[5] Für den immer älter werdenden Hux wurde die Beziehung zu Sloane immer unwichtiger.

The future, Hux believed, would be ruled through industry and innovation,[26] and as such he regarded himself as a man of science and technology. After the assault on Starkiller Base, Hux led a First Order fleet, including a Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought, to the evacuated main Resistance base on D'Qar. [9], Hux und Phasma hatten seit ihrer ersten Begegnung ein gutes Verhältnis. The opening crawl text of every Star Wars crawl - inc The Rise of Skywalker. Physical description After concluding his speech, Hux wasted no time in positioning himself as his father's successor, and even took possession of Brendol's suite on the Absolution.

[15] He was a ruthless officer in the First Order[6] as well as an adherent to the ideals of the Galactic Empire. The dreadnought's captain, a veteran of the Old Empire with little patience for Hux, retorted that the ship was too small and too close and ordered the ship's fighters deployed in a manner which contradicted Hux's prior orders. Keeping with his habit of eliminating potential threats, Hux sidelined Captain Cardinal, knowing that the latter was a loyal supporter of the general's late father. This viewpoint led Hux to look down on the older generation of Imperial veterans who founded the First Order. Bekannte Einsätze He serves as the right hand of the First Order's Supreme Leader Snoke (Andy Serkis), second in authority only to Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), with whom he has a fierce rivalry. Da er die Frage verneinte, eröffnete Hux Cardinal, er selbst sei an dem Mord seines Vaters beteiligt gewesen. Hux war allerdings auch ein intriganter Mensch, welcher nur auf seinen Vorteil bedacht war. Hux soon arrived to confront the prisoners and ordered their immediate execution. He and Kylo Ren accompanied the First Order Snowtroopers as they searched through the now-abandoned base.[25].

[6] Dieses wurde bis 24 NSY zusammen mit einigen anderen Gruppen in die Erste Ordnung umgewandelt, der Hux seit ihrer Gründung angehörte. Armitage wurde im Jahr der Schlacht von Yavin geboren[3] und wuchs während der Zeit des Galaktischen Imperiums auf Arkanis auf, wo sein Vater Brendol Hux die Imperiale Akademie leitete. Cardinal only escaped with the help of Moradi. Taking an interest in young Armitage, Grand Admiral Rae Sloane ordered Brendol to stop mistreating his son.

[3] Like his father, Hux also achieved the military rank of general, becoming a highly placed First Order officer[15] as well as a member of First Order High Command. Brooks told Hux that he had never sabotaged the shuttle.
[25], When Finn and Rose Tico were captured while trying to disable the tracker on the Supremacy, they were led to an assembly area of stormtroopers in the hangar, led by General Hux. Diese Überzeugung teilte Peavey Hux jedoch nie mit. [40] StarWars.com then confirmed that Gleeson was to return in Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi.[42]. Dienstgrad He was, however, briefly distracted by an insulting transmission from Poe Dameron, who repeatedly referred to Hux by the mocking term "General Hugs" and implied that Leia wanted to send a message about Hux's mother. After a few more attempts which made Hux increasingly angry, he ultimately ordered the dreadnought to destroy the Resistance base, and afterwards, the main fleet. [2] He is an unpleasant military commander in a power struggle with Kylo Ren for the First Order leadership, and being exceeded only by Supreme Leader Snoke. Als die Erste Ordnung von dem Angriff der Rebellen erfuhr, wiegten diese sich in Sicherheit. When the war ends with the Battle of Jakku and the signing of the Galactic Concordance, the young Hux and his father are part of the Imperial Navy forces who retreat into the Unknown Regions. Als Poe, Finn und Rey auf den Sternenzerstörer kamen, um den Gefangenen Chewbacca zu befreien, wurden Poe, Finn und Chewbacca bei dem Versuch zu entkommen von einigen Sturmtruppen gefangen genommen.

Hux arrived at the crash site personally, greeting his father, Phasma, Siv, and Frey impersonally and accepting Phasma and Frey into the First Order. Auch verband Armitage und Phasma der Hass gegen Brendol Hux und Cardinal. Hux then struck Finn on the cheek, showing his disdain for him. In the months prior to the Battle of Jakku, the Huxes remained close at Rax's side, who effectively led the Imperial show government as the self-styled Counselor to the Empire. [12], Tritt Opan gehörte zu Armitage Hux' persönlichem Team.

Hux was executed for treason by Allegiant General Enric Pryde. Sabotaged by a would-be assassin, the shuttle carrying Hux and Ren crashed onto a planet.

