Si par contre tu vibres l'abondance, tu pars sur une base saine pour pouvoir faire ta demande. The Secret To Law of Attraction and How It Really Works . 0:00 – Introduction. According to Abraham-Hicks, if you focus on a thought for only 17 seconds, divine energies start working on the idea. And how it will help you in manifestation using the Law of Attraction. Here's all you need to know about the Tesla Code 369 manifestation method! Learn the step-by-step process on How to use 369 Method (Nikola Tesla Secret Code 369) to manifest anything you want. 0:50 – How to use 369 Method: Nikola Tesla’s Secret Code La loi de l'attraction, elle n'attire pas ce que tu veux, elle attire d'abord ce que tu vibres. How to use the 3-6-9 manifestation method: According to Kegley, this is how the 3-6-9 manifestation technique works: 1. Calmez vos pensées, posez-vous dans un lieu calme et adoptez une attitude positive pour pratiquer l’une des techniques de la loi de l’attraction : la méthode du bol vide. Ensuite, commencez à respirer. A genoux, mettez vos mains sur vos genoux, les paumes ouvertes et tournées vers le ciel, respirez lentement et profondément. The newest trend to sweep through TikTok is the 369 Manifestation Method, which helps users claim has helped make their dreams and aspirations a reality. I will show you step by step how 369 Tesla Code manifested $10,165.46 for me, and how you can use 3 6 9 in everyday life! I'll also cover how to manifest anything you want in 17 seconds while leveraging he Nikola Tesla secret divine codes 3 6 9. Pick 3 affirmations that you want. Souviens-toi toujours de ça, c'est ça le truc à comprendre dès le départ. How does 369 method work? Hold it for 68 seconds, and the “manifestation” shall begin. The creator of the 369 Manifestation method, Karin Yee, has combined Tesla’s philosophy with Abraham-Hicks’ 17 seconds-rule. La technique.