and Bossk entered the place, only for Wallaway to die on Bridger's arms. However, Admiral Brom ordered his crew to activate the Interdictor's gravity well projectors; pulling them out of hyperspace. Simon Kinberg and Dave Filoni also confirmed that Ezra and several characters in the television series were named after historical and Biblical characters in order to imbued their names with a sense of meaning and purpose that would fit their characters. In "Dume", while tracking the escapees, he battles both Zeb and Sabine, but is defeated and nearly beaten to death by Zeb until Sabine stops him and sends him back unconscious and covered in paint by Sabine to the city as a living message to the Imperial forces. Upon exiting hyperspace, the Ghost was damaged. But Ezra emotionally releases his parents and destroys the gate to Palpatine's dismay. Once underground, Ezra encountered a mysterious elderly man who called himself the "Old Master."

AP-5 (voiced by Stephen Stanton) is a former Galactic Republic analyst droid and navigator during the Clone Wars, who was reduced to being an inventory droid on Imperial Cargo Transport 241. Ezra vowed to bring back her son. [69], The rebels' hijacked shuttle escaped the explosion but its engines were damaged. After exiting hyperspace, the rebels moved into their TIE bomber and flew towards the fighter carrier. While heading to the hyperdrive, Ezra heard singing through the Force from one of the doors. When Hera chastised Ezra for losing Terba, Ezra responded that he was only responsible for the details that he knew and proceeded to storm out. Ezra demanded they get out of their way, but Hondo managed to convince the workers to assist the rebels in stealing the Y-wings in exchange for their freedom. Since the ship could not land, grappling guns were used to fire magnetic cables onto the ship's hull.