Tourisme Cantons-de-l’Est est l’association d’entreprises touristiques (ATR) qui représente l’industrie auprès des différentes instances. Elles étaient plus précisément devant les bureaux du ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Habitation pour présenter une lettre signée par 50 élu.e.s et ex-élu.e.s à la ministre Andrée Laforest pour demander l’encadrement des séances de travail à huis clos. However, we are seeking transparency, presumably at all times in this chamber, so this is a good opportunity for him to participate in this transparency. Il s’agit plutôt d’une façon pour les élu.e.s d’éviter de dévoiler publiquement leur positionnement dans un débat public menant parfois à des décisions controversées, ce qui a transformé les séances des conseils municipaux en sorte de pièces de théâtre répétées à l’avance.

Bill C-5 gives the minister some very important additional discretionary power. I want to begin by stating that my deepest desire is to see an environment that promotes safety everywhere in Canada so that all Canadians can be safe no matter where they are. Ms. DesRosiers was the dean of the faculty of law and she is speaking on behalf of the Civil Liberties Association about Bill C-59, which preceded the current Bill C-5 before the unnecessary prorogation of last December: Even if some Canadians believe that Ministers in Canada would never make decisions based on such sordid grounds as political contributions, there is the appearance that they may. It is already very difficult for a judge to set aside a minister's decision. Bill C-5 is part of the Conservative government's extreme law and order agenda.
This is not a government site.

It is probably out of respect for culture—the Conservative culture of deceit, of course. This list includes everything but the kitchen sink.

Évelyne Beaudin, Virginie Proulx, ainsi qu’une quarantaine d’autres élu.e.s et ex-élu.e.s souhaitent que la ministre des Affaires municipales et de l’Habitation, Andrée Laforest, agisse dès maintenant pour mettre en œuvre une importante recommandation de la Commission Charbonneau, la recommandation 51, soit celle d’« adopter des dispositions limitant les exceptions au caractère public des délibérations des élus municipaux du Québec, en s’inspirant des articles 239 et 239.1 de la Loi de 2001 sur les municipalités de l’Ontario. (b) whether, in the Minister’s opinion, the offender’s return to Canada will endanger public safety, including. La ministre discute avec des participants de sa consultation/Crédit photo: Tourisme Cantons-de-l’Est, « Ce fut un réel plaisir d’accueillir madame la ministre Caroline Proulx », de souligner Jean-Michel Ryan, président de Tourisme Cantons-de-l’Est. (iii) the safety of any child, in the case of an offender who has been convicted of a sexual offence involving a child; (c) whether, in the Minister’s opinion, the offender is likely to continue to engage in criminal activity after the transfer;... (h) whether the offender has refused to participate in a rehabilitation or reintegration program; (i) whether the offender has accepted responsibility for the offence for which they have been convicted, including by acknowledging the harm done to victims and to the community; (j) the manner in which the offender will be supervised, after the transfer, while they are serving their sentence; (k) whether the offender has cooperated, or has undertaken to cooperate, with a law enforcement agency; or. It is a very significant power to put in the hands of a single person, especially when we know that the current government is a government of law and order whatever the cost. The question is very simple. Chaque signataire de la lettre essaiera de faire adopte rune résolution par son conseil. The bill does not say that the minister does or shall consider these factors, but that he may consider them.
422 talking about this. Mesdames Proulx et Beaudin ont aussi l’intention de présenter une résolution dans leur conseil municipal respectif afin que les élu.e.s puissent se prononcer publiquement sur la démarche. I think that if we add this new objective and give the minister discretionary powers with respect to factors he may take into consideration, the minister will be able to use public safety as grounds to deny as many requests for the transfer of Canadians incarcerated abroad as possible, thereby undermining all of the other objectives of the Act.

Prior to this, the notion of public safety was, in practice, limited to terrorist threats and threats of war against Canada or against the general population.

La transparence dans le monde municipal n’est plus une option, elle est urgente et nécessaire. Ils ne sont permis que pour certaines exceptions qui concernent par exemple les ressources humaines, les litiges ou encore les possibles acquisitions ou ventes de terrains par une municipalité. Who in the government wrote “From Rahim, submit to department” on his application for a $20 million grant? Madame Johanne Proulx Centre de services scolaire des Sommets. Taking into consideration the intention of transparency that this House has, it would just be the proper thing for the minister to do. Mr. Speaker, for two weeks, the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities has been saying that Rahim Jaffer never talked to him about his submissions. Instead of negotiating in good faith, as they promised to do, they are slipping in changes to their conditions and abandoning Quebec's taxpayers. Why is he once again choosing to play politics at Quebeckers' expense?

Cette dernière rappelle aussi ceci : « Nous savons depuis longtemps que les délibérations en comité plénier à huis clos sont problématiques. Députée de Berthier et Ministre du Tourisme du Québec Madam Speaker, today I rise to share my thoughts on Bill C-5, An Act to amend the International Transfer of Offenders Act, with my colleagues. Les sujets discutés par groupes de travail furent variés; il a été notamment question d’accueil, de main-d’œuvre, de transport, d’innovation, d’entrepreneuriat, etc.

Les travaux seront complétés le printemps prochain, mais ne perturbent pas les activités du commerce au quotidien. Il est aussi rassurant d’entendre Madame Proulx mentionner que le Québec est déjà une destination de calibre international et que nous devons être plus innovateurs et compétitifs pour obtenir notre juste part de « l’assiette » touristique mondiale.

Lost his last election, in 2011, with 20% of the vote.

Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for explaining that the minister was not quoting from any document.

I would like to read an excerpt from an article by Nathalie DesRosiers, professor of law at the University of Ottawa. La conseillère municipale du district du Bic, à Rimouski, Virginie Proulx, transporte son litige avec les autres membres du conseil municipal sur le terrain provincial. Centre de services scolaire des Sommets.

(i) the safety of any person in Canada who is a victim, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, of an offence committed by the offender, (ii) the safety of any member of the offender’s family, in the case of an offender who has been convicted of an offence against a family member, or. Elle laisse dans le deuil sa fille Manon Boisclair (Yves Gagnon), son fils Jean-Marc Boisclair et son épouse Jeannelle Thériault, ses petites-filles Suzy, Andréanne, Fanny et Maude, ses beaux-frères et belles-soeurs ainsi que parents et … Mr. Speaker, since my presentation on this young resident could take several minutes, I suppose we should stop now so that you can proceed—. Keeping Canadians Safe (International Transfer of Offenders) Act April 22nd, 2010. The Conservatives' culture of deceit simply could not tolerate these people doing their jobs. See who you know in common; Get … When the public no longer knows how the government will handle requests, it may lose confidence in a system that is neither fair nor transparent.