The party’s fortunes turned in the early 1980s, as it posted strong showings in mayoral elections in Paris and Dreux and won 10 seats in the European Parliament. They therefore continue to be fascinated by the goods, they are turning away from television programs to stupefy them and control their minds. That's how Le Pen intends to counterbalance her protectionist economic agenda, which is similar to that of the radical left, explains Gilles Ivaldi, political scientist at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis. 2 – In addition, the nature is a reference to another level, that of the universe. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. The National Front leader also promised extra public spending to build new prisons for 40,000 more inmates and hire an additional 15,000 police officers. Impossible de partager les articles de votre blog par e-mail. We consider that we are not alone and we will receive an ultimatum in few time. 4 – Finally, everything is free by birth and natural law must monetize and profitable to avoid the humans of Earth might believe that there are other values ​​in life than that one can and must payer.Ainsi recently, there has been a U.S. state legislation on the establishment of « his property » water pluie.Des fines were awarded to citizens who collected water rain on their properties! In spite of these victories, the party continued to characterize itself as an organization outside of the French establishment, and it placed itself in opposition to virtually the entirety of the political mainstream, from the French Communist Party to the Socialist Party to the neo-Gaullist Rally for the Republic. Vous pouvez donner la somme que vous voulez à partir de $1 canadien. Freed from their chains, they begin to imagine an alternative society based on values ​​other than profit and money. It seems the FN is continuing its so-called "dédiabolisation", or "de-demonizing" of its image. As Hollande’s approval ratings sagged, support for the FN surged, and the party performed exceptionally well in local elections in March 2014. The table is set to Québec.pour installing a slave dictatorship manipulated by high finance and Crime organisé.Cette dictatorship has the appearance of a democracy, but an executioner will be worse because of the agenda will be more criminals. Despite having never held elected office, polls have predicted his win in the final round of voting in May. © 2020 Deutsche Welle | "To get more than 50 percent of the vote, the FN would need to become a lot more mainstream. L’or ukrainien, syrien, irakien et libyen a-t-il également été volé? French National Front political party leader and candidate Marine Le Pen — photo REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol — LaPresse. Marine Le Pen unveils manifesto as French presidential campaign kicks off The National Front leader says she will 'give France its freedom back'. The party is also introducing new measures to widen its electoral base. France should reconsider its relations with the European Union and give up the single currency, Le Pen, leader of the far-right National Front, said in her recently released manifesto. In the second round the reaction against Le Pen was overwhelming, as disparate parties united behind incumbent Jacques Chirac to return him to office with the largest margin of victory in the history of the French presidency. (Michel Duchaine, researcher and Palm Reader Truths). Astronomie:Une planète de la taille de la Terre traverse la galaxie sans être attachée à aucune étoile, selon les scientifiques, De nouvelles vidéos sur Alexis Cossette-Trudel et autres sécurisées et relayées, La courte opinion du jour:faisant fi des problèmes développés sur Terre,Nokia et la NASA vont installer un réseau 4G sur la lune, Comité de Lutte Citoyenne contre les Pétrolières, Journée Jimmy Guieu des Chercheurs et Diseurs de Vérité, Les grands ufologues et chercheurs du monde, Mouvement Mondial de Désobéissance Civile, Mouvement Québécois de Désobéissance Civile, Movimiento Mundial por la desobediencia civil, Réécrire l'histoire des dinosaures et de la primhistoire, Surveillance du Supervolcan de Yellowstone, Volcans de la Terre et du système solaire, Boutique des Défenseurs de la Terre/Defenders of the Earth boutique, Le Mouvement Québécois de Désobéissance Civile, Participez avez nous au développement du site, Pétition pour permettre la dissolution d’un parti politique au Québec, Pétition mondiale pour que le 2 janvier devienne le « Jour Jimmy Guieu des Chercheurs et Diseurs de Vérité », Pétition pour Pour que tout parti politique qui a eu,a et aura des liens criminels soit banni par le directeur général des Élections, Pétition pour une constitution de l’État du Québec, Bienvenue dans la chaîne Rutube de Michel Duchaine,Ère-Nouvelle-EBE-Le-Retour-des-Dieux.mp4. For now, polls are predicting she will get to the second round of voting, but lose the May 7 run-off vote by a large margin to whomever she faces. In the manifesto, which consists of 144 “commitments,” the 48-year-old candidate says a future French government should leave the euro zone, hold a Brexit-style referendum, levy taxes on foreign workers, lower the retirement age and increase some welfare benefits, while cutting income tax. Anything that can get people to think and live by themselves is potentially subversive. “The aim of this program is first of all to give France its freedom back and give the people a voice,” Le Pen said, introducing the manifesto on Saturday in Lyon, Reuters reported. If that doesn’t happen, France may face a referendum on leaving the alliance. Hired as... National Front leader Marine Le Pen (middle) and her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen (left), at the party's annual rally in Paris, several weeks before the group placed first in France's elections for the European Parliament, May 2014. Subscribe to RT newsletter to get stories the mainstream media won’t tell you, PenelopeGate: Petition against wife of French presidential hopeful Fillon gathers 200k names. Leaders of several Euroskeptic parties—(from left) Matteo Salvini of Italy's Northern League, Harald Vilimsky of Austria's Freedom Party, Marine Le Pen of France's National Front, and Geert Wilders of the Dutch Party for Freedom—after a meeting at the European Parliament in Brussels, May 28, 2014. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). L'article n'a pas été envoyé - Vérifiez vos adresses e-mail ! Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Truth, I’ll tell you in two words: the world is changing faster and faster and the real « Masters of the World » have already made decisions on the fate of half of humanity They control the National Assembly. Aidez nous à développer davantage notre recherche et notre futur projet d’exploration des bases secr`tes allemandes en Antartique! Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. France is a member of the Group of Eight. 1 – The death of nature and the increasing pollution will make people even more dependent on the economic system to survive, and will help to generate new profits (including increased consumption of drugs and medical services …) . Updates? Contact Thereafter, Ms. Marois will be able to buy a patterned after a castle in the house. "If they dropped for example their fundamental demands such as leaving the EU and their national preference clause, they would lose their identity". This website uses cookies. du 26 mai 2019, ce Manifeste appelle les forces nationales de toute l’Europe à s’allier et les citoyens français à se mobiliser ; il constitue le Projet d’action au futur Parlement européen de candidats que réunit une double urgence, nationale et européenne.