Comme dans de très nombreuses villes d'Europe, une manifestation est organisée le samedi 29 août à Paris, 13h place de la Nation pour protester contre "le port du masque obligatoire, les violences sanitaires" et "protéger les droits et libertés" Page Facebook de l'évènement : https://www.facebo Tibetans and supporters from various Tibetan communities in Europe and NGOs walked with their banners from Trocadero to Mur De La Paix in Champs De Mars. “China calls His Holiness a demon but they are so bent on choosing the next Dalai Lama. The Tibetan PM said, « It was propitious to see the Tibetan flag flying so proudly in Paris. Former French Justice Minister Robert Batinder appreciated the Tibetans for standing by their principles of peace and non-violence in their movement under the leadership of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Certains n'étaient pas d'accord pour commencer le couvre-feu ! Comme dans de très nombreuses villes d’Europe, une manifestation est organisée le samedi 29 août à Paris, 13h place de la Nation pour protester contre “le port du masque obligatoire, les violences sanitaires” et “protéger les droits et libertés” It is impossible for a Dalai Lama to be born in a country where freedom is trampled upon”, said Sangay. « We decided to come together to Paris, the city where the words liberty, fraternity and equality have real meaning and a very strong resonance at a critical time for Tibet, » said Mr Gyatso. The marchers shouted slogans demanding freedom in Tibet and asking China to engage in dialogue with the Tibetan side. Ce samedi 17 octobre, plusieurs milliers de manifestants ont défilé à Paris avec les sans-papiers pour demander au gouvernement une vague de régularisations. Manifestation des Gilets jaunes à Paris : le parcours prévu, pas d'interdiction Les Gilets jaunes souhaitent manifester dans le sud de Paris, samedi 26 septembre 2020. The Harvard educated PM also said that the environmental destruction in Tibet has direct impact on the climate of the entire world and that Tibet being the ‘third pole’ must be protected. Elle a été interdite par la Préfecture de police. I Am determined that one day it will fly on the Potala in presence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama ». A declaration, Wangpo Tethong, member of Tibetan parliament for Europe, said was presented to the public at the gathering. Accueil / Actions / PARIS, samedi 14 mars 2015 Grande Manifestation Européenne à Paris. PARIS, samedi 14 mars 2015 Grande Manifestation Européenne à Paris, La recherche d’un chez-soi : pourquoi les Tibétains quittent l’Inde. Samedi 17 octobre, vers 21 heures, des dizaines de personnes ont manifesté dans Paris contre le couvre-feu. He also said that the gathering was decided upon during several meetings among the various communities since October 2014. Quelques centaines de manifestants se sont ainsi réunis en … Manifestations Paris aujourd'hui. Paris. Phayul Photo: Norbu Wangyal Sangay also reiterated his government’s firm commitment to the Middle Way Approach to resolve the issue of Tibet, which he said was strategically very important for the rest of the world. Phayul Photo: Norbu Wangyal », Wangpo Tethong, member of Tibetan parliament for Europe said: “This initiative is born out of our shared desire to see European Governments united for Tibet. Manifestations à Paris ce samedi : 158 personnes placées en garde à vue. With the situation in occupied Tibet remaining so serious, we need to see renewed political support for our people from principled democracies across Europe.”. de quoi se poser des questions…. They should search for reincarnations of Mao, Deng Xiao Ping, and Chou En Lai. Quid de nos importations ? The former French Minister of Justice Mr Robert Badinter, Vice President of the German Bundestag, Ms Claudia Roth, and former Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Karel Schwarzenberg, are the first signatories of the Paris Declaration. Thupten Gyatso, the president of the Tibetan Community of Paris, said that one of the main objectives for the Tibetan communities of 14 European Countries to jointly organize the rally was to remind China of the opportunity before it to resolve the issue of Tibet through meaningful dialogue. The Tibetan Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay walked alongside Robert Batinder, former Justice Minister of France, Thupten Wangchen and Tenzin Wangpo, Tibetan MPs for Europe, Matteo Meccaci, the Director of International Campaign for Tibet, and representatives of the various Tibetan Communities who have collaboratively organized the march. He assured the Tibetan movement based fundamentally on peaceful and non-violent ideals will surely bear fruit one day. Lundi - Mardi - Mercredi - Jeudi - Vendredi - Samedi - Dimanche. WUHAN/VIRUS COVID-19 : Quid des Routes de la Soie ? Informations pratiques pour les manifestations, rassemblements et grèves à Paris: trajets, parcours, tracts... mis à jour quotidiennement. Première manifestation anti-masques à Paris ce samedi, place de la Nation.