Grün[1] Hux, though smarting and with a bleeding lip, replied that he had a plan to track the Resistance through hyperspace, a plan which he relayed in full to the Supreme Leader aboard his flagship, the Mega-class Star Dreadnought Supremacy.[25]. [5], After having his wound bandaged and smothered in bacta gel (causing it to be somewhat itchy), Hux eventually arrived at the bridge of the Steadfast to explain the events that had transpired to an enraged Pryde. [12], Hux had little understanding or patience for the mystical ways of the Force. Though he also enjoyed a life of privilege due to Brendol's elevated position in the early First Order, young Armitage was the object of Brendol's scorn and therefore lived in fear of his father. [12], Edrison Peavey war der Kapitän der Finalizer und hatte das Kommando über diese inne, wenn Hux nicht an Bord war. Arkanis[5]Imperiale Akademie[5]Jakku[6]Observatorium[6]Unbekannte Regionen[6]Imperialis[6]Starkiller-Basis[1] Beide waren für die Ausbildung der Soldaten zuständig. [12], The young Hux became acquainted with his father's fellow officers, such as Enric Pryde, who was a friend of both Brendol and Maratelle,[3] and Admiral Brooks, who openly ridiculed Hux's illegitimacy.

[27], Under the new Supreme Leader's reign, Hux traveled to the First Order supertanker, the Titan, to meet with Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny. Hux's viciousness was rooted in his childhood, when he was abused by his father and mocked for his illegitimacy. Kylo wollte jedoch selbst den Platz des Obersten Anführers einnehmen, weshalb er die Macht benutzte, um Hux zu würgen. Fahrzeuge / Raumschiffe When Ren orders his men to fire on Luke, Hux admonishes him to focus on the escaping Resistance members; Ren silences him by using the Force to slam him into a wall, knocking him out. [36] Gleeson was cast in the movie in April 2014, just one day before appearing in a publicity photo of the cast doing a table read of the script. However, he was bested by his fellow captain in single combat and grievously wounded. In the end, his idealized view of the First Order was shattered by the actions of Hux and Phasma. Auch TIE/eo-Raumüberlegenheitsjäger sollten zur Unterstützung der Bodentruppen zum Einsatz kommen. Hux dealt with the radar technician. Hux asked if Ren thought he got him, but was startled when the smoke cleared to reveal Skywalker completely unharmed. Dieser hatte jedoch bereits Schritte gegen die Starkiller-Basis eingeleitet und begann nun einen Angriff auf die Superwaffe.[1]. [13] Hux likewise loathed his father and regarded Brendol as an "old bastard" whose death gave him a sense of relief. Hux persönliches Schiff war die Finalizer. He also proceeded to have the fleet pick off any and all escape ships one by one. He appears, in person, in the eleventh episode "Station to Station" of the season two of Star Wars Resistance and in hologram in the final of season two "The Escape" along with Kylo Ren. Following the Attack on Chandrila, Armitage and Brendol traveled to the planet Jakku, where remnants of the Imperial Military gathered to make a last stand. As a First Order officer, Enric Pryde was a calm yet highly intelligent and ruthless general. He was posted on the Star Destroyer Steadfast from 6 BBY. Beide lernten sich mit der Zeit kennen und schätzen und nahmen später hohe Positionen in der Ersten Ordnung ein. [1] Nach der Schlacht um die Starkiller-Basis trug Hux einen SE-44c Blaster, sowie ein Messer in seinem Stiefelschaft.
[12] Hux was fathered by Commandant Brendol Hux, though not with his father's wife Maratelle, but rather a kitchen woman, making Hux the commandant's bastard son. When he discovers that Ren has murdered Snoke, he initially protests Ren's claim to be the new Supreme Leader, but is swiftly persuaded otherwise when Ren uses the Force to choke him, proclaiming "Long live the Supreme Leader." [4] These forces later emerge as the First Order. The Resistance agents then completed their escape, rejoining Rey as she ended her latest duel with Ren, who had returned to the Steadfast after discovering she was aboard. TM & © Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Hux helps Poe, Rey, and Finn escape Ren's Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Steadfast and has Finn shoot him in the leg so he can feign an effort to stop them. Rotblond[1] [9] Hux sent his speech via hologram to the First Order's garrison at the Colossus station on Castilon. [40] He has also stated that Hux "would just like a little bit more order in the universe" and would do whatever it takes to achieve that order. Außerdem eröffnete Moradi Cardinal, dass der Widerstand durch das Hacken der Systeme der Ersten Ordnung herausgefunden hatte, dass Phasma für Brendols Tod verantwortlich gewesen sei.