[148], Various other minor party and independent candidate campaigns are on the ballot in several states, among them activist and writer Gloria La Riva,[149] businessman and perennial candidate Rocky De La Fuente,[150] coal executive Don Blankenship,[151] entrepreneur Brock Pierce,[152] rapper Kanye West,[153] and educator Brian Carroll.

Election américaine 2020 : Analyses, programmes, suivi de campagne...toute l'actualité sur l'élection présidentielle américaine du 3 novembre 2020 qui opposera Donald Trump à Joe Biden. African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and other ethnic minorities, as well as "whites with a college degree", are expected to all increase their percentage of national eligible voters by 2020, while "whites without a college degree" will decrease. Former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee, has an average polling lead of 8.0 percentage points over incumbent President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee. Une fois de plus, Donald Trump a écarté l'enjeu du Covid-19 pour ce scrutin, sujet mineur selon lui, préférant vanter son bilan économique.

Alors en 2020, il est tout à fait possible qu'il faille attendre quelques jours, voire quelques semaines, pour avoir le résultat définitif de l'élection et connaître l'identité du futur président des Etats-Unis.

Le président sortant doit rejoindre Tampa, mais avant cela, depuis son golfe de Doral, il a mis en avant la publication du chiffre de la croissance américaine, qui a atteint 33,1% en rythme annualisé. Who Cares? Election Day is November 3, 2020. [13] Implementation of RCV could potentially delay the projection of the winner(s) of Maine's electoral votes for days after election day[14] and may complicate interpretation of the national popular vote.

Les élections présidentielles américaines sont organisées mardi 3 novembre 2020. Conscient de l'importance du vote de la Floride, où les deux candidats sont au coude-à-coude dans les sondages, le démocrate a déclaré que "le cœur et l'âme du pays" étaient "en jeu" ici. In August 2020, a federal judge ordered Trump's campaign and the Republican Party to produce evidence of such fraud in Pennsylvania. Entre le 17 et le 20 août s'est tenue la Convention nationale démocrate, événement traditionnel se tenant quelques mois avant les élections et censé poser les bases de la candidature du parti.

Le candidat démocrate, qui se déplace habituellement assez peu en une journée, va enchaîner l'Iowa, le Minnesota et le Wisconsin, trois Etats importants pour l'élection. [46][47], Former Illinois representative Joe Walsh launched a primary challenge on August 25, 2019, saying, "I'm going to do whatever I can. ", "What could happen if Donald Trump rejects electoral defeat? A l'inverse des démocrates, les républicains ont choisi d'organiser l'événement en "présentiel", avec plusieurs personnalités ayant prononcé un discours sur scène, devant du public, certes en nombre très restreint. [233], During the election, multiple articles have been published suggesting that Trump may not, or will not, accept the election results, owing primarily to his tweets suggesting that the election will be rigged against him and his own suggestions that he will not accept electoral defeat. Trump and his campaign have strongly opposed mail-in-voting, claiming that it would cause widespread voter fraud, a belief which has been debunked by a number of media organizations.

See the latest in Trump-Biden polling around the country, Plan your vote: A state-by-state guide to casting your ballot, 'American fiasco': House coronavirus oversight report rips Trump admin's pandemic response, In a first, ICE agents are poised to respond to potential Election Day unrest, Marc Anthony slams Trump in new ad: 'Vote him out'. Election présidentielle américaine 2020 : qui sont les candidats ? Ce jeudi, Donald Trump et Joe Biden se déplacent tous les deux en Floride, Etat-clé par excellence et donc décisif pour la course à l'élection. ", "Trump campaign touts Republican rule changes aimed at unified 2020 convention", "Republicans Quietly Rigging 2020 Nominating Contest for Trump", "RNC pledges undivided support for Trump re-election; state leaders consider canceling caucuses", "Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses as Trump challengers cry foul", "GOP plans to drop presidential primaries in four states to impede Trump challengers", "GOP considers canceling at least three GOP primaries and caucuses, Trump challengers outraged", "Hawaii GOP cancels presidential preference poll, commits delegates to Trump", "New York cancels Republican primary after Trump only candidate to qualify", "Massachusetts Republicans move to protect Trump in 2020 primary", "McCain: Republicans 'see weakness' in Trump", "Republican Shadow Campaign for 2020 Takes Shape as Trump Doubts Grow", "Sen. Susan Collins not sure Trump will be 2020 GOP nominee", "Trump May Not Seek Re-election: Rand Paul, Chris Christie", "Sen. Jeff Flake: Trump 'inviting' 2020 primary challenge by how he's governing", "Roger Stone says Trump may not run in 2020, pledges to line up challenger to Pence-Haley ticket", "Bill Weld officially announces he is challenging Trump for GOP nomination in 2020", "Bill Weld Officially Targets Trump With Long-Shot Primary Challenge", "Roque 'Rocky' De La Fuente is running for U.S. president — again", "Who is Rocky De La Fuente? However, Trump refused to participate in a virtual debate, and the commission subsequently announced that the debate had been cancelled. [181] The 11th Democratic debate was held on March 15 without an audience at the CNN studios in Washington, D.C.[182] Several states also postponed their primaries to a later date, including Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Ohio, and Maryland. Find the latest news, photos and videos from the 2020 United States presidential election. [310][311][312], The Free & Equal Elections Foundation held two debates with minor party and independent candidates, one on October 8, 2020, in Denver, Colorado,[317] and another on October 24, 2020, in Cheyenne, Wyoming.[318].

[195], On June 20, 2020, despite continuing concerns over COVID-19,[196] the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled that Trump's campaign could hold a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma at the Bank of Oklahoma (BOK) Center. Deux candidats s'opposent : le démocrate... Un prêtre attaqué à Lyon - Voir les actualités, "Elections américaines 2020 : les dernières infos, les résultats des sondages", Lire aussi sur la présidentielle américaine, Elections américaines 2020 : les dernières infos, les résultats des sondages. Obama had a coalition. If elected and inaugurated, Harris would be the second person of color to be vice-president (after Herbert Hoover's vice president Charles Curtis),[85] as well as the first woman, first African-American, and first Asian-American vice president of the United States. Trump officials end gray wolf protections across most of U.S. "[49] On September 8, 2019, former South Carolina governor and representative Mark Sanford officially announced that he would be another Republican primary challenger to Trump. [179][180] On March 12, President Trump also stated his intent to postpone further campaign rallies. The 2020 United States presidential election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Le vice-président Mike Pence était vendredi dans l'Arizona, tandis que la colistière de Joe Biden, la sénatrice Kamala Harris, faisait campagne au Texas avant de se rendre samedi en Floride. [279][280], The 2020 election has been noted for the number of legal cases related to it, with several hundred cases related to the election being filed. The presidential nominee typically chooses a vice presidential running mate to form that party's ticket, who is then ratified by the delegates at the party's convention (with the exception of the Libertarian Party, which nominates its vice-presidential candidate by delegate vote regardless of the presidential nominee's preference). [197] Attendance at the rally was far lower than expected, being described as a "flop", with it leading to a significant worsening of relations between Trump and his campaign manager Brad Parscale. Le projet Qc125.com est un modèle statistique de projection électorale basé sur les tendances électorales, l'évolution démographique et les sondages politiques. [291][292], One exchange that was particularly noted was when President Trump did not directly denounce the white supremacist and neo-fascist group Proud Boys, which explicitly engages in political violence, instead responding that they should "stand back and stand by". [266] In October 2020, when nearly 50,000 voters in Franklin County, Ohio received incorrect absentee ballots in the mail, Trump claimed that “a rigged election” was happening in the state, a claim criticised by media outlets. He said he would reinstate overtime hours, roll back service reductions, and halt the removal of mail-sorting machines and collection boxes. Considered a referendum on the Trump presidency, the major two-party candidates are Republican incumbent President Donald Trump and Democratic former Vice President Joe Biden. Donald Trump a publié sur Twitter une petite vidéo dans laquelle il appelle à voter pour lui afin d'éviter l'augmentation des impôts que provoquera, selon lui, l'élection de Joe Biden. Meeting and vote of electors", "With Nothing Else Working, Trump Races to Make a New Supreme Court Justice the Issue", "How Amy Coney Barrett Would Reshape the Court — And the Country", "Supreme Court Vacancy Makes Health Care Leading Issue in 2020 Elections", "US election 2020: What the results will mean for climate change", "There's A Lot At Stake For The Climate In The 2020 Election", "US Election guide: how does the election work?

2 in Vice-Presidential Ratings, With 58 Million TV Viewers", "Stark contrast between Trump and Biden on display in dueling town halls", "TV Ratings: Final Trump-Biden Debate Down 10 Million Viewers From First", "2016 State PVI Changes – Decision Desk HQ", "2020 Presidential Election Interactive Map", "2020 Electoral Map Ratings: Trump Slides, Biden Advantage Expands Over 270 Votes", "Biden continues to lead in our latest battleground map", "As Trump stumbles, voters finalize their choices, and Biden's lead grows", "The Crowded, Competitive World of Anti-Trump G.O.P. Dates A l'image de la campagne, la Floride va donc accueillir deux visions du Covid-19 : si Donald Trump va organiser un meeting classique, Joe Biden continue à se soumettre aux "drive-in", lors desquelles les sympathisants démocrates assistent à la prise de parole de leur candidat depuis leurs voitures. The Hispanic likely voter population has increased by approximately 600,000 since the 2016 election. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. Market data provided by Factset. "[40][41] Senator Jeff Flake claimed in 2017 that Trump was "inviting" a primary challenger by the way he was governing.